Have Republicans failed to consider the consequences of their actions?

It's so odd to see Americans vote against protecting Americans. Today's Democratic party.
Next time a democratic president takes office, expect to see a number of "emergencies" popping up. Gun violence emergencies. Climate change emergencies. White people still exist emergencies. You name it.
Do you have any idea how many unilaterally declared "national emergencies" are currently in effect?

I'm aware there are quite a few.
Oh, so you're aware, yet seem to have no objection to the litany of the ones already existing, in lieu of huffing and puffing about how the next unilateral "emergency" proclamation could really fuck us over.

Well, dude, the horse is already out of the barn...If you were really against these declarations, then you'd be calling for an end to them all...But you're not making that case.

An emergency to me is a hurricane. Not "Oh, I'm gonna see if I can get this funding through congress, but if not I'll call an emergency to circumvent that". Which Trump came right out and said was his plan. Doesn't sound like much of an emergency. It's unusual because he openly declared that his intent was just to achieve a political goal for his base.
Illegal immigration causes more harm and damage to this country than any hurricane.

Illegal Immigration costs $150 Billion dollars a year in damages to The US Economy and taxpayers.

Damn Right it's a National Emergency!

Every year Illegal Immigration is The Equivalent of a Monster Hurricane slamming in to The US.

Hurricane Costs

Hurricane Costs. It is estimated that Hurricane Harvey had total costs of $125 billion—second only to Hurricane Katrina in the period of record, which had an approximate cost of $161 billion.

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