Haters Unite!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
I don't fear lima beans but I do hate em.........
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.
All emotions have a purpose.

For example, fear keeps us alive, like not jumping off tall buildings or sticking our head in a fan, but if misapplied it can cripple us.

Hate is no different. For example, anyone walking through the death camps of Nazi Germany should have hate in their heart for what was done. Hating such actions is key to keeping us humane.
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
I don't fear lima beans but I do hate em.........
I happen to like lima beans. They're getting hard to find in the stores though and I dont know why. You can't make succotash without lima beans. Maybe if you tried succotash you'd learn to like lima beans.
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
I don't fear lima beans but I do hate em.........
I happen to like lima beans. They're getting hard to find in the stores though and I dont know why. You can't make succotash without lima beans. Maybe if you tried succotash you'd learn to like lima beans.
I was forced to eat succotash all too frequently as a kid thank you........... Just like I was forced to eat liver........ Tell ya what, you can have all of my lima beans......, and the liver also. :thup:
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
I don't fear lima beans but I do hate em.........
I happen to like lima beans. They're getting hard to find in the stores though and I dont know why. You can't make succotash without lima beans. Maybe if you tried succotash you'd learn to like lima beans.
I was forced to eat succotash all too frequently as a kid thank you........... Just like I was forced to eat liver........ Tell ya what, you can have all of my lima beans......, and the liver also. :thup:
Your liver is worth a lot on the organ market, so thanks!
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ------- dumb ass.
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ------- dumb ass.

I never hold back...that’s what spinless pussies do..Leftists thrive when good people “hold back”.
I should tell you...I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists. Put that shit in lights. Hey Mac1958 can you add this quote to your list of ‘scary’ posts please? Here it is again, just copy and paste this please...
”I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists.” CREDIT- BrokeLoser
Thanks in advance.
I should tell you...I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists. Put that shit in lights. Hey Mac1958 can you add this quote to your list of ‘scary’ posts please?
Aw, hell, there are too many to choose from. Plus, I only use one quote per ignorant bigot.

I'll just watch you marinate in your paranoia and misery.

But thanks for asking! :)
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ------- dumb ass.

I never hold back...that’s what spinless pussies do..Leftists thrive when good people “hold back”.
I should tell you...I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists. Put that shit in lights. Hey Mac1958 can you add this quote to your list of ‘scary’ posts please? Here it is again, just copy and paste this please...
”I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists.” CREDIT- BrokeLoser
Thanks in advance.

It's always so thrilling to see a mighty keyboard warrior such as yourself in full meltdown mode. Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest?
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ------- dumb ass.

I never hold back...that’s what spinless pussies do..Leftists thrive when good people “hold back”.
I should tell you...I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists. Put that shit in lights. Hey Mac1958 can you add this quote to your list of ‘scary’ posts please? Here it is again, just copy and paste this please...
”I HATE the Left like Hitler HATED Jews...only worse. I long for the day when Auschwitz style camps are packed with dying Leftists.” CREDIT- BrokeLoser
Thanks in advance.

It's always so thrilling to see a mighty keyboard warrior such as yourself in full meltdown mode. Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest?
Probably not.
I happen to like lima beans. They're getting hard to find in the stores though and I dont know why. You can't make succotash without lima beans. Maybe if you tried succotash you'd learn to like lima beans.

Got dry organic baby limas at Amazon. I can get large dry at any market but not small ones. I love succotash.
I wouldn't have thought of succotash for 20 bucks-

That said, hate is a powerful emotion and can be all consuming, like a teen age first love, but at the other end of the spectrum- all consuming is not a good idea as it isn't healthy.
Hate is no different. For example, anyone walking through the death camps of Nazi Germany should have hate in their heart for what was done. Hating such actions is key to keeping us humane.
I disagree- a hoax is a hoax- that makes me sad, not hate. Hate robs you of humanity.

Anecdotes are straw man arguments meant to invoke emotion. Period.
You have an ally!

“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.”
William Hazlitt, 1826

My opinion: Hate is a powerful emotion and clouds rational thinking.

The PC programmers (the Left) have owned the asses of nutless Bible thumping conservatives for decades with this tactic....Using slavery as their primary weapon, the filthy Left have successfully programmed conservatives to believe that HATE is the ultimate evil....They’ve done this while nobody hates more than the Left...veiled in this bullshit the Left has completely morphed this nation into a twisted shithole that aligns with their fucked agenda....The nutless bitches we call conservatives have sat on their hands taking it in the ass...the spineless fucks couldn’t even keep God, heterosexuality and Whitey cool in a nation founded on God, heterosexuality and Whitey.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think ------- dumb ass.
Prog agendas leave more problems that cost more money and the problems are still there.
My advice....HATE is the most effective emotion...don’t be a scared pussy like conservatives....USE HATE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE just as the filthy Left has.

Most actual conservatives wouldn't waste their time with you after soundly knocking your dick into the dirt repeatedly.

That's awesome because I can't fucking stand most conservatives as they haven't been able to conserve a damn thing.
The nutless fucks couldn't stay in command of their own nation. The pussies bought the PC programming.
"Hate" is a noun created to describe a feeling of mixed sources. Fear is probably the strongest ingredient. It is certainly powerful and antithetical to rationality. It is most often misdirected and always a waste of energy.
I don't fear lima beans but I do hate em.........
I happen to like lima beans. They're getting hard to find in the stores though and I dont know why. You can't make succotash without lima beans. Maybe if you tried succotash you'd learn to like lima beans.
I was forced to eat succotash all too frequently as a kid thank you........... Just like I was forced to eat liver........ Tell ya what, you can have all of my lima beans......, and the liver also. :thup:
I'll take your lima beans but like you I friggin hated liver. I don't know why my mom used to cook that shit but she did. I don't think I've eaten it since leaving home many many years ago and it'll likely be just as many if not more before I'll ever eat that shit again. I did go through a phase where I'd saute chicken livers in garlic and butter but that was a long time ago too. I think my wife liked em.

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