Hatred or Anger?

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. You might not have said amnesty. Both Party establishments have been pushing for it for quite some time. If you support(ed) just about anyone other than Trump, that is what you were supporting.

2. Repubicans WON when they did not listen to their own report. Whites are still the majority and even once we are NOT, we will still be the largest single ethnic group. And it is taboo to even discuss their interests. America is fucked.

3. That you can seriously ask what are white interests is a sign of how fucked our society is. The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization in Congress with the stated goals of serving black interests. Do you have any ideas as to what THAT might be?
1) Yet you falsely accused me of it. Odd. Amnesty is not the answer since it didn't work for Reagan. Immigration reform is the answer, but the reform needs to include sterner enforcement of present laws and new laws that will result in prison for those aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

2) Disagreed...and it will cost them.

3) The fact you refuse to say what your "white interests" are is odd, but not unexpected. Yes, I think groups based on race, like "Black Caucus" are also racist.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

Was I raised in Traditional American Culture? Or was I raised in Traditional White Culture?....

It doesn't seem you understand the former, and the latter doesn't exist.

....of course it exists.

Define it. Culture isn't a color.
Agreed, although there are racist cultures, being an American doesn't require one to be a specific race, gender or religion. It's an attitude with a respect for freedom and the American way of life.

American Culture: Traditions and Customs of the United States
....Because of this, the United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Nearly every region of the world has influenced American culture, most notably the English who colonized the country beginning in the early 1600s. U.S. culture has also been shaped by the cultures of Native Americans, Latin Americans, Africans and Asians.

The United States is sometimes described as a "melting pot" in which different cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavors" to American culture. Just as cultures from around the world have influenced American culture, today American culture influences the world. The term Western culture often refers broadly to the cultures of the United States and Europe.....
Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

IM2 is not racist. You are though.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

IM2 is not racist. You are though.
You talk about yourself in the third person? Odd, but I think most racists are odd.

I've asked you a handful of times to post a single quote of mine that you think is racist and you always run from the request. Why?
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

IM2 is not racist. ......

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

IM2 is not racist. You are though.
You talk about yourself in the third person? Odd, but I think most racists are odd.

I've asked you a handful of times to post a single quote of mine that you think is racist and you always run from the request. Why?

I talk about myself in the way I feel like doing so.. You call me a racist and never did post up a quote fro me that was actually racist. You posted up quotes you thought were racist that had nothing to do with racism. That's what racists do. I am a racist because I point out how whites are still practicing racism. Or how whites have benefitted from past racist policies and laws today. Or you cry because YOU think I am talking about all whites just because I use he word white when I say something. That's you, and you are a racist.
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. You might not have said amnesty. Both Party establishments have been pushing for it for quite some time. If you support(ed) just about anyone other than Trump, that is what you were supporting.

2. Repubicans WON when they did not listen to their own report. Whites are still the majority and even once we are NOT, we will still be the largest single ethnic group. And it is taboo to even discuss their interests. America is fucked.

3. That you can seriously ask what are white interests is a sign of how fucked our society is. The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization in Congress with the stated goals of serving black interests. Do you have any ideas as to what THAT might be?
1) Yet you falsely accused me of it. Odd. Amnesty is not the answer since it didn't work for Reagan. Immigration reform is the answer, but the reform needs to include sterner enforcement of present laws and new laws that will result in prison for those aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

2) Disagreed...and it will cost them.

3) The fact you refuse to say what your "white interests" are is odd, but not unexpected. Yes, I think groups based on race, like "Black Caucus" are also racist.[/QUOTE

1. I did not accuse you personally of it. I specifically pointed out that "both party establishments" want it.

1b Too late for talk like that. THe issue will either be Trump successfully deporting large numbers and securing the border, or the Political Class getting it's way, ie amnesty and a continued open border.

2. YOu say that, but don't address the points that I brought up in support of my disagreement. That is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

3. It is not odd. And no it is not racist.
...Or you cry because YOU think I am talking about all whites just because I use he [sic] word white when I say something. ....

Because that's what it means, unless you include a qualifier. Maybe if you improved your English you might come across as less racist.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
I do see the double standard. At what point will it be ok to say white power again? Or wrong for them to say black power
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. You might not have said amnesty. Both Party establishments have been pushing for it for quite some time. If you support(ed) just about anyone other than Trump, that is what you were supporting.

2. Repubicans WON when they did not listen to their own report. Whites are still the majority and even once we are NOT, we will still be the largest single ethnic group. And it is taboo to even discuss their interests. America is fucked.

3. That you can seriously ask what are white interests is a sign of how fucked our society is. The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization in Congress with the stated goals of serving black interests. Do you have any ideas as to what THAT might be?
1) Yet you falsely accused me of it. Odd. Amnesty is not the answer since it didn't work for Reagan. Immigration reform is the answer, but the reform needs to include sterner enforcement of present laws and new laws that will result in prison for those aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

2) Disagreed...and it will cost them.

3) The fact you refuse to say what your "white interests" are is odd, but not unexpected. Yes, I think groups based on race, like "Black Caucus" are also racist.
Do they allow a white caucus?
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. You might not have said amnesty. Both Party establishments have been pushing for it for quite some time. If you support(ed) just about anyone other than Trump, that is what you were supporting.

2. Repubicans WON when they did not listen to their own report. Whites are still the majority and even once we are NOT, we will still be the largest single ethnic group. And it is taboo to even discuss their interests. America is fucked.

3. That you can seriously ask what are white interests is a sign of how fucked our society is. The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization in Congress with the stated goals of serving black interests. Do you have any ideas as to what THAT might be?
1) Yet you falsely accused me of it. Odd. Amnesty is not the answer since it didn't work for Reagan. Immigration reform is the answer, but the reform needs to include sterner enforcement of present laws and new laws that will result in prison for those aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

2) Disagreed...and it will cost them.

3) The fact you refuse to say what your "white interests" are is odd, but not unexpected. Yes, I think groups based on race, like "Black Caucus" are also racist.
Do they allow a white caucus?
Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

Not if we continue to allow the live media and the vile pop culture lefties to lie about us republicans being Evul Racists.
It's spelled "evil" and while I doubt you are evil, you do strike me as being as racist as IM2, sealybobo and ptbw forever

Not the way they use the word it is not.

And if I strike you as racist, then you need to work on either your understanding of the word, or your observation skills.

I do this a lot with liberals. I feel though, that you might actually try, a good faith try. THIS time this challenge is NOT rhetorical.

I challenge you to quote me saying something racist, to justify your above statement.
...Or you cry because YOU think I am talking about all whites just because I use he [sic] word white when I say something. ....

Because that's what it means, unless you include a qualifier. Maybe if you improved your English you might come across as less racist.

Most of the time when someone refers to a group, unless they specifically say, ALL or some such qualifier, I think that it is understood to be a GENERAL statement, ie, there could be exceptions to the rule.
....I challenge you to quote me saying something racist, to justify your above statement.
Every time you give support to "white culture" or "white heritage" is as racist is IM2 claiming to support "black culture". Non-racist patriots put America first, not skin tone.
....I challenge you to quote me saying something racist, to justify your above statement.
Every time you give support to "white culture" or "white heritage" is as racist is IM2 claiming to support "black culture". Non-racist patriots put America first, not skin tone.

1. What you just said, does not even come close to meeting the dictionary definition of racism. Thus you have failed my challenge. But by making a good faith effort, you are miles ahead of the liberals.

2. Wanting the my interests and the interests of my people represented in political debate and government policy is unpatriotic or un American.

3. I want my interests represented and I want equal treatment under the law for me and mine. IM2 wants continued discrimination in his favor. That is a huge difference, and if you deny that, your pretense of being moderate is a sham.
....I challenge you to quote me saying something racist, to justify your above statement.
Every time you give support to "white culture" or "white heritage" is as racist is IM2 claiming to support "black culture". Non-racist patriots put America first, not skin tone.

1. What you just said, does not even come close to meeting the dictionary definition of racism. Thus you have failed my challenge. But by making a good faith effort, you are miles ahead of the liberals.

2. Wanting the my interests and the interests of my people represented in political debate and government policy is unpatriotic or un American.

3. I want my interests represented and I want equal treatment under the law for me and mine. IM2 wants continued discrimination in his favor. That is a huge difference, and if you deny that, your pretense of being moderate is a sham.

You already have all those things. I am not supporting discrimination in anyone's favor. I am saying that whites are not 100 percept of all qualified college students or job applicants or employees eligible for promotion. There is a major difference in saying that than what you believe which is an imaginary lie of discrimination against whites. Whites are 70 percent f the students in college and you claim they are being denied opportunity based on race. 70 percent!

Therefore you think whites are entitled to 100 percent and if they don't get it somehow, if they can't have everything they are being discriminated against.

Divine Wind,

You are another dumb ass white person just like correll who seems to think that me standing for equal rights for blacks is racism.
...Divine Wind,

You are another dumb ass white person just like correll who seems to think that me standing for equal rights for blacks is racism.
Incorrect, but it's obvious why you want to spin your racism that way. Unlike you, I actually do stand for equal rights for all Americans. It is on our nation's best interests to maximize the potential of all citizens. It is in our nation's best interests that all citizens be lawful taxpayers and/or military personnel. It's not in our nation's best interests to have people locked up in prison at a cost of about $30K/year simply because we are shitty at educating the poor. It's not in our nation's best interests to keep playing the race card every time a black American fails at something. It's not in our nation's best interests to keep pushing for "reparations" for something that happened two centuries ago. Let's not forget that Britain didn't ban slavery until 1833, France in 1848 and that many states in Africa still practice it, albeit illegally.

Slavery in Africa

13 facts about slavery in Africa—for one European slaves were cheaper but Africans sold their own more readily

Slavery's last stand - CNN.com

Slavery Today | Different Types of Human Trafficking - End Slavery Now

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