Hatred or Anger?

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
Whites? Are you a racist? Why not compare Irish, Italians and other groups who have been prejudiced against in the 20th Century just like Blacks? Lemme guess, because they weren't slaves? You might want to go deeper into history on that one. Specifically "indentured servitidue".

No matter, feel free to spread your hate, keep up the divide, push that attitude that "whites" owe you and let's keep playing the race card as an excuse for everything that's wrong with "black" culture in America. Not your responsibility at all, just keep blaming "whites".

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.

There has been no discrimination in favor of blacks. What there has been are attempts at equal opportunity whites like you call discrimination.

You cannot produce one policy that was written and enacted that discriminates against whites.

YOur absurd denial of reality is noted and laughed at.


Laugh all you want but you can't produce an anti white discriminatory law or policy.

YOur pretense of ignorance of the last 60-70 years is not credible.

ROFLMAO. 60-70 years ago it was 1947- 1957, dipstick.

If you had been black or anything other than white in America during that time with the same emotional fragility that you have now, you would have committed suicide.

YOur pretense of ignorance and your denial of the hard work and sacrifices of all the Americans that fought and sacrificed for your ungrateful ass, is noted and held against you.

Your tantrum does not change the fact that not a goddamn thing happened between 1947 and 1957.....or ever that has marginalized the "poor, maligned" white population.

At least be intellectually honest enough to admit that was a stupid ass statement.

Even. For. You.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.

You got that right. White racism is a cultural problem.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.

Not exactly how things are working in America.
Where are all the drowning whites leaving the US to swim to Liberia?

A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.

Not exactly how things are working in America.
Where are all the drowning whites leaving the US to swim to Liberia?
Dying of Meth and Heroin overdoses. A Win's a Win!
I asked for drowning immigrants.
You posted about meth and heroin.
Sounds like you're butthurt about the truth.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.

Speaking of statistics and "bad genes", remember the Italian American Anti-Defamation League? It was started by Joe Colombo in 1970. Among other things, it denied the existence of the Mafia aka the Cosa Nostra. Then, a year later, Colombo got hit with three shots to the head because he was, of course, a Mafia crime boss. ROFL

How Did Joe Colombo Get Killed? - Death Photos - The NCS

Next up, the Irish with "Whitey" Bulger. LOL....
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.

Not exactly how things are working in America.
Where are all the drowning whites leaving the US to swim to Liberia?
Dying of Meth and Heroin overdoses. A Win's a Win!
I asked for drowning immigrants.
You posted about meth and heroin.
Sounds like you're butthurt about the truth.
Why swim when they can take Meth?
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.

You got that right. White racism is a cultural problem.
You are partially correct. All racism is a cultural problem including yours.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.
Here's a recent one I posted in response to someone's claim:
The most violent state in America
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.

YOur absurd denial of reality is noted and laughed at.


Laugh all you want but you can't produce an anti white discriminatory law or policy.

YOur pretense of ignorance of the last 60-70 years is not credible.

ROFLMAO. 60-70 years ago it was 1947- 1957, dipstick.

If you had been black or anything other than white in America during that time with the same emotional fragility that you have now, you would have committed suicide.

YOur pretense of ignorance and your denial of the hard work and sacrifices of all the Americans that fought and sacrificed for your ungrateful ass, is noted and held against you.

Your tantrum does not change the fact that not a goddamn thing happened between 1947 and 1957.....or ever that has marginalized the "poor, maligned" white population.

At least be intellectually honest enough to admit that was a stupid ass statement.

Even. For. You.

Here's a cool little historical tidbit.

African-American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954) - Wikipedia

"In 1862, the US Congress passed the Morrill Act, which established federal funding of a land grant college in each state, but 17 states refused to admit black students to their land grant colleges. In response, Congress enacted the second Morrill Act of 1890, which required states that excluded blacks from their existing land grant colleges to open separate institutions and to equitably divide the funds between the schools. The colleges founded in response to the second Morill Act became today's public historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and, together with the private HBCUs and the unsegregated colleges in the North and West, provided higher educational opportunities to African Americans. Federally funded extension agents from the land grant colleges spread knowledge about scientific agriculture and home economics to rural communities with agents from the HBCUs focusing on black farmers and families."

18 fucking 62, white congressmen elected by white voters, using federal power and white tax dollars to help blacks.

Here is something in the time frame you said nothing was done.

"After the case was reheard in December, Warren set about persuading his colleagues to reach a unanimous decision overruling Plessy. Five of the other eight judges were firmly on his side. He persuaded another two by saying that the decision would not touch greatly on the original question of Plessy's legality, focusing instead on the principle of equality. Justice Stanley Reed was swayed after Warren suggested that a Southerner's lone dissent on this issue could be more dangerous and incendiary than the court's unanimous decision.[citation needed] In May 1954, Warren announced the Court's decision, which he wrote. It said that "segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race" was unconstitutional because it deprived "the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities" and thus equal protection under the law"

Separate but equal, overturned unanimously by an all white Supreme Court in 1954.

Warren worked hard and smart to get a strong unanimous decision to settle the issue. You ignored his work and his bravery.

Not to mention the decision of Eisenhower, who choose a civil rights supporter for the court.

Eisenhower, who won two landslide elections despite, (or because?) of his strong support for civil rights.

This is Eisenhower on civil rights, in 19 fucking 53

"Eisenhower overruled him: "We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country."[197]"

Generations of good people, working and sacrifice and putting themselves at risk at times, and you dismiss them and lie and deny their contributions.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.
Here's a recent one I posted in response to someone's claim:
The most violent state in America
Thanks but I saw no evidence backing your conclusions that Blacks have inferior or "bad" genes. It's cultural as proved by adoption studies. Take a black baby out of the ghetto, put them in a middle class home and they become Middle Class Americans. Conversely, stick a white baby in the ghetto and you get another gang-banger.
It's the negroes that are here sucking off of the white man. I don't know too many whites drowning to get to some African shithole for a handout.
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.

Speaking of statistics and "bad genes", remember the Italian American Anti-Defamation League? It was started by Joe Colombo in 1970. Among other things, it denied the existence of the Mafia aka the Cosa Nostra. Then, a year later, Colombo got hit with three shots to the head because he was, of course, a Mafia crime boss. ROFL

How Did Joe Colombo Get Killed? - Death Photos - The NCS

Next up, the Irish with "Whitey" Bulger. LOL....

Sure, it's called the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A which is more prevalent in Black criminals.

Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior - ScienceDirect
Many "whites" have their own shitholes to live in and seek government assistance to fund their trailer home and meth habits. Sad.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.

Speaking of statistics and "bad genes", remember the Italian American Anti-Defamation League? It was started by Joe Colombo in 1970. Among other things, it denied the existence of the Mafia aka the Cosa Nostra. Then, a year later, Colombo got hit with three shots to the head because he was, of course, a Mafia crime boss. ROFL

How Did Joe Colombo Get Killed? - Death Photos - The NCS

Next up, the Irish with "Whitey" Bulger. LOL....

Sure, it's called the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A which is more prevalent in Black criminals.

Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior - ScienceDirect
1) All criminals, not just "black criminals".
2) "5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele"
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.
It is genetic. Blacks get the bad genes a lot more often. It's statistics.
Feel free to post links about Black "bad genes" and statistics.

Speaking of statistics and "bad genes", remember the Italian American Anti-Defamation League? It was started by Joe Colombo in 1970. Among other things, it denied the existence of the Mafia aka the Cosa Nostra. Then, a year later, Colombo got hit with three shots to the head because he was, of course, a Mafia crime boss. ROFL

How Did Joe Colombo Get Killed? - Death Photos - The NCS

Next up, the Irish with "Whitey" Bulger. LOL....

Sure, it's called the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A which is more prevalent in Black criminals.

Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior - ScienceDirect
1) All criminals, not just "black criminals".
2) "5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele"

They didn't study Whites with the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A in that study, because apparently they were too hard to find.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.

I, as a white person have never owned a slave. I have never bought products made by black slaves, though I once bought an iPod, which are made by slaves in China, but they don't count because they are not black. I was not born in 1802, so I never lived in a world where blacks were paid less for the same job. In our world whites are passed over in favor of less qualified blacks on a regular basis for jobs and college admission.

Racism will stop when we stop being racist, Promoting hatred of whites, as the left does, will not fix anything. When you stop promoting racism, only then will you free yourself.

This concept of yours that I am guilty of sins that were committed by people long dead who I never even met, due to the color of my skin is the very evil you claim to oppose. I don't "apologize" for things I had no part in.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.

I, as a white person have never owned a slave. I have never bought products made by black slaves, though I once bought an iPod, which are made by slaves in China, but they don't count because they are not black. I was not born in 1802, so I never lived in a world where blacks were paid less for the same job. In our world whites are passed over in favor of less qualified blacks on a regular basis for jobs and college admission.

Racism will stop when we stop being racist, Promoting hatred of whites, as the left does, will not fix anything. When you stop promoting racism, only then will you free yourself.

This concept of yours that I am guilty of sins that were committed by people long dead who I never even met, due to the color of my skin is the very evil you claim to oppose. I don't "apologize" for things I had no part in.

It is incredible to me that anyone could disagree with any of that.
White people should apologize? Which white people? Slavery ended 150 years ago. All the slaves and all the masters are dead.
The one's who have enough understanding of the "peculiar institution" and its enduring impacts to know that whites who were not slave owners, long after slavery itself was abolished, enjoyed and owe some or all their current station to the primacy that slavery and the subsequent cultural inculcation of notions of superiority established for them.

I mean really. How else is one to construe the part of our history whereby even the most vile of while ne'er do wells, even well after slavery's end, nominally enjoyed, in the eyes of official and unofficial America, a social status as a human being above every black no matter a black person's accomplishments. Even to this day, in the minds of some, a convicted white felon is the better of, say, a black like Dr. Charles Drew, and the only reason for that being so is the color of their skin.

That of course is utter bullshit.

First off, the percentage of slave owners in the Antebellum South was around 10%. Secondly, slavery was an extreme economic burden on WHITE people. Labor in the pre-industrial South was the single most expensive part of production, The use of low cost slave labor relegated those who did not have slaves to the very bottom of the economic ladder, far below the slaves themselves. This is a condition that continued long after the war with whites in extreme poverty due to the large land owners use of share cropping (which is another term for serfdom) barring the small hold farmers from effectively penetrating markets.

You are a racist and faithfully recite the racist mantras of your disgusting party, the party that held slaves and now continues to pimp hatred based on skin color. But you rant is a fiction built by those who still seek to control others based on the color of their skin.
In time, all Confederate Flags are going to taken down, stomped on and torn assunder.

It's racist message needs to be placed in the dust bin of history once and for ever.

Good post OP.

In time you will shred the 1st Amendment. You had a good start under Barry, one more SCOTUS justice and you could have ended the Bill of Rights once and for all. But it all went south for you racist fascists.

Freedom to have Confederate Battle Flag remains, as does your freedom to fly the North Korean, Palestinian, and ISIS battle flag as is so common for you democrats.

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