Hatred or Anger?


Republicans think the free market should be free to get our government to pass policies that screw the people. .......

That is, of course, not true. That is more ignorant, hyper-partisan nonsense of the sort that precludes reasonable discussion.
Of course it's true. Look at everything Republicans ramped up on bushs watch. You ready? These are all things that widen the gap between rich and poor. Here we go.

1. Give tax breaks to the rich thus shifting that tax burden onto us.

2. Encourage illegals to come do jobs Americans won't do. And stop prosecuting companies that hired illegals.

3. Send jobs overseas.

4. Give the CEOs big raises and bonus' but not the workers.

5. Make cuts to social programs that help the masses.

6. Break unions

Any more?

Let's see if you know how to have a discussion. If I'm wrong tell me how stupid

Republicans think the free market should be free to get our government to pass policies that screw the people. .......

That is, of course, not true. That is more ignorant, hyper-partisan nonsense of the sort that precludes reasonable discussion.
Of course it's true. .....

More empty, mindless partisanship ^^^^^

The mere insistence of perhaps the most intellectually challenged liberal on this site is hardly persuasive.

1. Give tax breaks to the rich thus shifting that tax burden onto us.....

Spoken like a liberal who cannot conceive of a reduction in government spending, and who misunderstands graduated taxation.

5. Make cuts to social programs that help the masses.....

Spoken like a liberal who can't conceive of anything other than government dependency being in the interests of "the masses." Also, thinking of Americans as "the masses" rather than individuals.

2. Encourage illegals to come ...

Not a Republican position.
Romney bush McCain said jobs Americans won't do.

Maybe they didn't say it verbally but often times politicians aren't honest. You know that right? Well I'm telling you Republicans actions 2000-2006 or their inaction say you're flat out wrong.

Maybe today Trump isn't pro illegals but even he admits he took advantage of illegals back then.

This is one campaign promise he clearly intends to keep and I like Trump for cutting back on immigration. I know you probably don't.

1. Give tax breaks to the rich thus shifting that tax burden onto us.....

Spoken like a liberal who cannot conceive of a reduction in government spending, and who misunderstands graduated taxation.
I like that about Trump too. Cutting government spending. Especially on public schools. Teachers make too much.

But will he lower the debt or just spend the money somewhere else? Or will he cut your taxes? Let's see

1. Give tax breaks to the rich thus shifting that tax burden onto us.....

Spoken like a liberal who cannot conceive of a reduction in government spending, and who misunderstands graduated taxation.
I like that about Trump too. Cutting government spending. Especially on public schools. Teachers make too much.

But will he lower the debt or just spend the money somewhere else? Or will he cut your taxes? Let's see

Trump hasn't cut anything but a piece of cake for the Chinese president.
Do you support Trump? He's a liar too you know
You've trolled and lied. Now you are deflecting. Sorry, dude, but I've lost all respect for you because you are dishonest.

He's more honest than you.
He's accused me and others of being racists then ran providing evidence of that libel. Conversely, I've accused both of you for being racists and racially divisive then produced quotes of your posts where you either denigrate people for being white, broad brush people for being white or otherwise attacked being simply because of the color their skin and not the content of their character. That, sir, is racist. Something I am not.

If you think lying and personal attacks will achieve the goals you seek, you are wrong, sir. Very wrong. It will only achieve the opposite such as my lack of respect for dishonest people like sealybobo .

Good post, except that history shows that such tactics DO WORK, and if demographic shift continues, will, within our lifetimes grant them unchecked power.
Not with all the gerrymandering. They have the poor communities sectioned off

Gerrymandering isn't about sectioning off poor sections, but about partisan advantage.

And the advantage is nothing compared to the advantage that will be given to dems by demographic shift.
I live in the Rust Belt. It hurts scores of millions of whites.

That is why the Rust Belt flipped. Trump was the only one willing to speak out for them.
Not that he's doing much for them, but I agree; between the two deplorables up for the vote, the less deplorable one won the election.

Trump, as a populist, did appeal more greatly to blue collar Americans than Ms. Hillary "I'll keep doing things the same" Clinton. The Democrats, over the past two decades, have moved away from supporting blue collar Americans and moved closer to special interest elitists while using race politics to garner more votes among the poor by offering them money.

After the 2012 debacle and the "Republican Autopsy", the RNC had the opportunity to recruit a "huuuuge" voting block of very conservative, traditional, family oriented and religious Americans, but didn't do it because most Hispanics skin color didn't pass the white paper test. Heck, even GW knew the Hispanic vote was a very important voting block, one that would continue to increase and one that, in many, many ways, was anti-"Liberal".


Trump played hard ball with his opponents. That hardly deserves the term "Deplorable".

Hillary smeared half the nation and told the other half to hate them. She was vile.

What is your point about Hispanics?
You don't recall the shit-slinging fest after the Republican Autopsy? https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf

The Autopsy of the Autopsy
... Tactically, the autopsy also said Republicans needed to revamp their data strategies, perfect micro-targeting and raise lots and lots of money. It suggested “symposiums, lectures and forums” to exchange ideas with minority communities” and “a message that is non-inflammatory and inclusive to all.”

The obvious problem with the 2012 autopsy is that Republican voters in the real world didn't want any part of it. Instead of ideas, they wanted passion. Instead of immigration, they wanted a wall. Instead of a “non-inflammatory” message, they chose a man who channeled their rage. That he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinqo de Mayo was just the gravy on the pork chop

3 years ago, Republicans released an 'autopsy report' — but Donald Trump already shattered it
He continued:

And frankly, it is an issue Donald Trump's going to have to face in a fascinating way. Because if much of the evidence is true that he's bringing in new voters and the Republican turnout is up, the question is can he change the math? But I'm very worried that Trump is going to do dismally with African-Americans and with Hispanics.

One recommendation of the report in particular dogs Republicans with a devastating contrast between what the party desired to become and the reality in 2016.

It appeared on the eighth page of the report. The Republican Party, it said, "must embrace and champion comprehensive-immigration reform." This came off an election in which the party's nominee had, in the primary, advocated the practice of "self-deportation," which followed Romney until Election Day. He lost the Hispanic vote, 73% to 27%, according to exit polls.

The report warned that if the party did not back immigration reform, its appeal to minority groups would continue to shrink, particularly among Hispanic voters.

Oh, yes, I recall that.

1. It was based on the flawed premise that there were no more white votes to be gained. Partially true if you insist on the COnventional Wisdom that A. there are no white interests, and B. that it is racist to even discuss white interest and c that nothing can be done for white people. All which are lies.

2. A political culture based on, at best, malign neglect of it's largest single ethnic group, is a fucked up culture.

3. GW played by that plan. He managed to lose the Hispanic vote by LESS.

Losing by LESS in not a winning strategy.

4. As long as the current liberal lock on the culture, ie POlitical Correctness, remains unchallenged, the GOP will always be doomed.

5. Immigration reform is bullshit. It is code of open borders and republicans HAVE backed that in the past and still lose hispanic votes.
1) The flawed premise is people who think "white", "black" or any other subsection of people's interests supersede American interests.

I said nothing of "superseding" American interests. That sounds a lot like one of the common excuses lefties give for claiming that even discussion white interests is wrong.

2) The malign neglect of any Americans is wrong, but I fail to see how that applies with the "Republican Autopsy".[/QUOTE]

The belief system that there were no more white votes to get was based on the assumption that the long history of treating lower class and middle class white interests with complete disinterest with the tinge of hostility.

3) GW recognized good Republicans when he saw them. That doesn't mean he was neglecting other Republicans. As a governor, he also recognized he represented all Texans, not just those who were white.[/QUOTE]

And he still lost the brown vote, while completely failing to do anything for working class and middle class whites

That is neglecting the majority of Texans.

4) PC is being challenged all the time. Notice the inroads on taking down institutionalized racism like Affirmative Action.[/QUOTE]

You are being overly optimistic. We just went though 8 fucking years, when it was acceptable to smear people who exhibted normal partisan opposition to Obama as being racist.

5) Immigration reform is complex, but it's certainly not "open borders" even if idealistic Liberals want it that way.[/QUOTE]

If we give amnesty to the millions and millions of illegals who are here, which is the goal of both party establishments, we have an effective open border.
Not that he's doing much for them, but I agree; between the two deplorables up for the vote, the less deplorable one won the election.

Trump, as a populist, did appeal more greatly to blue collar Americans than Ms. Hillary "I'll keep doing things the same" Clinton. The Democrats, over the past two decades, have moved away from supporting blue collar Americans and moved closer to special interest elitists while using race politics to garner more votes among the poor by offering them money.

After the 2012 debacle and the "Republican Autopsy", the RNC had the opportunity to recruit a "huuuuge" voting block of very conservative, traditional, family oriented and religious Americans, but didn't do it because most Hispanics skin color didn't pass the white paper test. Heck, even GW knew the Hispanic vote was a very important voting block, one that would continue to increase and one that, in many, many ways, was anti-"Liberal".


Trump played hard ball with his opponents. That hardly deserves the term "Deplorable".

Hillary smeared half the nation and told the other half to hate them. She was vile.

What is your point about Hispanics?
You don't recall the shit-slinging fest after the Republican Autopsy? https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/RNC_Growth_Opportunity_Book_2013.pdf

The Autopsy of the Autopsy
... Tactically, the autopsy also said Republicans needed to revamp their data strategies, perfect micro-targeting and raise lots and lots of money. It suggested “symposiums, lectures and forums” to exchange ideas with minority communities” and “a message that is non-inflammatory and inclusive to all.”

The obvious problem with the 2012 autopsy is that Republican voters in the real world didn't want any part of it. Instead of ideas, they wanted passion. Instead of immigration, they wanted a wall. Instead of a “non-inflammatory” message, they chose a man who channeled their rage. That he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl on Cinqo de Mayo was just the gravy on the pork chop

3 years ago, Republicans released an 'autopsy report' — but Donald Trump already shattered it
He continued:

And frankly, it is an issue Donald Trump's going to have to face in a fascinating way. Because if much of the evidence is true that he's bringing in new voters and the Republican turnout is up, the question is can he change the math? But I'm very worried that Trump is going to do dismally with African-Americans and with Hispanics.

One recommendation of the report in particular dogs Republicans with a devastating contrast between what the party desired to become and the reality in 2016.

It appeared on the eighth page of the report. The Republican Party, it said, "must embrace and champion comprehensive-immigration reform." This came off an election in which the party's nominee had, in the primary, advocated the practice of "self-deportation," which followed Romney until Election Day. He lost the Hispanic vote, 73% to 27%, according to exit polls.

The report warned that if the party did not back immigration reform, its appeal to minority groups would continue to shrink, particularly among Hispanic voters.

Oh, yes, I recall that.

1. It was based on the flawed premise that there were no more white votes to be gained. Partially true if you insist on the COnventional Wisdom that A. there are no white interests, and B. that it is racist to even discuss white interest and c that nothing can be done for white people. All which are lies.

2. A political culture based on, at best, malign neglect of it's largest single ethnic group, is a fucked up culture.

3. GW played by that plan. He managed to lose the Hispanic vote by LESS.

Losing by LESS in not a winning strategy.

4. As long as the current liberal lock on the culture, ie POlitical Correctness, remains unchallenged, the GOP will always be doomed.

5. Immigration reform is bullshit. It is code of open borders and republicans HAVE backed that in the past and still lose hispanic votes.
If you want this to remain a "white" society, and I think you mean holsome [sic] safe prosperous hard working rewards success type of country ......

How fucking racist must one be to define that as "a white society"? More shameless hypocrisy from the left.

I believe that he is conflating "white" and "traditional". That is the way I read it and responded.

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