Have Dems moved far left or have the Reps moved far right?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero,
Studies show Republicans have moved farther to the right than Democrats have to the left, and right-wing extremists are the most likely to embrace violence. The GOP is engaged in an assault on the bodily autonomy of women, people of color and transgender people. There is no comparable assault on people’s rights from Democrats, although many Republicans would disagree.

In her LA Times piece Guerrero wallowed in her racist left-wing stereotyping of Republicans.
Whenever you read the phrase "studies show" you can be sure that what follows will be illegitimate tripe.
There is no doubt that the Democrat Party has moved far left.
A person would have to be delusional to not be able to see it.
It cannot be denied that every day there is a steady drum beat of Left-Wing animosity for mainstream Americans coming from the Left-Wing hate machine (Media/Hollywood).
The Democrats have moved far left and the Republicans are still the mainstream Americans who the Leftist vilifies.
LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero,
Studies show Republicans have moved farther to the right than Democrats have to the left, and right-wing extremists are the most likely to embrace violence. The GOP is engaged in an assault on the bodily autonomy of women, people of color and transgender people. There is no comparable assault on people’s rights from Democrats, although many Republicans would disagree.

In her LA Times piece Guerrero wallowed in her racist left-wing stereotyping of Republicans.
Whenever you read the phrase "studies show" you can be sure that what follows will be illegitimate tripe.
There is no doubt that the Democrat Party has moved far left.
A person would have to be delusional to not be able to see it.
It cannot be denied that every day there is a steady drum beat of Left-Wing animosity for mainstream Americans coming from the Left-Wing hate machine (Media/Hollywood).
The Democrats have moved far left and the Republicans are still the mainstream Americans who the Leftist vilifies.
You don't read the post from right wingers here do you?
Over the last 50 years, The Democrat party has moved extreme left, and the degree of authoritarianism is now off the charts.

The republican party, meanwhile, has become much less authoritarian and more moderate.

If Kennedy were alive today, Democrats would boo him off the stage.
The Left has moved left over the last decade or so, and the Right has done something that is very difficult to describe.

Meaning that we're in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
the Right has done something that is very difficult to describe.
It has become more populist and less authoritarian.

Durning the draconian fascist COVID crackdowns, the only voices out there for the little guy were republicans like Ron DeSantis. Democrats were all wearing their jackboots trying to squash small businesses so Jeff Bezos and all the rest of the technocrats could benefit.
The Left has moved left over the last decade or so, and the Right has done something that is very difficult to describe.

Meaning that we're in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
Ya think...?

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

-George Washington, 1st President of the United States of America

Most American's are two dumb to understand the damaging affects that these two parties are doing to this country (as witnessed in this very forum). For many, their "religion" is their unfettered alliance to a political party while rejecting reasonable discourse and bipartisanship while at the same time, ignoring the purpose of the gov't and its politicians.

LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero,
Studies show Republicans have moved farther to the right than Democrats have to the left, and right-wing extremists are the most likely to embrace violence. The GOP is engaged in an assault on the bodily autonomy of women, people of color and transgender people. There is no comparable assault on people’s rights from Democrats, although many Republicans would disagree.

In her LA Times piece Guerrero wallowed in her racist left-wing stereotyping of Republicans.
Whenever you read the phrase "studies show" you can be sure that what follows will be illegitimate tripe.
There is no doubt that the Democrat Party has moved far left.
A person would have to be delusional to not be able to see it.
It cannot be denied that every day there is a steady drum beat of Left-Wing animosity for mainstream Americans coming from the Left-Wing hate machine (Media/Hollywood).
The Democrats have moved far left and the Republicans are still the mainstream Americans who the Leftist vilifies.

Not really. Have we unionized Walmart, McD and Amazon employees yet?

Republicans have been deregulating industry since Reagan but really did a lot of right wing damage under Bush.

Republicans trying to make abortion murder

Okay we did Obamacare but it was long overdue. Should have done more. Thanks Lieberman!

Okay we are going green.

Okay we let gays marry when before we didn't.

But Biden just let the oil companies tap Alaska's oil.

Since Reagan we've given the rich a lot of tax breaks. In other words, moved farther to the right. If we tax the rich now that's only moving back towards the center.

What else? Don't say gay bills? Now Ron is even trying to say you can't say gay in highschool?

Election deniers who don't trust the government but worship a king Trump? Republicans have always loved a tough ruler leading the country. Right or wrong they love tough.

But apparently Republicans have moved left since reagan on this because now they claim they don't want to end social security.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine is a 1961 LP featuring the actor and future U.S. president Ronald Reagan. In this ten-minute recording, Reagan "criticized Social Security for supplanting private savings and warned that subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him."
How far 'RIGHT' are we when 100% of the Democrats vote against a 'Parents Rights' bill and declare your children are the GOVERNMENT'S kids as soon as you enroll them in public schools (Demmocrat / Trans / Grooming Indoctrination camps)?
They both just keep moving farther left. Little by little.
The repubs havent been on the right in 100 years.

The Supreme Court is now stacked with right wingers. So you must admit the country will be moving to the right for decades when it comes to things they decide on. Gay marriage, abortion, what is and isn't constitutional.

The country went far right when Bush was in office too. Deregulations, tax breaks to the rich.

Republicans love to have us arguing over gay marriage and trannies in bathrooms and trannies swimming with girls and illegal immigration and global warming. Sometimes the Supremes will give us liberals a little something to make us happy but when it comes to corporations and protecting rich people, this country went hard right when Trump appointed those 3 yahoos.
The Supreme Court is now stacked with right wingers. So you must admit the country will be moving to the right for decades when it comes to things they decide on. Gay marriage, abortion, what is and isn't constitutional.

The country went far right when Bush was in office too. Deregulations, tax breaks to the rich.

Republicans love to have us arguing over gay marriage and trannies in bathrooms and trannies swimming with girls and illegal immigration and global warming. Sometimes the Supremes will give us liberals a little something to make us happy but when it comes to corporations and protecting rich people, this country went hard right when Trump appointed those 3 yahoos.
The Constitution is "right"
So I guess you are saying we finally have a court that will do their jobs?
How far 'RIGHT' are we when 100% of the Democrats vote against a 'Parents Rights' bill and declare your children are the GOVERNMENT'S kids as soon as you enroll them in public schools (Demmocrat / Trans / Grooming Indoctrination camps)?
And why are Democrats fighting for the right to give children puberty blockers and transition surgery? All while simultaneously trying to manipulate them to choose genders in grade school?
And why are Democrats fighting for the right to give children puberty blockers and transition surgery? All while simultaneously trying to manipulate them to choose genders in grade school?
They are doing this to undermine family bonds and create children loyal only to them, instead.
The Supreme Court is now stacked with right wingers. So you must admit the country will be moving to the right for decades when it comes to things they decide on. Gay marriage, abortion, what is and isn't constitutional.

The country went far right when Bush was in office too. Deregulations, tax breaks to the rich.

Republicans love to have us arguing over gay marriage and trannies in bathrooms and trannies swimming with girls and illegal immigration and global warming. Sometimes the Supremes will give us liberals a little something to make us happy but when it comes to corporations and protecting rich people, this country went hard right when Trump appointed those 3 yahoos.
You are not a liberal.

You would not recognize actual liberalism if it busted you along side the head
The basic misunderstanding here is that people attach themselves to a political party and then follow wherever that party leads. Instead of creating values and following principles while determining their positions accordingly, they simply conform to the expectations of their party.

For hyper-partisans, politics is an article of faith, not reason.
No you don't.

Maybe this will help you understand. Would Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan agree 100% of the time what is and isn't constitutional? Of course not. Us liberals have shown when Republicans have acted unconstitutionally.

Do the left wing justices agree with the right wing justices on what is and isn't constitutional?

So you guys can say whatever you want. Global warming legislation isn't constitutional Because the constitution never mentioned it. Whatever cherry pickin spinsters.

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