Have The Videos Given You Pause?

I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?

The camera in cell phones has been a game changer. I don't think the police departments are "rife with vile racists and bigots" but enough of them are to cause the problems that we are seeing but only used to hear about, before everyone had a smart phone.

An acquaintance of mine who has been with a network television affiliate here in NOLA said this happens all the time.

Yep, I paused for a minute and realized the Michael Brown incident was well deserved........

Cherry picking seems to be your specialty. Would you like to move on to Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Jordan Davis, Walter Scott, et al.? And try to keep in mind that our judicial system is set up for the police to apprehend, not judge and execute.
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?

The camera in cell phones has been a game changer. I don't think the police departments are "rife with vile racists and bigots" but enough of them are to cause the problems that we are seeing but only used to hear about, before everyone had a smart phone.

An acquaintance of mine who has been with a network television affiliate here in NOLA said this happens all the time.

Agreed. I love that police never know when they are being filmed now. It's called accountability
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?

I have yet to see anyone shot while complying with police instructions. Cops have families to go home to also.
Being an unarmed asshole is NOT a capital offense in this country. Look it up.
Being a deranged man with a bomb IS a capital offense.
He didn't say he had a bomb. If a fucked up guy mutters that his disabled vehicle is going to explode after parking it in the middle of the road and behaving strangely, you gonna take him super serious?
He was either acting strangely, precipitating the disproportionate response from police, or he was behaving straight up and didn't deserve to be shot.
Bomb my ass. That's absolutely, 100% pathetic.
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?

I have yet to see anyone shot while complying with police instructions. Cops have families to go home to also.
Being an unarmed asshole is NOT a capital offense in this country. Look it up.
Being a deranged man with a bomb IS a capital offense.
He didn't say he had a bomb. If a fucked up guy mutters that his disabled vehicle is going to explode after parking it in the middle of the road and behaving strangely, you gonna take him super serious?
He was either acting strangely, precipitating the disproportionate response from police, or he was behaving straight up and didn't deserve to be shot.
Bomb my ass. That's absolutely, 100% pathetic.
Only one way a car blows up.

And don't give a bullshit answer that fuel tanks spontaneously blow up.
Yep, I paused for a minute and realized the Michael Brown incident was well deserved........

Cherry picking seems to be your specialty. Would you like to move on to Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Jordan Davis, Walter Scott, et al.? And try to keep in mind that our judicial system is set up for the police to apprehend, not judge and execute.
Yes, let's.
Trayvon Martin: law enforcement not involved, State, local and Federal agencies ruled it a justifiable shooting.

Tamir Rice: 911 call that there was a guy with a gun. Yes, it turned out to be a BB gun.

Jordan Davis: again not a law enforcement shooting. Why aren't you listing the 546 murders in Chicago so far this year?

Walter Scott: the officer has been charged with the shooting. Justice worked.

Anymore you want to whine about?
Yep, I paused for a minute and realized the Michael Brown incident was well deserved........

Cherry picking seems to be your specialty. Would you like to move on to Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Jordan Davis, Walter Scott, et al.? And try to keep in mind that our judicial system is set up for the police to apprehend, not judge and execute.

Martin was killed by a citizen defending his own life. So I guess false narratives are your specialty.
You just claimed that all laws are unjust.

All laws are unjust because the abstract conceptualization of the established law is in open contradiction to the legitimate natural law.

Under a number of philosophical theories the established law is also unjust. Foremost being that they are established by a select minority ruling class, and enforced on a greater population with or without their consent. This objectifies all humans outside the ruling class as being little more than slaves.

The established law is morally unjust because it conditions a society with chaos and disorder, where non-issues are turned into big issues, and individuals are harassed and attacked for committing victimless personal offenses.

While the above may not include laws against physical violence, those laws are unjust as well. They provide the basis in which the state has a monopoly on force. This is widely considered to be philosophically unjust. Their existence also legitimizes the validity of laws making victimless offenses into crimes, which is an affront to liberty and freedom.

It is not my job to support you claim. It is yours to prove it.


I do not work for you.

I will voluntarily provide argumentative material in which you can choose to respond. You can opt out by fucking off.

Oh, we've got another dimwitted mental case who has convinced himself he's a philosopher...

Just what no one needs more of.

How long until he declares the Constitution invalid and swears he will write a better one?

It will, if the usual pattern is followed, get nuttier and nuttier until he is screaming because no one wants to have "a serious discussion" about the secret nazi base he spotted on the moon.
Most cops are good, but it only takes a small percentage of bad ones to destroy the trust that cops and citizens need for our system to work. Instead of becoming more militant and confrontational, they should police their own to bring some sanity back into the situation.
A lot of cops seem to need better training. That OK cop panicked, although why I don't know. It isn't necessarily about race as much as losing control. Or the perception of losing control.

It's a complex problem. I don't know if it is caused by individual cops, or by the system. AlI know is that it needs to be fixed.

Based on an anecdotal argument on a few random videos. No wonder you cede your freedom so freely with that low a standard

That was an odd response unless you actually think there is no problem. Either way, the subject has nothing to do with my freedom. Care to explain what you actually mean, and what it has to do with police killing people?

It depends in that what you mean by "problem."

This is a country with over a million police. If by problem you mean does any cop ever commit a crime? Then sure, we do.

I don't interpret "problem" that way. I view 'problem' given that we're discussing national politics to be there is systematic corruption in a significant portion of the country. I'm not saying there is not. I'm not aware of one. But all you're doing is watching a few videos, some not conclusive, and concluding we do.

That is what I am challenging. Democrats don't rise above the ability to observe the obvious and move on to actual discussion, ever

The fact that cops pull blacks and Hispanics over much more often than whites, and the fact that there are many more blacks and Hispanics in prison for drugs when whites use drugs at the same rate is far from inconclusive
Everyone. Even blacks are ok with justified shootings .

But when you have shit on tape and STILL nothing happens tonthe pd , well that pisses people off.

Look at how upset righties get over the IRS targeting tea party groups wh EXTRA PAPERWORK !! Gasp!!

But dead people in the street is no big deal ?
So far I've seen one video of an unjust police shooting (the one in Charleston NC). And when I look at these videos I try to be as objective as possible.
A lot of cops seem to need better training. That OK cop panicked, although why I don't know. It isn't necessarily about race as much as losing control. Or the perception of losing control.

It's a complex problem. I don't know if it is caused by individual cops, or by the system. AlI know is that it needs to be fixed.

Based on an anecdotal argument on a few random videos. No wonder you cede your freedom so freely with that low a standard

That was an odd response unless you actually think there is no problem. Either way, the subject has nothing to do with my freedom. Care to explain what you actually mean, and what it has to do with police killing people?

It depends in that what you mean by "problem."

This is a country with over a million police. If by problem you mean does any cop ever commit a crime? Then sure, we do.

I don't interpret "problem" that way. I view 'problem' given that we're discussing national politics to be there is systematic corruption in a significant portion of the country. I'm not saying there is not. I'm not aware of one. But all you're doing is watching a few videos, some not conclusive, and concluding we do.

That is what I am challenging. Democrats don't rise above the ability to observe the obvious and move on to actual discussion, ever

The fact that cops pull blacks and Hispanics over much more often than whites, and the fact that there are many more blacks and Hispanics in prison for drugs when whites use drugs at the same rate is far from inconclusive

You're full of shit, they don't use drugs at the same rate. Making up your crap again
How long until he declares the Constitution invalid and swears he will write a better one?

You are giving me a lot of credit.

I would probably write a document titled, "Principals of civil conduct and community cooperation"
So essentially, you can't give me an example of a law that is unreasonable, other than spewing Libertarian Talking points.

Were you listening? Intentionally daft?

All laws. There is not one law that is just, and I already explained in this thread why that is the case.
that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.

This one had a gun drawn for a bad tail light

the start of the event wasn't recorded, so you are still lying
that's an assumption based on ignorance.
Do tell....
took a short training course that police go through, it teaches them to not make assumptions or they will get killed.

And they ignore it once they get into the field

You don't see them drawing their weapons on a bunch of church ladies
you also don't see them drawing their weapons on a care full of black men.

No...we keep seeing video of them shooting unarmed black men
how many?
So you're saying cops should write better laws?

No, they should stop serving the abusive system.

So all cops should quit.


Their entire "occupation" consists of collecting money for the state and enforcing its arbitrary will on communities using violence.

Wrong. The vital service they provide to society includes preserving the public safety that allows mental patients like you to spout nonsense ( as if you ever would in real life) without being harmed by normal people who have no patience for such bullshit from such fruitcakes.

The fact that you are an ingrate does not negate the fact that you OWE them gratitude.
So essentially, you can't give me an example of a law that is unreasonable, other than spewing Libertarian Talking points.

Were you listening? Intentionally daft?

All laws. There is not one law that is just, and I already explained in this thread why that is the case.

You failed at playing pretend philosopher.

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