Have liberals and leftists given up any pretense of doing the right thing?

My answer would be "no" and most definitely "yes" in the order asked.

The problem, here, is that liberals are a dying breed and there are precious few of them out there, these days. They have been replaced by authoritarian leftists playing such stupid games of identity politics that they resemble fascists more than they do liberals.

If the subject has to do with Jews, there seems to be no end to the antisemitic pieces of filth in this forum. Of these, perhaps 10% are of the old-fashioned white supremacist type. The vast majority are fire breathing leftists who hate Jews because they love Islamists, and the only reason they love Islamists is that they consider them as brown-skinned people. If you look at the crap these antisemites come up with, they inevitably cast Jews as white or European which makes them easier to hate.
How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel the 'right thing'? How is it 'America First'?

Israel is our best friend and most important ally in the ME

stepping up and taking their side strengthens our relationship with them

American Jews tend to lean left; Israeli Jews tend to lean right & most were thrilled with Trump's win
How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel the 'right thing'? How is it 'America First'?

Israel is our best friend and most important ally in the ME

stepping up and taking their side strengthens our relationship with them

American Jews tend to lean left; Israeli Jews tend to lean right & most were thrilled with Trump's win

I agree.

I think the only reason Israeli Jews are more conservative, though, is that they have to be in order to survive. Having to deal with a repulsive culture that places your death above every other conceivable aspect of life affects the psyche.
How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel the 'right thing'? How is it 'America First'?

Israel is our best friend and most important ally in the ME

How so? Does Israel provide us with military bases? Oil? Troops? Money?

Nope, no, definitely no, and no.

To the contrary, they've *cost us* $40,000,000,000 in the last decade.

Meanwhile, our *actual* strategic allies in the region, those offering us troops, money, oil or military bases......like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey.....are outraged. We've permanently damaged our credibility with those allies. Turkey has described our actions as crossing a 'red line'. The Palestinians have rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator and canceled their meetings with us.

The world has overwhelmingly condemned our move with a grand total of TWO other countries joining us. And 165 condemning us.

Meanwhile, in the vaccume of US leadership in the region and the complete collapse of our credibility as a neutral arbitrator between the Israelies and the Palestinians, Russia and Iran have stepped up. Russia is now proposing peace talks, gaining influence that we've inexplicably abdicated.

How is this 'America First'? Why is destroying our credibility, damaging our alliances, ruining our credibility and increasing the influence of our rivals the 'right thing'?

American Jews tend to lean left; Israeli Jews tend to lean right & most were thrilled with Trump's win

There are only two countries where the view of the US president has increased. Russia and Israel.

In every other country polled, our credibility has plummeted. In South Korea, for example...a key regional ally in south east asia, confidence in the judgment of the US president went from 88% in 2015 to 17% now. We've seen plummeting confidence in Canada, most of Europe, Mexico, Japan, virtually every country polled.

How is that 'America First'? How is that 'doing the right thing'?
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You are apparently ignorant of Jewish history....and American history.

But to be fair to NYC, he isn't just completely ignorant of Jewish and American history.

There are so many matters of which he knows absolutely nothing that to single out just these two seems almost prejudicial.
I was being more fair to NYC than are you here. Since I know not what else NYC claims to have knowledge, I cannot list those topics as being among those of which he or she is ignorant. There are also many matters of which I am between somewhat and totally ignorant: brain surgery, Mayan history, original Greek language, ethnic cuisine, stock market, religious beliefs, three body physics,....ad infinitum.

However, ignorance is the state of being uninformed...as opposed to stupidity, which is the state of having been informed repeatedly but you still don't get it!

I was giving NYC the benefit of doubt regarding the quoted post because: regarding NYC, (a) I am not aware of age, gender or ethnicity, (b) I am not aware of formal education, (c) I am not aware of IQ. Had I knowledge of these things, I might have deemed him or her STUPID! From his or her posting history, I have already determined that he or she is a liberal lunatic and therefore ignorant of the fact that he or she is irredeemably SICK!
or is everything just a matter of expediency for them?

not just American leftists, but WORLDWIDE!

Donald Trump does the right thing and changes US policy; declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

What happens? SNAP SNAP - right away, we get a bullshit resolution rm the UN to denounce it.

Iran shuts down the internet and starts shooting people that are protesting for freedom and basic human rights

the reaction from the UN and our friends on the left???


as always, leftists are more concerned about the optics than doing the right thing

what do I mean by optics?

it's simple; leftists need the evil regime in Iran to stay in power to justify Obama's shitty deal and shittier policies

nevermind that the right thing to do is to voice support for things to get better for the people; cuz if that happened, it would make Trump look good, and we can't have that, now can we :dunno:

One word--------->yes!
How is declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel the 'right thing'? How is it 'America First'?

Israel is our best friend and most important ally in the ME

How so? Does Israel provide us with military bases? Oil? Troops? Money?

Nope, no, definitely no, and no.

To the contrary, they've *cost us* $40,000,000,000 in the last decade.

Meanwhile, our *actual* strategic allies in the region, those offering us troops, money, oil or military bases......like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey.....are outraged. We've permanently damaged our credibility with those allies. Turkey has described our actions as crossing a 'red line'. The Palestinians have rejected the US as a neutral arbitrator and canceled their meetings with us.

The world has overwhelmingly condemned our move with a grand total of TWO other countries joining us. And 165 condemning us.

Meanwhile, in the vaccume of US leadership in the region and the complete collapse of our credibility as a neutral arbitrator between the Israelies and the Palestinians, Russia and Iran have stepped up. Russia is now proposing peace talks, gaining influence that we've inexplicably abdicated.

How is this 'America First'? Why is destroying our credibility, damaging our alliances, ruining our credibility and increasing the influence of our rivals the 'right thing'?

American Jews tend to lean left; Israeli Jews tend to lean right & most were thrilled with Trump's win

There are only two countries where the view of the US president has increased. Russia and Israel.

In every other country polled, our credibility has plummeted. In South Korea, for example...a key regional ally in south east asia, confidence in the judgment of the US president went from 88% in 2015 to 17% now. We've seen plummeting confidence in Canada, most of Europe, Mexico, Japan, virtually every country polled.

How is that 'America First'? How is that 'doing the right thing'?
Israel is the only country in the ME that comes close to being a tolerant democracy. The Israeli government includes Jews, Christians and Muslims. They accept all people from all religions as long as those people promote the advance of democracy and freedom. They do not accept people that want to kill them for being Jews. They contribute greatly to the world's medical, technical, art and conservation efforts.

We need more ME countries to follow Israel's lead!

Amazing Israeli Contributions to the World

Here’s a list of some amazing accomplishments that this young, tiny country has contributed to the world. While the modern State of Israel is young in years, the Jewish people’s yearning to return to their ancient homeland may be reason why the people of Israel have been able to accomplish so much in so little time. After 2000 years in exile, the Jewish people once again became a sovereign nation in their ancestral homeland and wasted no time in trying to make the world a better place and advancing themselves as a ” light unto the nations”.

– Nobel Prizes: Medicine, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, Literature
– Medical Research: biological pacemaker; DNA nana-computer detects cancer cells – then releases combating drugs; stem-cell technology to regenerate heart tissue; pill-camera, tiny, examines small intestine; first full computerized diagnostic instrument for breast cancer detection; development of heart pump synchronization device
– Pharmaceutical Research: treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
– Microsoft and Cisco companies – only R&D facilities outside the US are in Israel
– Microsoft-Windows operating system – designed in Israel
– Pentium Microprocessor -designed and produced in Israel
– Voice mail – developed in Israel
– Aircraft Security System – developed in Israel
– University degrees, highest % of workers, per capita
– Museums, zoos, orchestras, home computers – highest %, per capita
– Only country in the world – more trees at start of 21st Century than at the 20th

This is only a partial list and was achieved in its short 61 years of life, while defending itself in four major wars resisting combined Arab armies plus unrelenting attacks by terrorists upon Israeli civilians throughout its existence. Amazing!
They are all actually fearful of Islam.
Hey dummy, maybe some people just disagree with what you may think is “doing the right thing”.

You can now proceed to have a nice hot cup of STFU while you ponder that possibility.

you must have reading comprehension issues

or maybe you just didn't read past the OP?

allow me to direct you to my 2nd response in this very thread; 3rd post overall - where I clearly acknowledged that many disagree with me and do not believe that the Nation of Israel should be allowed to name her own capital.

Now; perhaps you would be willing to address the main point of the thread - why are the cries from many on the left so loud about this issue; yet, deafeningly silent about Iran? Is it because Obama the fool cut a deal and they are fearful to further dismantle his piyiful legacy?

And where is the outrage from the UN? They were quick and loud in their outrage over our new policy towards Israel?

Maybe it's time for the UN to go ahead and move to France. Or maybe Brussels or Berlin.

America First. Then our allies; of which Israel is one of the most important.

Many Jews in America are anti-Zionists. I suspect they are jealous of the success of Israeli efforts. The 6 Day War likely pissed them off!
Many Jews in America are anti-Zionists. I suspect they are jealous of the success of Israeli efforts. The 6 Day War likely pissed them off!

Yeah.....that's IT !!!!! So, the huge lobby of AIPAC is just for fun???

What an asshole.
dcbl said:
Donald Trump does the right thing and changes US policy; declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Not disagreeing with your intent, but technically, the above cut from your OP is incorrect. Donald Trump did not change US policy by declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. It was made US policy in 1995, as was the intent to move our embassy there. It became law despite not being signed by Slick Willy Clinton. Its implementation was waived every six months by Clinton, GWB and Obama throughout their terms of office. Trump merely made the bold move to implement it. However, he did delay the moving of the embassy...a site must be chosen first.
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Many Jews in America are anti-Zionists. I suspect they are jealous of the success of Israeli efforts. The 6 Day War likely pissed them off!

Yeah.....that's IT !!!!! So, the huge lobby of AIPAC is just for fun???

What an asshole.

Enlighten yourself, pinhead! Read both of these articles.

Anti-Zionism Among Jews

Why Many American Jews Are Becoming Indifferent or Even Hostile to Israel

Moron, I'm calling you a moron because you stated that American Jews are "jealous" of Israeli Jews base on.....well, based on the fact that you're a moron.
Many Jews in America are anti-Zionists. I suspect they are jealous of the success of Israeli efforts. The 6 Day War likely pissed them off!

Yeah.....that's IT !!!!! So, the huge lobby of AIPAC is just for fun???

What an asshole.

Enlighten yourself, pinhead! Read both of these articles.

Anti-Zionism Among Jews

Why Many American Jews Are Becoming Indifferent or Even Hostile to Israel

Moron, I'm calling you a moron because you stated that American Jews are "jealous" of Israeli Jews base on.....well, based on the fact that you're a moron.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The first sentence of my post was FACT. The others were opinion. You are too stupid to recognize the difference.

Enlighten yourself. Enroll in kindergarten!
They are all actually fearful of Islam.
Hey dummy, maybe some people just disagree with what you may think is “doing the right thing”.

You can now proceed to have a nice hot cup of STFU while you ponder that possibility.

you must have reading comprehension issues

or maybe you just didn't read past the OP?

allow me to direct you to my 2nd response in this very thread; 3rd post overall - where I clearly acknowledged that many disagree with me and do not believe that the Nation of Israel should be allowed to name her own capital.

Now; perhaps you would be willing to address the main point of the thread - why are the cries from many on the left so loud about this issue; yet, deafeningly silent about Iran? Is it because Obama the fool cut a deal and they are fearful to further dismantle his piyiful legacy?

And where is the outrage from the UN? They were quick and loud in their outrage over our new policy towards Israel?

Maybe it's time for the UN to go ahead and move to France. Or maybe Brussels or Berlin.

America First. Then our allies; of which Israel is one of the most important.


What about Iran??? Just because we cut a deal with them does not make them our allie and it especially doesn’t make them Israel, state which we support with many many billions, share much intel with, do a lot of busness with and etc.

America First? More like America Alone.

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