Hate group marching through the streets of NYC

a lot of African Americans, Arabs, Russians, and dems have had long standing hate towards Jews…i’ve never really understood it
Anti-semitism is a big problem in the black community.

It’s especially bad among black conservatives.

Which makes it strange how the right tried to cover up Kanye’s antisemitism.
lol so it was 'black conservatives' who threw a riot over 'Jews With Ambulances' in wonderful liberal NYC? Fascinating. Is Jesse Jackson a 'black conservative'?
lol so it was 'black conservatives' who threw a riot over 'Jews With Ambulances' in wonderful liberal NYC? Fascinating. Is Jesse Jackson a 'black conservative'?
Conservatives keep telling me about how many black people are coming over to their side.

Conservatives are more antisemitic than liberals.

Blacks are more antisemitic than whites.

Black conservatives are the most antisemitic.
Conservatives keep telling me about how many black people are coming over to their side.

Conservatives are more antisemitic than liberals.

Blacks are more antisemitic than whites.

Black conservatives are the most antisemitic.
i guess you need some sort of excuse to explain why african americans are leaving your party
Antisemitism is a dirty little secret on the right.
haha says the party of the klan…how’s that national socialism working out for you?

Remind me what party was Wilson in? Remind me who was in office and turned away jewish refugees fleeing national socialism?

the first jew in a leadership position in the house…was a member of the GoP

the demafasict pal around with folks like Louis Frarrakan
haha says the party of the klan…how’s that national socialism working out for you?

Remind me what party was Wilson in? Remind me who was in office and turned away jewish refugees fleeing national socialism?

the first jew in a leadership position in the house…was a member of the GoP

the demafasict pal around with folks like Louis Frarrakan
Lewis Charles Levin was the first Jew elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the American Party candidate from Pennsylvania in 1844.

Remind me what party Jesse Helms was in.
Lewis Charles Levin was the first Jew elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the American Party candidate from Pennsylvania in 1844.

Remind me what party Jesse Helms was in.
the first jew in a leadership position was Eric Cantor

Helms was never in the House and is long dead…meanwhile Lewis Farraknan is a live and a friend of rhe dem party…they lavish him with praise…current and alive dems…obama, mad max…this is your current reality…not just your demaklan history
haha says the party of the klan…how’s that national socialism working out for you?

Remind me what party was Wilson in? Remind me who was in office and turned away jewish refugees fleeing national socialism?

the first jew in a leadership position in the house…was a member of the GoP

the demafasict pal around with folks like Louis Frarrakan
Please, try to stick to data from the last century. You're only showing your own weakness by bringing up Woodrow Wilson. If you had more relevant things to point to, you would do so.
America is getting stranger and more dangerous by the minute.
Oh, yes!

Many Americans do not expect the United States of America to exist that much longer.

They expect this unique nation to eventually implode sometime in the next century.

We all have our opinions as to why this nation is on course to dissolve as it is currently configured.

Of course, I also have my opinion, but I shan't mention it, for it is too hurtful. (But many other people probably share the same opinion.)
haha says the party of the klan…how’s that national socialism working out for you?

Remind me what party was Wilson in? Remind me who was in office and turned away jewish refugees fleeing national socialism?

They were fleeing Hitler’s gas chambers, and the Democrat president wouldn’t let them in. Sent them right back into Hitler’s waiting arms.
the first jew in a leadership position in the house…was a member of the GoP

Didn‘t know that, but not surprising. The Dems are so fearful of being seen to be opposed to antisemitism, lest they anger their antisemitic Omar and Farrakhan worshipping base, that they refused to issue a resolution condemning antisemitism. Republicans were onboard to sign it.
the demafasict pal around with folks like Louis Frarrakan
Yup. The Democrat Black Caucus - supposedly black Democrats opposed to bigotry - invited Farrakhan to their meeting.
Please, try to stick to data from the last century. You're only showing your own weakness by bringing up Woodrow Wilson. If you had more relevant things to point to, you would do so.
obama and mad max praising and partying with louis farrankan
They were fleeing Hitler’s gas chambers, and the Democrat president wouldn’t let them in.

Didn‘t know that, but not surprising. The Dems are so fearful of being seen to be opposed to antisemitism, lest their anger their antisemitic Omar and Farrakhan worshipping base, that they refused to issue a resolution condemning antisemitism. Republicans were onboard to sign it.

Yup. The Democrat Black Caucus - supposedly black Democrats opposed to bigotry - invited Farrakhan to their meeting.
it was Eric Cantor
the first jew in a leadership position was Eric Cantor

Helms was never in the House and is long dead…meanwhile Lewis Farraknan is a live and a friend of rhe dem party…they lavish him with praise…current and alive dems…obama, mad max…this is your current reality…not just your demaklan history
Yup. And let’s not forget that the leader of the Women’s March - Tanika Mallory - was a big fan of Farrakhan’s. She was so antisemitic that she kicked the sole Jew off their Board.

How ironic - a leftist woman’s group all about civil rights, ousting a Jew for being Jewish.

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