hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide

when you see someone all butthurt that trump is ragging on the press i'm just going to remind them where it started from.

if you forget the past you repeat the past, right?

Except, it did not start there. Many presidents have had their wars with the media.


Though Obama and Trump took it to different levels. Obama, with prosecuting leakers: Analysis | Trump rages about leakers. Obama quietly prosecuted them.

and Trump, with attempting to use his presidential powers to go after media directly:
Trump is ā€˜Obsessedā€™ With Amazon Because He Wants to Crush the Washington Post

Neither is good imo, for freedom of the press and Trump using his power to attempt to effect mergers because of personal animosity is very dangerous
you're right. nixon had his issues also.

lately it seems to have kicked back up again w/obama going after fox and then trump having to say "hold my beer" and get even more stupid. i *hate it* when our president is jacking with the media in EITHER direction. not their role nor their place. if you want people to stop saying bad things about you stop doing bad shit. :)

but our presidents have no business telling people what is and is not news. obama, trump - any of 'em.

Or - you rise above it, ignore it. Once you become a public figure, you are under scrutiny, everything you do, everything you say - and things will inevitably be distorted by opponents. Most presidents have a love/hate relationship with the press but they learn how to deal with it. Trump hasn't. He goes after every slight obessively and at length. And all that does is just bring more attention to it and his behavior.

No, they have no business telling people what is news - the media must remain independent.

But here is one problem I see - the lack of accountability. People moan and bitch about the mainstream media sources but by and large they have had to abide certain journalistic standards if they are to be considered credible. They could also be sued for slander or libel, and they print retractions and corrections. So that is one category of media. Then there is the wild wild west - with no standards, with no accountability and I'm not sure they can be sued for defamation, slander or libel. Media should police it's own, and typically you would expect it's consumer's to police it through their support or withdrawal of support, but I don't think that is happening.
as a follow up (vs. create a new thread) - we've fallen to 45th in the world.

RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies

The climate of hatred is steadily more visible in the Index, which evaluates the level of press freedom in 180 countries each year. Hostility towards the media from political leaders is no longer limited to authoritarian countries such as Turkey (down two at 157th) and Egypt (161st), where ā€œmedia-phobiaā€ is now so pronounced that journalists are routinely accused of terrorism and all those who donā€™t offer loyalty are arbitrarily imprisoned.

More and more democratically-elected leaders no longer see the media as part of democracyā€™s essential underpinning, but as an adversary to which they openly display their aversion. The United States, the country of the First Amendment, has fallen again in the Index under Donald Trump, this time two places to 45th. A media-bashing enthusiast, Trump has referred to reporters ā€œenemies of the people,ā€ the term once used by Joseph Stalin.
while i don't believe trump is doing in for the same reasons as stalin, he's still doing it. that alone is pushing a divide he just doesn't need to be pushing. i've seldom known bashing someone like this to give you what you want, unless simply bashing is what trump is after and it would appear so.

yes, cnn and most media is liberal. no they won't see him favorably and yes, many in the media do cater to their audience and push these limits. it's like a perfect storm of stupid that scares me what damage we'll self inflict on each other these days while people on all sides lead with emotion, putting rational thought away.

but the fact we keep falling and wow, the chez republic is better off than we are, isn't good.

that's as much on us as the journalists cause we buy it and reinforce that behavior daily as we attack each other for any given reason we happen to have today.
Fake News is the scourge of the world. Most countries have Government/Corporate Media Complexes. That's especially true in the US. The CIA has infiltrated most of the American Mainstream 'News' Media. Americans aren't getting real news. They're only getting Government/Corporate Media lies.
Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) "is the scourge of the world."

Sorry, Alt Righties: there is no such thing as Real Media fake news.

There is plenty of FARM and Alt Right propganda that keeps being outed.
Hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide, watchdog says

can't say i blame people. the "fake news" where someone puts up a site that can look and feel "real" but is nothing but stirring the pot. then *real* journalists have become glorified bloggers who force their opinions on you for the most part and never allow both sides of a story to be heard.

then there's the YOU MUST HATE THEM AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY both sides engage in. all the talk show mediots get the king of stupid and parade them around as if they represent the other side to a "T" knowing they don't but they don't care.

it gets a rise out of people and that's ratings. seems the truth seldom sells very well so we're a victim of our own hate but now we'll take it out on them.

obama brought back hating the other side when he went after fox. it was ok, giggled the left. they do suck and are full of lies! ergo their stupidity in the issue was forgiven cause it was for a good reason and all.

only that made such actions now acceptable and look where trump took it. he's lined 'em all up and has declared open season.

and most off of this is due to our own human nature in having to be right.

journalism, as many things in our culture, is a reflection of us and what we choose to pay too much attention to. don't hate the players man, hate us for doing it to ourselves over and over and over again.
You have to something on a slow news day, so they just dream up a news special expose to fill page or air time. I don't buy any story anymore. It is sad when there is more truth on the internet then on printed matter or News shows.

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