Has USMB changed your mind m? Ever?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I had my mind changed twice since joining USMB.

1) I was neutral on the 2nd amendment. My thoughts were it was written when guns were primitive and not as lethal. More research and conversations here showed me that responsible gun owners and gun ownership prevents more deaths than they cause.

2) I was pro choice for men and women. I believed Men should be able to walk away if they don’t want the kid but sign away all parental rights. Conversations convinced me that’s abandonment and life isn’t always fair. Women get more rights when it comes to birthing and such.

That is all thus far. How about the rest of you?
Not really.

Only thing I've changed my mind about is that my skillset is better put to use in a functional activist environment rather than in the wild.

I will admit that I used to believe that admitted left-wing statists were more intellectually honest in their intentions versus intellectually dishonest right-wing statists who were not honest about their intentions.

I've since changed my mind about that. They're all the same and should logically be lumped together.
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Um, no but maybe. But another board (AOL chat boards back in 2008) I was so convinced Obama was Muslim until some moderate posters convinced me of my mistake. Moderators and moderation. Moderation key word here. UM, NOW we have liberals convinced of Trump and Russian collusion or systemic racism. No moderation there. Its just blank accusations without proof...Liberals hate proof.
I used to be far more accepting. I have had very close friends that were black. I have a black nephew.. My dog's Godfather is gay. This site has taken off those blinders. I have learned to appreciate the Muslim practice of throwing gays and lesbians off rooftops. Blacks have become so obnoxious and insufferable that they have completely changed my mind about abortion.

Most of all, I now recognize that democrats have become completely communist. They should no longer have any voice in this country.
I thought that we could change the government, and start the process of reclaiming our government from two corrupt parties. I thought that free speech would be demanded from both the government and platforms we use.

If these forums are a judge... *laughs*
I had my mind changed twice since joining USMB.

1) I was neutral on the 2nd amendment. My thoughts were it was written when guns were primitive and not as lethal. More research and conversations here showed me that responsible gun owners and gun ownership prevents more deaths than they cause.

2) I was pro choice for men and women. I believed Men should be able to walk away if they don’t want the kid but sign away all parental rights. Conversations convinced me that’s abandonment and life isn’t always fair. Women get more rights when it comes to birthing and such.

That is all thus far. How about the rest of you?

I've changed my mind a couple of times, the person(s) making their points was convincing and thorough.

I will refrain from naming them so as to not further inflate any pre-existing ego.
Unfortunately I watched a liberal quoting everything we conservatives say and our bullet points. Um reminded me of a parrot. A parrot can repeat things, it doesn't understand what is says. It just repeats it.
I had my mind changed twice since joining USMB.

That is all thus far. How about the rest of you?

I used to be a lot more conservative, but the liberals on the forum make more sense. Especially when watching how the two sides see Trump.

Conservatives worship him like a GOD, and liberals look at him like a fool.
USMB has changed my mind on liberals. I used to think some of them were actually logic-based people who just had differing opinions from me. Now I think they are all useful idiots for the marxist movement.
Todays conservatives remind me more of Vladimir Putin than George Washington.
When poster Trans Lives Matter admitted here that all the trans have always known Michelle was really Michael, it changed my mind. I thought all trans were all liars all the time. We now have one data point refuting that....
I abandoned Democrats and liberalism years ago. They dictate, not listen to ALL of us. A representative Democracy or a Democratic republic doesn't bash whites or censor those that disagrees with them.
Not changed my mind but I learned since being at USMB :thup:
I agree...

I can't say anything changed in my mind, but I have learned a lot. I no longer believe the GOP is anything but paid token opposition to the global collectivist elites rather than a political party that values the constitution and individual rights.

I guess I did change my mind on abortion. I used to be radically opposed to it, but after observing the utter mindlessness of sniveling leftwing drones I'm convinced they should have been aborted since they were not swallowed.

Um, no but maybe. But another board (AOL chat boards back in 2008) I was so convinced Obama was Muslim until some moderate posters convinced me of my mistake. Moderators and moderation. Moderation key word here. UM, NOW we have liberals convinced of Trump and Russian collusion or systemic racism. No moderation there. Its just blank accusations without proof...Liberals hate proof.
If you don't think there's systematic racism, you haven't read the constitution. Not the current version, but the original one. Where blacks and indians weren't even people. And constitutional rights only belonged to a subset of citizens.
I had my mind changed twice since joining USMB.

1) I was neutral on the 2nd amendment. My thoughts were it was written when guns were primitive and not as lethal. More research and conversations here showed me that responsible gun owners and gun ownership prevents more deaths than they cause.

2) I was pro choice for men and women. I believed Men should be able to walk away if they don’t want the kid but sign away all parental rights. Conversations convinced me that’s abandonment and life isn’t always fair. Women get more rights when it comes to birthing and such.

That is all thus far. How about the rest of you?
I have changed my stance on racism. I think blacks are just as racist they just aren’t in power.

I now understand raising minimum wage screws the rest of us who make more than minimum wage and causes inflation.

I used to think we could take back this country from the rich who control us but after trump I see we are doomed. Dumb and doomed. I blame reality and podcasts. And religion. So if you can’t beat them, join them.

I used to think the debt mattered.

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