Hate Mosque mocks the poor

A religious community with a Mosque that's been around for over 115 years is collecting food for the poor for the first time?
This Mosque which has been there since 1899 is now collecting food for the poor in the area. Even worse they have united the fans of Everton and Liverpool .
Liar. Save that disingenuous shit for your Muzzie boyfriends.
Reds and Blues team up with England's oldest mosque to help city food banks

Takes your breath away.

This Mosque which has been there since 1899 is now collecting food for the poor in the area. Even worse they have united the fans of Everton and Liverpool .

Cynical bastards. Why are they doing this when they should be busy being offended by Christmas ?

Well that changes everything. (thanks)

SHOCK POLL: Four in ten British Muslims want some aspect of Sharia Law enforced in UK

And since you're at it, I hear Hillary's team is currently looking for some hard-to-find anecdote about her that shows even an ounce of altruism she had for the American public. Maybe you can help there, too.
Learn to read you fucking cretin.

Mumin Khan, co-founder and CEO of the Abdullah Quilliam Society, said: “What is important about this mosque is that it started with charity. Abdullah Quilliam opened this mosque in 1899 and he started feeding the neighbourhood’s poor people.
In Islamic law-----the charitable support of non muslims is not accepted as "ZAKAT" which is the term in Arabic that muslims use for "charity". What can and cannot be ZAKAT has very practical implications since muslims are supposed to DONATE a fixed percentage of their assets every year. The money must go EXCLUSIVELY to muslim interests. As an example----a donation to an orphanage for
hindu children is NOT zakat and does not satisfy the OBLIGATORY zakat payments. The only exception is if a donation openly
ENHANCES the reputation of islam-------if feeding a starving Christian baby makes islam LOOK GOOD----it can be called "zakat"
In Islamic law-----the charitable support of non muslims is not accepted as "ZAKAT" which is the term in Arabic that muslims use for "charity". What can and cannot be ZAKAT has very practical implications since muslims are supposed to DONATE a fixed percentage of their assets every year. The money must go EXCLUSIVELY to muslim interests. As an example----a donation to an orphanage for
hindu children is NOT zakat and does not satisfy the OBLIGATORY zakat payments. The only exception is if a donation openly
ENHANCES the reputation of islam-------if feeding a starving Christian baby makes islam LOOK GOOD----it can be called "zakat"
They must be "bad muslims" then.
Muzzies have a long ways to go to catch the Christians in charity

Both religions, as well as Judaism are very big on charity. Charity is a cornerstone in all those faiths.

Well our outreach is one of the largest in our area and I've yet to see a Muslim outreach....ever. I see Sikhs, Jews, Protestants, Catholics...but I've yet to see a Muslim outfit
In Islamic law-----the charitable support of non muslims is not accepted as "ZAKAT" which is the term in Arabic that muslims use for "charity". What can and cannot be ZAKAT has very practical implications since muslims are supposed to DONATE a fixed percentage of their assets every year. The money must go EXCLUSIVELY to muslim interests. As an example----a donation to an orphanage for
hindu children is NOT zakat and does not satisfy the OBLIGATORY zakat payments. The only exception is if a donation openly
ENHANCES the reputation of islam-------if feeding a starving Christian baby makes islam LOOK GOOD----it can be called "zakat"
They must be "bad muslims" then.

depends----if the food pantry is designed for the benefit of MUSLIMS ONLY------it is ZAKAT If the food pantry is ADVERTISED as GOOD MUSLIM DEED FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND----it can be construed as benefitting islam. It should not be considered a CHRISTMAS gesture -----ie no candy canes and plum puddings to the Christian orphanage even if such a move would constitute positive propaganda for islam because a candy cane is a <gasp> recognition of the disgusting Christian holiday----Christmas.....lousy stinking "shirk"

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