Has Trump felt his end?

As with the trouble in H.K., the Uighur genocide has been manufactured by the US and the UK.

In reality it's China attempting to deal with Islamic terrorism.

After America's track record on wars of aggression, do you really think you can complain about any other country?

As the Saudis have informed America, the same rules apply to all on human rights.
I wonder if Donald Duck H the Canadian Fuck could possibly be more of a Putin Xi little red dick gobbler? Sure duck. Close your eyes really really tight! Stick your fingers in your ears and screech out “la la la I can’t hear you and I can’t see you!”

The genocidal behavior of communist China against the Uighers is well known and fully established. And I hate to have to break the news to a mental Pygmy like you, but it happens NOT to be true that all Islamics are terrorists. You, however, are a disgraceful human being.
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it's all absolute nonsense. We look at the facts and not what is considered "legal". He signed peace with the Taliban, and he made the Mexicans nightmare. Real Republicans have always supported the Mexicans and encouraged their influx. Almost all of his policies are anti-republican. In particular, he licks the ass of queers and Europeans. Reagan kept Europe and the USSR under his boot.
I won't discuss this nonsense at all. This is absolute nonsense.
I wouldn't want to discuss it either if I posted complete BS, got called on it & then went on a TDS fueled gaslighting rant based on really strong feelings.
You wouldn't recognize the truth if is bitch-slapped you across the face.
You're a joke :rolleyes:
The genocidal behavior of communist China against the Uighers is well known and fully established
And the logic of the extermination of the Uighurs is clear: communists act together with the Taliban, who are destroying the Khazarians. This is the Great Turkestan, which was destroyed by the left and shattered into pieces in order to destroy its peoples.
This genocide has been going on for more than 100 years, it began under the Manchus. Mao destroyed millions.
And the logic of the extermination of the Uighurs is clear: they act together with the Taliban, who are destroying the Khazarians. This is the Great Turkestan, which was destroyed by the left and shattered into pieces in order to destroy its peoples.
This genocide has been going on for more than 100 years, it began under the Manchus. Mao destroyed millions.
It sounds like you accept the genocidal behavior as being “justified.” I hope I’m just misreading or misinterpreting your post.
I wouldn't want to discuss it either if I posted complete BS, got called on it & then went on a TDS fueled gaslighting rant based on really strong feelings.
You wouldn't recognize the truth if is bitch-slapped you across the face.
You're a joke :rolleyes:
You just have a weak IQ, you don't know how to generalize. The cornerstone of right-wing politics is cooperation with South America against Europe. That is why Trump started directly with a confrontation with South America.
Socialism or 'socially' responsible government, is the enemy of fascism. Nobody but Americans imagine communism as a threat from any country in the world.

China especially doesn't threaten aggression but they do demand respect and peace, as is their nature.
They view the period of 100 years, up to Chairman Mao's time as the 100 lost years, due to the horrifying aggression against the Chinese people. They are now determined that it can't happen again. It's their brand of communism that is no threat to any of the world's countries.

China's path forward is worth learning about, on hos it differs from American attitudes.
I am so glad you live in Canada for all the obvious reasons. Let the government be your nanny, not mine.
For a clearer understanding of China. This is promoting the American way but at the same time serving a purpose of helping Americans to understand China much better.
You just have a weak IQ, you don't know how to generalize. The cornerstone of right-wing politics is cooperation with South America against Europe. That is why Trump started directly with a confrontation with South America.
Please show us examples of that.
I am so glad you live in Canada for all the obvious reasons. Let the government be your nanny, not mine.
You make a valid point on how Canadians are more accepting of government. We rely on our democratically elected government for fulfilling the voters' mandate.

What can we possibly say on America when the question still hasn't been answered on whether the election was stolen from Trump.

When that question is finally answered and settled, we'll once again have a lot to say!

See the video I posted in #28. It touches directly on an explanation of America's way.
You just have a weak IQ, you don't know how to generalize. The cornerstone of right-wing politics is cooperation with South America against Europe. That is why Trump started directly with a confrontation with South America.
Anytime you want to match wits with me Rupaul, you just give the word.
You have nothing but TDS & no facts.
Fragile emotions always crumble when asked for facts because you have none.
At what cost?
At what cost compared to the existing situation in America of the possibly stolen election and the consequences if the decision on it goes the wrong way for on angry side or the other?

Canada quite successfully avoided a similar situation by dealing the the trucker protests in a way that prevented lawlessness from gaining a hold on our country.

I'm happy to discuss nearly any issue with you but I have to know that you are interested in contributing to the conversation.

At what cost you ask?
Are you honestly asking for my opinion? If so then I've told you how we've avoided the 'cost' that America might pay, depending one which side is defeated and banished.
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How? Let's have some real answers.
You can have a look at my reply #30 for an explanation of the possible consequences of Trump's behaviour.

If the decision on the election being stolen goes against him, the violence has been promised repeatedly.

If the decision goes for him then democracy will have been defeated.

These two possibilities also pertain to Trump's perceived fortunes in the 22 election on account of it spelling out his future even though he's not directly involved.

A discussion with you is conditional on your appropriate behaviour.
You can have a look at my reply #30 for an explanation of the possible consequences of Trump's behaviour.

If the decision on the election being stolen goes against him, the violence has been promised repeatedly.

If the decision goes for him then democracy will have been defeated.

These two possibilities also pertain to Trump's perceived fortunes in the 22 election on account of it spelling out his future even though he's not directly involved.

A discussion with you is conditional on your appropriate behaviour.
Trump supporters are not violent. Challenging an election protects democracy. I am sorry I asked, you are just a nitwit.
Anytime you want to match wits with me Rupaul, you just give the word.
You have nothing but TDS & no facts.
Fragile emotions always crumble when asked for facts because you have none.
Next time, I will spend hours giving facts not only to Internet jerks, but to every dog that barks loudly, because my time is worth nothing and I have a lot of it.
Next time, I will spend hours giving facts not only to Internet jerks, but to every dog that barks loudly, because my time is worth nothing and I have a lot of it.
And once again you provide no facts because you have none. But you sure have strong feelings, don't ya Rupaul?

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