Hatred or Anger?

Disagreed. Unkotare is a moderate, non-racist compared to both you and ptbw forever

Embrace ptbw forever as your polar opposite brother because he is.


Too bad I'm not a racist.
Both ptbw forever and SobieskiSavedEurope deny being racists too, another thing you three have in common.

I don't deny that I'm racist, what I do deny is that I'm a Neo-Nazi, or White supremacist.

I certainly don't appreciate Hitler, considering his destruction to Europe, particularly Poland, so how can I be a Neo-Nazi>

I don't even like much of White people, particularly the Western half, which appeases the demise of Whites, so how can I be a White supremacist.?
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.
Too bad I'm not a racist.
Both ptbw forever and SobieskiSavedEurope deny being racists too, another thing you three have in common.

I don't deny that I'm racist, what I do deny is that I'm a Neo-Nazi, or White supremacist.

I certainly don't appreciate Hitler, considering his destruction to Europe, particularly Poland, so how can I be a Neo-Nazi>

I don't even like much of White people, particularly the Western half, which appeases the demise of Whites, so how can I be a White supremacist.?
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.

Just like you personally called me a racist

You are, as everyone here can see.

...and how you personally told me I wasn't a slave

Are you?

..., or how you personally told me how I was wanting money I had not earned....

Are you?
So you disagree with black people on this subject? Sad we have white racist ignorant teachers teaching black kids.

Stop trolling

I just searched this entire thread. Show me one post of yours that isn't a troll post. What a fucking loser you must be.
Says the troll who has repeatedly lied and falsely accused me of being a racist but has always failed to produce one single post proving it.
Do you support Trump? He's a liar too you know
Both ptbw forever and SobieskiSavedEurope deny being racists too, another thing you three have in common.

I don't deny that I'm racist, what I do deny is that I'm a Neo-Nazi, or White supremacist.

I certainly don't appreciate Hitler, considering his destruction to Europe, particularly Poland, so how can I be a Neo-Nazi>

I don't even like much of White people, particularly the Western half, which appeases the demise of Whites, so how can I be a White supremacist.?
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
I love Trump for slowing down immigration.
Both ptbw forever and SobieskiSavedEurope deny being racists too, another thing you three have in common.

I don't deny that I'm racist, what I do deny is that I'm a Neo-Nazi, or White supremacist.

I certainly don't appreciate Hitler, considering his destruction to Europe, particularly Poland, so how can I be a Neo-Nazi>

I don't even like much of White people, particularly the Western half, which appeases the demise of Whites, so how can I be a White supremacist.?
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.
I don't deny that I'm racist, what I do deny is that I'm a Neo-Nazi, or White supremacist.

I certainly don't appreciate Hitler, considering his destruction to Europe, particularly Poland, so how can I be a Neo-Nazi>

I don't even like much of White people, particularly the Western half, which appeases the demise of Whites, so how can I be a White supremacist.?
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.

Expert: Amnesty, illegal immigration, hits black wages hardest

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.

Expert: Amnesty, illegal immigration, hits black wages hardest


Too bad it's not so. Immigration is not the reason. The immigrants do not have to be hired.
There was no meltdown, just me calming and repeatedly calling you on your constant stream of bullshit.

Let's remember you are the one arguing that Abraham Lincoln was not strongly anti-slavery and deserves no credit for freeing the slaves.

You are the stupid one here, not me.

Yet you have failed abysmally at providing even a shred of a fact that he placed ending slavery for HUMANITARIAN REASONS above preserving the Union, while I have repeatedly shown evidence of him placing the preservation of the Union first. I never said that he wasnt anti slavery. I said that his priority was keeping the Union whole.

You have been on a failing mission to write your own footnote over his real legacy.

In his own words, he said if he could preserve the union and not free a single slave or vice versa he would do so.

Looks like you need to check your mirror for a living definition of stupid.

I've repeatedly posted quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

Your lies are designed only to fool yourself and other willful dupes.

Prove where I have lied, asshole. I have not speculated one iota about Lincoln's belief system as you have. All of your repetitive "humanitarian" and morality B.S. is your opinion. Nothing more. From the outset I have stated that his first priority was saving the union. You cannot deny that without looking stupid.

You just lied right there, when you falsely claimed that my claims about Lincoln's morality based motives were just my opinion, when I have posted multiple quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

If he first priority was to save the Union, he would not have run on such a strongly anti-slavery platform that drove the South to Civil War.

Just because I will not agree with your personal version of history that does not make me a liar.

Let's see if you can produce ANY QUOTE that he made DURING his campaign where he EVER stated that ending slavery took precedence over saving the Union.

"With a single mission in mind, Abraham Lincoln fought, during his entire presidency, not just against the South, but also against his critics—a cross-section of Americans that included everyone from journalists to generals. For Lincoln, the task was always to preserve the Union. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln said, “Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever, it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself.”

By the time Lincoln was sworn in as the sixteenth president on March 4, 1861, seven states—South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas—had seceded from the Union. Also by the date of Lincoln’s inauguration, this new confederacy of former states had already elected its own president, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the former United States senator from Mississippi and secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce. Well in advance of his first day in office, Lincoln knew he would preside over a fractious form of the once-united land. He committed himself to the preservation of the Union, but his first task was to bring it back together by whatever means necessary."

Abraham Lincoln Elected President, Part III: Overcoming Adversaries and Preserving the Union | National Portrait Gallery

Your lie is that you continue to insist that I have not supported my opinion with historical evidence.

Right here you just tried to set the bar of proof of Lincoln BLATANTLY and OVERTLY expressing his anti-slavery intention during the very point in time when the nation was splitting apart.

At the time when the pressure for him to be "diplomatic" about his intentions would be the highest.

And by "diplomatic" I mean lie.

Earlier in his life, when the fate of the nation was not hanging on his every word, was when he was more likely to be honest about his feelings about slavery.

Which is exactly WHY you want to ignore those quotes.

NOt to mention how you refuse to consider the obvious threat to the South by Lincoln's campaign platform. So radical and threatening that it drove the South to war.

AND NOT to mention how you refuse to consider the actual actions Llincoln took and how they reflect on his words, ie HE DID FREE THE SLAVES.
Yet you have failed abysmally at providing even a shred of a fact that he placed ending slavery for HUMANITARIAN REASONS above preserving the Union, while I have repeatedly shown evidence of him placing the preservation of the Union first. I never said that he wasnt anti slavery. I said that his priority was keeping the Union whole.

You have been on a failing mission to write your own footnote over his real legacy.

In his own words, he said if he could preserve the union and not free a single slave or vice versa he would do so.

Looks like you need to check your mirror for a living definition of stupid.

I've repeatedly posted quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

Your lies are designed only to fool yourself and other willful dupes.

Prove where I have lied, asshole. I have not speculated one iota about Lincoln's belief system as you have. All of your repetitive "humanitarian" and morality B.S. is your opinion. Nothing more. From the outset I have stated that his first priority was saving the union. You cannot deny that without looking stupid.

You just lied right there, when you falsely claimed that my claims about Lincoln's morality based motives were just my opinion, when I have posted multiple quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

If he first priority was to save the Union, he would not have run on such a strongly anti-slavery platform that drove the South to Civil War.

Just because I will not agree with your personal version of history that does not make me a liar.

Let's see if you can produce ANY QUOTE that he made DURING his campaign where he EVER stated that ending slavery took precedence over saving the Union.

"With a single mission in mind, Abraham Lincoln fought, during his entire presidency, not just against the South, but also against his critics—a cross-section of Americans that included everyone from journalists to generals. For Lincoln, the task was always to preserve the Union. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln said, “Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever, it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself.”

By the time Lincoln was sworn in as the sixteenth president on March 4, 1861, seven states—South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas—had seceded from the Union. Also by the date of Lincoln’s inauguration, this new confederacy of former states had already elected its own president, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the former United States senator from Mississippi and secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce. Well in advance of his first day in office, Lincoln knew he would preside over a fractious form of the once-united land. He committed himself to the preservation of the Union, but his first task was to bring it back together by whatever means necessary."

Abraham Lincoln Elected President, Part III: Overcoming Adversaries and Preserving the Union | National Portrait Gallery

Your lie is that you continue to insist that I have not supported my opinion with historical evidence.

Right here you just tried to set the bar of proof of Lincoln BLATANTLY and OVERTLY expressing his anti-slavery intention during the very point in time when the nation was splitting apart.

At the time when the pressure for him to be "diplomatic" about his intentions would be the highest.

And by "diplomatic" I mean lie.

Earlier in his life, when the fate of the nation was not hanging on his every word, was when he was more likely to be honest about his feelings about slavery.

Which is exactly WHY you want to ignore those quotes.

NOt to mention how you refuse to consider the obvious threat to the South by Lincoln's campaign platform. So radical and threatening that it drove the South to war.

AND NOT to mention how you refuse to consider the actual actions Llincoln took and how they reflect on his words, ie HE DID FREE THE SLAVES.

You can argue this for the rest of your life but it doesn't change the reality you've been shown. You are wrong and that's just the way it is.
Dude, you can deny it all you like, but you've repeatedly posted your belief in the superiority of pure whites, you're rabid Polish Nationalist, especially where race is concerned, and you're an admitted Socialist.

Most Polish Nationalists are anti-Nazi, of course they are, Nazi Germany murdered millions of Polish people.

Furthermore many Polish Nationalists aren't too keen on many other Whites, particularly Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans, on the whole.

Although, I've noticed Brits tend to be much more obnoxious, rude, idiotic, anti-Polish, and pro-Multicultural than the Russians, Ukrainians, or Germans.

So, I personally don't like Brits, what so ever, even if this isn't necessarily typical to Polish Nationalists.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.
Of course they do. My dad's proof. He came to America in the 60s and in the 70s he got a dream job at Ford motor. Everyone wanted a job with the big 3. Today my dad has a pension and great retirement benefits. That job could have easily went to an American. I mean born here.
The polacks in Poland loved bush and they loved Trump when he visited? What's up with them dumb polacks?

You know what you never hear on a gameshow? You just won a trip to Poland.

I'm Greek. We are the best.

You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.

Expert: Amnesty, illegal immigration, hits black wages hardest


Too bad it's not so. Immigration is not the reason. The immigrants do not have to be hired.
I've repeatedly posted quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

Your lies are designed only to fool yourself and other willful dupes.

Prove where I have lied, asshole. I have not speculated one iota about Lincoln's belief system as you have. All of your repetitive "humanitarian" and morality B.S. is your opinion. Nothing more. From the outset I have stated that his first priority was saving the union. You cannot deny that without looking stupid.

You just lied right there, when you falsely claimed that my claims about Lincoln's morality based motives were just my opinion, when I have posted multiple quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

If he first priority was to save the Union, he would not have run on such a strongly anti-slavery platform that drove the South to Civil War.

Just because I will not agree with your personal version of history that does not make me a liar.

Let's see if you can produce ANY QUOTE that he made DURING his campaign where he EVER stated that ending slavery took precedence over saving the Union.

"With a single mission in mind, Abraham Lincoln fought, during his entire presidency, not just against the South, but also against his critics—a cross-section of Americans that included everyone from journalists to generals. For Lincoln, the task was always to preserve the Union. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln said, “Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever, it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself.”

By the time Lincoln was sworn in as the sixteenth president on March 4, 1861, seven states—South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas—had seceded from the Union. Also by the date of Lincoln’s inauguration, this new confederacy of former states had already elected its own president, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the former United States senator from Mississippi and secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce. Well in advance of his first day in office, Lincoln knew he would preside over a fractious form of the once-united land. He committed himself to the preservation of the Union, but his first task was to bring it back together by whatever means necessary."

Abraham Lincoln Elected President, Part III: Overcoming Adversaries and Preserving the Union | National Portrait Gallery

Your lie is that you continue to insist that I have not supported my opinion with historical evidence.

Right here you just tried to set the bar of proof of Lincoln BLATANTLY and OVERTLY expressing his anti-slavery intention during the very point in time when the nation was splitting apart.

At the time when the pressure for him to be "diplomatic" about his intentions would be the highest.

And by "diplomatic" I mean lie.

Earlier in his life, when the fate of the nation was not hanging on his every word, was when he was more likely to be honest about his feelings about slavery.

Which is exactly WHY you want to ignore those quotes.

NOt to mention how you refuse to consider the obvious threat to the South by Lincoln's campaign platform. So radical and threatening that it drove the South to war.

AND NOT to mention how you refuse to consider the actual actions Llincoln took and how they reflect on his words, ie HE DID FREE THE SLAVES.

You can argue this for the rest of your life but it doesn't change the reality you've been shown. You are wrong and that's just the way it is.

You failed to address any of the points raised in my post and simply repeated your position, which I have already presented arguments against.

THis is you using the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a propaganda tactic.

Your post is invalid. YOu are dishonest. and YOu lose.

Abe Lincoln is an American Hero who was elected on an anti-slavery campaign and with the support of the majority of the nation, fought a bloody war to end slavery.

Your inability to allow America to have any heroes is just you being an anti-American.
You're Greek?
I thought you were a Negro?

So, why do you think you're anti-prejudices, if you're saying comments about dumb Polacks?

Poland's not dumb enough to support the Islamization of their own nation, unlike much of Europe.
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.

Expert: Amnesty, illegal immigration, hits black wages hardest


Too bad it's not so. Immigration is not the reason. The immigrants do not have to be hired.

There are people hiring the immigrants. They have a choice. They choose the immigrant. The immigrant doesn't come here demanding a job. They apply like everyone else.
Prove where I have lied, asshole. I have not speculated one iota about Lincoln's belief system as you have. All of your repetitive "humanitarian" and morality B.S. is your opinion. Nothing more. From the outset I have stated that his first priority was saving the union. You cannot deny that without looking stupid.

You just lied right there, when you falsely claimed that my claims about Lincoln's morality based motives were just my opinion, when I have posted multiple quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

If he first priority was to save the Union, he would not have run on such a strongly anti-slavery platform that drove the South to Civil War.

Just because I will not agree with your personal version of history that does not make me a liar.

Let's see if you can produce ANY QUOTE that he made DURING his campaign where he EVER stated that ending slavery took precedence over saving the Union.

"With a single mission in mind, Abraham Lincoln fought, during his entire presidency, not just against the South, but also against his critics—a cross-section of Americans that included everyone from journalists to generals. For Lincoln, the task was always to preserve the Union. In his first inaugural address, Lincoln said, “Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever, it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself.”

By the time Lincoln was sworn in as the sixteenth president on March 4, 1861, seven states—South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas—had seceded from the Union. Also by the date of Lincoln’s inauguration, this new confederacy of former states had already elected its own president, Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the former United States senator from Mississippi and secretary of war under President Franklin Pierce. Well in advance of his first day in office, Lincoln knew he would preside over a fractious form of the once-united land. He committed himself to the preservation of the Union, but his first task was to bring it back together by whatever means necessary."

Abraham Lincoln Elected President, Part III: Overcoming Adversaries and Preserving the Union | National Portrait Gallery

Your lie is that you continue to insist that I have not supported my opinion with historical evidence.

Right here you just tried to set the bar of proof of Lincoln BLATANTLY and OVERTLY expressing his anti-slavery intention during the very point in time when the nation was splitting apart.

At the time when the pressure for him to be "diplomatic" about his intentions would be the highest.

And by "diplomatic" I mean lie.

Earlier in his life, when the fate of the nation was not hanging on his every word, was when he was more likely to be honest about his feelings about slavery.

Which is exactly WHY you want to ignore those quotes.

NOt to mention how you refuse to consider the obvious threat to the South by Lincoln's campaign platform. So radical and threatening that it drove the South to war.

AND NOT to mention how you refuse to consider the actual actions Llincoln took and how they reflect on his words, ie HE DID FREE THE SLAVES.

You can argue this for the rest of your life but it doesn't change the reality you've been shown. You are wrong and that's just the way it is.

You failed to address any of the points raised in my post and simply repeated your position, which I have already presented arguments against.

THis is you using the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a propaganda tactic.

Your post is invalid. YOu are dishonest. and YOu lose.

Abe Lincoln is an American Hero who was elected on an anti-slavery campaign and with the support of the majority of the nation, fought a bloody war to end slavery.

Your inability to allow America to have any heroes is just you being an anti-American.

I recognize American heroes, I just don't recognize the one you made up for the reasons you made up.
Last edited:
If Trump is sincere about American workers I think the idea is to stop flooding the market with low wage workers.

But only for a little bit because very soon companies won't be able to find workers. That will be the argument.

Do you know wages aren't going up as unemployment goes down? They need to.

So anyways, if there is a shortage of workers and we don't have immigrants coming in I'm hoping corporate America will start hiring blacks.

There is no evidence that immigrants are taking jobs from blacks.

Expert: Amnesty, illegal immigration, hits black wages hardest


Too bad it's not so. Immigration is not the reason. The immigrants do not have to be hired.

There are people hiring the immigrants. They have a choice. They choose the immigrant. The immigrant doesn't come here demanding a job. They apply like everyone else.
If the immigrant weren't here that job would have went to an American. My dad worked with lots of blacks from Detroit and all their friends wanted them to get them jobs at Ford.

I agree the white hiring manager could have hired a black but didn't because they had a white hard working immigrant who would show up early, stay late, work overtime. We have to eliminate the competition so blacks can prove they are hard working too if given the chance.

There are people hiring the immigrants. They have a choice. They choose the immigrant. The immigrant doesn't come here demanding a job. They apply like everyone else.
If the immigrant weren't here that job would have went to an American. My dad worked with lots of blacks from Detroit and all their friends wanted them to get them jobs at Ford.

I agree the white hiring manager could have hired a black but didn't because they had a white hard working immigrant who would show up early, stay late, work overtime. We have to eliminate the competition so blacks can prove they are hard working too if given the chance.

The major problem with what you are saying is that blacks have done all these things and then some. You're talking stupid again sealybobo. Nobody black is going to turn down time and a half for overtime or for going past 40 hours. It's more money in our pockets.

There are people hiring the immigrants. They have a choice. They choose the immigrant. The immigrant doesn't come here demanding a job. They apply like everyone else.
If the immigrant weren't here that job would have went to an American. My dad worked with lots of blacks from Detroit and all their friends wanted them to get them jobs at Ford.

I agree the white hiring manager could have hired a black but didn't because they had a white hard working immigrant who would show up early, stay late, work overtime. We have to eliminate the competition so blacks can prove they are hard working too if given the chance.

The major problem with what you are saying is that blacks have done all these things and then some. You're talking stupid again sealybobo. Nobody black is going to turn down time and a half for overtime or for going past 40 hours. It's more money in our pockets.
That's not the point. And no, no one white or black wanted the overtime. That's why my miser dad always got it. He even worked holidays. And if you didn't take vacation they gave you the money so the cheap ass never took a day off.

Anyways, that wasn't the point. The point is blacks and blue collar whites would definitely benefit if we didn't keep flooding the market with immigrants.

Our immigration policy was written by corporations. We take in enough every year that it keeps wages low. Flood the market.
Too bad it's not so. Immigration is not the reason. The immigrants do not have to be hired.

There are people hiring the immigrants. They have a choice. They choose the immigrant. The immigrant doesn't come here demanding a job. They apply like everyone else.
If the immigrant weren't here that job would have went to an American. My dad worked with lots of blacks from Detroit and all their friends wanted them to get them jobs at Ford.

I agree the white hiring manager could have hired a black but didn't because they had a white hard working immigrant who would show up early, stay late, work overtime. We have to eliminate the competition so blacks can prove they are hard working too if given the chance.

The major problem with what you are saying is that blacks have done all these things and then some. You're talking stupid again sealybobo. Nobody black is going to turn down time and a half for overtime or for going past 40 hours. It's more money in our pockets.
That's not the point. And no, no one white or black wanted the overtime. That's why my miser dad always got it. He even worked holidays. And if you didn't take vacation they gave you the money so the cheap ass never took a day off.

Anyways, that wasn't the point. The point is blacks and blue collar whites would definitely benefit if we didn't keep flooding the market with immigrants.

Our immigration policy was written by corporations. We take in enough every year that it keeps wages low. Flood the market.

That was then and at that one factory. My father worked overtime and weekends. He worked at a postal facility. I know of other blacks who worked the factories and did work overtime as much as they could. But any way immigrants aren't taking all that many jobs.
You are, as everyone here can see.

Are you?

Are you?
So you disagree with black people on this subject? Sad we have white racist ignorant teachers teaching black kids.

Stop trolling

I just searched this entire thread. Show me one post of yours that isn't a troll post. What a fucking loser you must be.
Says the troll who has repeatedly lied and falsely accused me of being a racist but has always failed to produce one single post proving it.
Do you support Trump? He's a liar too you know
You've trolled and lied. Now you are deflecting. Sorry, dude, but I've lost all respect for you because you are dishonest.

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