Hatred or Anger?

Trump played hard ball with his opponents. That hardly deserves the term "Deplorable".

Hillary smeared half the nation and told the other half to hate them. She was vile.

What is your point about Hispanics?
You don't recall the shit-slinging fest after the Republican Autopsy? https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf

The Autopsy of the Autopsy
... Tactically, the autopsy also said Republicans needed to revamp their data strategies, perfect micro-targeting and raise lots and lots of money. It suggested “symposiums, lectures and forums” to exchange ideas with minority communities” and “a message that is non-inflammatory and inclusive to all.”

The obvious problem with the 2012 autopsy is that Republican voters in the real world didn't want any part of it. Instead of ideas, they wanted passion. Instead of immigration, they wanted a wall. Instead of a “non-inflammatory” message, they chose a man who channeled their rage. That he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinqo de Mayo was just the gravy on the pork chop

3 years ago, Republicans released an 'autopsy report' — but Donald Trump already shattered it
He continued:

And frankly, it is an issue Donald Trump's going to have to face in a fascinating way. Because if much of the evidence is true that he's bringing in new voters and the Republican turnout is up, the question is can he change the math? But I'm very worried that Trump is going to do dismally with African-Americans and with Hispanics.

One recommendation of the report in particular dogs Republicans with a devastating contrast between what the party desired to become and the reality in 2016.

It appeared on the eighth page of the report. The Republican Party, it said, "must embrace and champion comprehensive-immigration reform." This came off an election in which the party's nominee had, in the primary, advocated the practice of "self-deportation," which followed Romney until Election Day. He lost the Hispanic vote, 73% to 27%, according to exit polls.

The report warned that if the party did not back immigration reform, its appeal to minority groups would continue to shrink, particularly among Hispanic voters.

Oh, yes, I recall that.

1. It was based on the flawed premise that there were no more white votes to be gained. Partially true if you insist on the COnventional Wisdom that A. there are no white interests, and B. that it is racist to even discuss white interest and c that nothing can be done for white people. All which are lies.

2. A political culture based on, at best, malign neglect of it's largest single ethnic group, is a fucked up culture.

3. GW played by that plan. He managed to lose the Hispanic vote by LESS.

Losing by LESS in not a winning strategy.

4. As long as the current liberal lock on the culture, ie POlitical Correctness, remains unchallenged, the GOP will always be doomed.

5. Immigration reform is bullshit. It is code of open borders and republicans HAVE backed that in the past and still lose hispanic votes.
If you want this to remain a "white" society, and I think you mean holsome [sic] safe prosperous hard working rewards success type of country ......

How fucking racist must one be to define that as "a white society"? More shameless hypocrisy from the left.

I believe that he is conflating "white" and "traditional". That is the way I read it and responded.

Yeah, and that's wrong.
You don't recall the shit-slinging fest after the Republican Autopsy? https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf

The Autopsy of the Autopsy
... Tactically, the autopsy also said Republicans needed to revamp their data strategies, perfect micro-targeting and raise lots and lots of money. It suggested “symposiums, lectures and forums” to exchange ideas with minority communities” and “a message that is non-inflammatory and inclusive to all.”

The obvious problem with the 2012 autopsy is that Republican voters in the real world didn't want any part of it. Instead of ideas, they wanted passion. Instead of immigration, they wanted a wall. Instead of a “non-inflammatory” message, they chose a man who channeled their rage. That he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinqo de Mayo was just the gravy on the pork chop

3 years ago, Republicans released an 'autopsy report' — but Donald Trump already shattered it
He continued:

And frankly, it is an issue Donald Trump's going to have to face in a fascinating way. Because if much of the evidence is true that he's bringing in new voters and the Republican turnout is up, the question is can he change the math? But I'm very worried that Trump is going to do dismally with African-Americans and with Hispanics.

One recommendation of the report in particular dogs Republicans with a devastating contrast between what the party desired to become and the reality in 2016.

It appeared on the eighth page of the report. The Republican Party, it said, "must embrace and champion comprehensive-immigration reform." This came off an election in which the party's nominee had, in the primary, advocated the practice of "self-deportation," which followed Romney until Election Day. He lost the Hispanic vote, 73% to 27%, according to exit polls.

The report warned that if the party did not back immigration reform, its appeal to minority groups would continue to shrink, particularly among Hispanic voters.

Oh, yes, I recall that.

1. It was based on the flawed premise that there were no more white votes to be gained. Partially true if you insist on the COnventional Wisdom that A. there are no white interests, and B. that it is racist to even discuss white interest and c that nothing can be done for white people. All which are lies.

2. A political culture based on, at best, malign neglect of it's largest single ethnic group, is a fucked up culture.

3. GW played by that plan. He managed to lose the Hispanic vote by LESS.

Losing by LESS in not a winning strategy.

4. As long as the current liberal lock on the culture, ie POlitical Correctness, remains unchallenged, the GOP will always be doomed.

5. Immigration reform is bullshit. It is code of open borders and republicans HAVE backed that in the past and still lose hispanic votes.
If you want this to remain a "white" society, and I think you mean holsome [sic] safe prosperous hard working rewards success type of country ......

How fucking racist must one be to define that as "a white society"? More shameless hypocrisy from the left.

I believe that he is conflating "white" and "traditional". That is the way I read it and responded.

Yeah, and that's wrong.

When America was 80 or 90 percent white, it made complete sense to discuss American culture, knowing that that was mostly white, and discussing various sub cultures that would have been varying types of not white.

NOW though, it would be "Racist" to refer to "American" culture and mean "white", yet to our pc bombarded ears, it sounds wrong to use "White" for "American" or "Traditional".

It is a problem of semantics caused by changing realities across time, fairly rapid changes.

I do not believe that sealy was being racist in his usage. Just not worrying about the oh so sensitive feelings of others.

And good for him.
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. Give tax breaks to the rich thus shifting that tax burden onto us.....

Spoken like a liberal who cannot conceive of a reduction in government spending, and who misunderstands graduated taxation.
I like that about Trump too. Cutting government spending. Especially on public schools. Teachers make too much.

But will he lower the debt or just spend the money somewhere else? Or will he cut your taxes? Let's see

Trump hasn't cut anything but a piece of cake for the Chinese president.
The other day Russia expelled 500 us diplomats for the sanctions. Trump said good. Why do we have that many anyways?

I think it's the one thing we all agree on is that the government is a big huge overgrown beurocratic monster.

If we cut the department of labor, defense and education in half I'm sure they'd still figure out how to get it done.
You've trolled and lied. Now you are deflecting. Sorry, dude, but I've lost all respect for you because you are dishonest.

He's more honest than you.
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic
Trump played hard ball with his opponents. That hardly deserves the term "Deplorable".

Hillary smeared half the nation and told the other half to hate them. She was vile.

What is your point about Hispanics?
You don't recall the shit-slinging fest after the Republican Autopsy? https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf

The Autopsy of the Autopsy
... Tactically, the autopsy also said Republicans needed to revamp their data strategies, perfect micro-targeting and raise lots and lots of money. It suggested “symposiums, lectures and forums” to exchange ideas with minority communities” and “a message that is non-inflammatory and inclusive to all.”

The obvious problem with the 2012 autopsy is that Republican voters in the real world didn't want any part of it. Instead of ideas, they wanted passion. Instead of immigration, they wanted a wall. Instead of a “non-inflammatory” message, they chose a man who channeled their rage. That he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinqo de Mayo was just the gravy on the pork chop

3 years ago, Republicans released an 'autopsy report' — but Donald Trump already shattered it
He continued:

And frankly, it is an issue Donald Trump's going to have to face in a fascinating way. Because if much of the evidence is true that he's bringing in new voters and the Republican turnout is up, the question is can he change the math? But I'm very worried that Trump is going to do dismally with African-Americans and with Hispanics.

One recommendation of the report in particular dogs Republicans with a devastating contrast between what the party desired to become and the reality in 2016.

It appeared on the eighth page of the report. The Republican Party, it said, "must embrace and champion comprehensive-immigration reform." This came off an election in which the party's nominee had, in the primary, advocated the practice of "self-deportation," which followed Romney until Election Day. He lost the Hispanic vote, 73% to 27%, according to exit polls.

The report warned that if the party did not back immigration reform, its appeal to minority groups would continue to shrink, particularly among Hispanic voters.

Oh, yes, I recall that.

1. It was based on the flawed premise that there were no more white votes to be gained. Partially true if you insist on the COnventional Wisdom that A. there are no white interests, and B. that it is racist to even discuss white interest and c that nothing can be done for white people. All which are lies.

2. A political culture based on, at best, malign neglect of it's largest single ethnic group, is a fucked up culture.

3. GW played by that plan. He managed to lose the Hispanic vote by LESS.

Losing by LESS in not a winning strategy.

4. As long as the current liberal lock on the culture, ie POlitical Correctness, remains unchallenged, the GOP will always be doomed.

5. Immigration reform is bullshit. It is code of open borders and republicans HAVE backed that in the past and still lose hispanic votes.
If you want this to remain a "white" society, and I think you mean holsome [sic] safe prosperous hard working rewards success type of country ......

How fucking racist must one be to define that as "a white society"? More shameless hypocrisy from the left.

I believe that he is conflating "white" and "traditional". That is the way I read it and responded.
He's notorious for missing the point and instead he...
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016
Legal Mexicans don't care about illegals. Clearly or they would have all showed up to vote against Trump's wall
He's more honest than you.
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic
...and a lot more Mexicans would vote Republican as the report attested.
....If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Straw man argument. I'm didn't say anything about amnesty nor about illegals. All I said was that the Republicans fucked up when they didn't listen to their own report. There are over 27 Million registered Latino American voters in the US, about half of them Millennials. That's a heckuvva voting block.

What are these "white interests" you keep writing about?

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016

1. You might not have said amnesty. Both Party establishments have been pushing for it for quite some time. If you support(ed) just about anyone other than Trump, that is what you were supporting.

2. Repubicans WON when they did not listen to their own report. Whites are still the majority and even once we are NOT, we will still be the largest single ethnic group. And it is taboo to even discuss their interests. America is fucked.

3. That you can seriously ask what are white interests is a sign of how fucked our society is. The Congressional Black Caucus is an organization in Congress with the stated goals of serving black interests. Do you have any ideas as to what THAT might be?
He's more honest than you.
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
comments on my conflation. Thank you for pointing it out to the dope I'm sick of explaining it to him.

It's not just you and him.

And discussion of "conserving" "Traditional" and/or "white heritage/culture" runs into this semantic confusion, and so many of our society are conditioned with hair triggers to see racism,

When America was 80 or 90 percent white, it made complete sense to discuss American culture, knowing that that was mostly white,.....


I am being completely honest about my opinion on this subject.

Was I raised in Traditional American Culture? Or was I raised in Traditional White Culture?

If I say I want to maintain Traditional American culture, I can and have been charged with wanting to impose white culture on others,

If I say I want to maintain Traditional White Culture, then I am charged with claiming American culture and heritage as White, and denying Black and other contributions.

Unlike nearly EVERYTHING that liberals pretend to be confused about, this is a real issue of semantics where the reality that the words describe are changing quickly and leading to difficulty in discussion of those realities.
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic
...and a lot more Mexicans would vote Republican as the report attested.

As the report HOPED.

And losing by less is not winning.

We are never going to beat the Dems are pandering either though identity politics or at handing out money.

Was I raised in Traditional American Culture? Or was I raised in Traditional White Culture?....

It doesn't seem you understand the former, and the latter doesn't exist.

....of course it exists.

Define it. Culture isn't a color.

YOur request for me to "Define" American culture is absurd.

Here is the wikipedia link on it.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia

I like the Fischer Theory on American Culture, by which I would have been raised in the General American Culture.

So, that absurdity is answered.

My question remains, That area is undergoing radical demographic change. Former subcultures are becoming dominant or at least resulting in cultural fusion that is NOT what was there.

So, when someone discusses American culture, they are not discussing the culture that was American culture a generation ago, OR EVEN WHAT THAT CULTURE BECAME.

They are discussing the culture that out grew that other one..

So, what to call it?
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I think once a Mexican or Arab or any other demographic you are worried about assimilates they no longer vote as a group. For example meathead and I are both Greek. One liberal one conservative. Not all Mexicans vote democratic

Agreed. Not voting as a group is a valid measurement of assimilation.

HIspanics vote generally 2 to 1 dem. That's bloc voting. And as they are constantly flooded with new poor immigrants right out of the Third World, that tendency will be stronger.

Demographic shift, barring radical change, will lead to ONe Party Rule for generations.

And idiots that like to pretend that the whties are just as racist today as they were in 1920 will be constantly trying to fix every problem in black and brown communities though even more discrimination against whites,

You think there is any chance of that working out well?
2 to 1 of them is poor. They vote democratic because you haven't won them over.

When they are middle class then they start voting on wedge issues like religion or guns or race

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