Hatred of religion

I'm sorry you had this experience. I don't go to church - so please don't think I'm criticizing you for the way you feel - I FULLY understand where you're coming from - been there, done that. Your 5th grade teacher/nun chose very poor words to explain a Bible story to children in an attempt to teach children to be good boys and girls.

Actually, I've yet to hear a Christian ever explain why God needed to drown every baby in the world that didn't come off every bit as retarded as what Sister Mary Butch came up with.

Another nun did the same thing by telling you God had a good reason for your mother's death ... without the experience of being a mother herself and having a deep love for her child and an understanding a child's fears and sense of loss. Another fail.

Again, the problem with the thinking is that God never does anything evil when in fact the universe is random. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.

What I'm trying to say, I think, is that it is mankind who has corrupted religion - for whatever reason - over the centuries ... a little disagreement here, a little disagreement there ... convince someone else and get a little following going on ... and you have this little sect of "heritics" and over time you have a whole lot of people with a whole lot of religions, each claiming to be the "One True Church." There is no "One True Church."

I don't buy that. Religion exists because of our fears. We are afraid of death. Understandable, death is pretty scary. Religions are scams in that they offer an alternative to death, but you are goingto have to take their word for it that there is a Heaven and a Hell and which one you end up in will entirely depend on how much you listen to them. .

The corruption is making a promise ou can't keep to start with. Each new religion has to up the ante by promising more goodies.

Mohammed "Hey, I'll give you 76 Virgin to screw for all eternity if you follow my religion."
Joseph Smith "That's nothing. I'll give you a WHOLE PLANET to rule in the afterlife if you follow my religion!"

I think you're probably right that a lot of athiests may not always have been athiests. But some experience, handled very badly by someone, instead of "healing" the person instead made that person bitter and resentful enough to lose faith altogether.

You see, I don't see it that way. Yeah, these nuns were knobs.. they really weren't qualified to teach theology. Also, they were probably frustrated lesbians, but that's neither here nor there. but the thing is, they had best answers religion had to offer them.
Martin Luther was a proponent of religion. He deplored the corruption of the church. Two different things.
First, can we agree that there is a difference between seeking a closer connection to God and dogmatic religions?

Second, while you are correct, so am I: Martin Luther attacked the Catholic religion. Wars were fought over the differences.

Religion is a tool; a means to bring one closer to God. A major problem within many religions is some believe the religion is a goal by itself and not simply the tool to the real goal: a greater understanding of God and our own existence.

And what is the difference between your "God," and other gods that are now considered myths? Someday, Muslim, Christian, et al, will be considered mythology as well.
Someday? Maybe, but the fact remains this Universe popped into existence and no one knows why. If research indicated that ours is an oscillating universe of expansion, collapse, expansion, then there'd be more reason to think there is nothing outside, but a one-shot universe begs the question of origin. FWIW, no, it's likely not a old white man with a beard sitting on a golden throne either.

It didn't just "pop" into existence. It took many thousands of years and just the right conditions. Just like sometimes you can throw a seed on the ground and it will take. Sometimes it won't. Just so happens, the conditions on earth were "ripe" for evolution to take place. There are just too many things that contradict religious beliefs and/or gods.
Who threw the seed? This is more than just "the first mover" theory. The Universe had a definite beginning where all Space-Time began and, so far, all the evidence indicates it will expand into "the Big Chill" of maximum entropy.


How did the universe begin? | What happened during the Big Bang?
There is no evidence that there is currently life on Mars. Some scientists think that they have found evidence that there WAS life on Mars at some time in the past. The evidence that they found is fossilized bacteria (3.6 billion year old dead bacteria) on a meteor from Mars that struck Antarctica 13,000 years ago. We know the meteor is from Mars because it contains traces of the Martian atmosphere. The scientists found evidence of small round objects that look like bacteria on Earth, plus organic molecules and minerals that they think were made by the bacteria. There is also evidence that there may have been water on Mars a long time ago. Most scientists believe that water is necessary for life. The pictures of Mars relayed to Earth by the Mars Observer show signs of dried up lake beds, past floods and old river channels. Scientists do not know for sure, however, if there really was water on Mars in the past. There is no water on the surface of Mars right now.
That's nice. I have no doubt there is life beyond Earth and civilizations beyond our own. Like you said, someone threw seeds in the garden. ;)
Sorry, but all the scientific evidence kind of makes the theory of a "god" or "gods" look . . . silly.

First Galaxies Born Sooner After Big Bang Than Thought

About 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the hydrogen in the universe was neutral, meaning it carried no charge. Over the course of the next1 billion years, however, something threw off enough radiation to ionize most of this hydrogen, splitting it into its constituent electrons and protons. This reionization made the hydrogen transparent to ultraviolet light, clearing the "fog" of the early universe.

Astronomers suspected that the radiation that powered this reionization must have come from galaxies. But researchers had not found enough old, distant candidate galaxies to provide the necessary radiation.

The new study may help solve this enigma, researchers said.

“It seems probable that there are in fact far more galaxies out there in the early universe than we previously estimated — it’s just that many galaxies are older and fainter, like the one we have just discovered,” said co-author Jean-Paul Kneib, of the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille in France.

As of today, we can discover these galaxies only by observing them through massive clusters that act as cosmic telescopes, as Abell 383 does. NASA's next-generation James Webb Space Telescope, however, will specialize in high-resolution observations of distant, highly redshifted objects.

The James Webb Space Telescope, an infrared space observatory slated to launch no earlier than autumn 2015, could help solve this and other cosmic mysteries, researchers said.

- See more at: First Galaxies Born Sooner After Big Bang Than Thought
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.

It is mostly because Religious folks have represented themselves particularly badly. For instance, some are even crazy enough to compare transgenderism to nazi war crimes (even though of course the nazis put the non cis-gendered into death camps).

View attachment 76027

IMO, believing in a man in the sky is just as ridiculous as believing a man is really a woman.
So you're saying that kids who feel like a girl trapped in a guy's body (or the other way around) are ridiculous? Really?
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.

It is mostly because Religious folks have represented themselves particularly badly. For instance, some are even crazy enough to compare transgenderism to nazi war crimes (even though of course the nazis put the non cis-gendered into death camps).

View attachment 76027

IMO, believing in a man in the sky is just as ridiculous as believing a man is really a woman.
So you're saying that kids who feel like a girl trapped in a guy's body (or the other way around) are ridiculous? Really?

Yes. Really. It is just as illogical with just as much "evidence" of being true as any religious belief.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.

It is mostly because Religious folks have represented themselves particularly badly. For instance, some are even crazy enough to compare transgenderism to nazi war crimes (even though of course the nazis put the non cis-gendered into death camps).

View attachment 76027

IMO, believing in a man in the sky is just as ridiculous as believing a man is really a woman.
So you're saying that kids who feel like a girl trapped in a guy's body (or the other way around) are ridiculous? Really?

Yes. Really. It is just as illogical with just as much "evidence" of being true as any religious belief.
Wow, I had you down as a more compassionate person. You're actually pretty evil and mean.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.

It is mostly because Religious folks have represented themselves particularly badly. For instance, some are even crazy enough to compare transgenderism to nazi war crimes (even though of course the nazis put the non cis-gendered into death camps).

View attachment 76027

IMO, believing in a man in the sky is just as ridiculous as believing a man is really a woman.
So you're saying that kids who feel like a girl trapped in a guy's body (or the other way around) are ridiculous? Really?

Yes. Really. It is just as illogical with just as much "evidence" of being true as any religious belief.
Wow, I had you down as a more compassionate person. You're actually pretty evil and mean.

Because I don't buy into bullshit? Oh, okay. Lol. I guess I'm "evil" and "mean." :D
...Do you think God is out there creating all the other galaxies too?

Galaxy formation and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Galaxies? No. Universes? I don't know. Do you?

I'm pretty sure there is no man in the sky creating galaxies. Lol.

If he was how could you perceive him with the senses?

it would be like an amoeba deciding that there was nothing else going on out there except what falls within its tiny range of perception.
...Do you think God is out there creating all the other galaxies too?

Galaxy formation and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Galaxies? No. Universes? I don't know. Do you?

I'm pretty sure there is no man in the sky creating galaxies. Lol.

If he was how could you perceive him with the senses?

it would be like an amoeba deciding that there was nothing else going on out there except what falls withing its tiny range of perception.

He's no more "real" than the various gods that the Greeks or Pagans believed in.
...Do you think God is out there creating all the other galaxies too?

Galaxy formation and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Galaxies? No. Universes? I don't know. Do you?

I'm pretty sure there is no man in the sky creating galaxies. Lol.

If he was how could you perceive him with the senses?

it would be like an amoeba deciding that there was nothing else going on out there except what falls withing its tiny range of perception.

He's no more "real" than the various gods that the Greeks or Pagans believed in.

When speculating about Greek or Pagan gods you should keep in mind that people used to believe that a human being could be a god.

Are human beings not real even if they are not gods?
...Do you think God is out there creating all the other galaxies too?

Galaxy formation and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Galaxies? No. Universes? I don't know. Do you?

I'm pretty sure there is no man in the sky creating galaxies. Lol.

If he was how could you perceive him with the senses?

it would be like an amoeba deciding that there was nothing else going on out there except what falls withing its tiny range of perception.

He's no more "real" than the various gods that the Greeks or Pagans believed in.

When speculating about Greek or Pagan gods you should keep in mind that people used to believe that a human being could be a god.

Are human beings not real even if they are not gods?

I'm not talking about "kings" or "emperors" obviously. I'm talking about their beliefs in supernatural entities of which there was absolutely no evidence.

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