Have The Videos Given You Pause?

It's a complex problem. I don't know if it is caused by individual cops, or by the system. AlI know is that it needs to be fixed.

Based on an anecdotal argument on a few random videos. No wonder you cede your freedom so freely with that low a standard

That was an odd response unless you actually think there is no problem. Either way, the subject has nothing to do with my freedom. Care to explain what you actually mean, and what it has to do with police killing people?

It depends in that what you mean by "problem."

This is a country with over a million police. If by problem you mean does any cop ever commit a crime? Then sure, we do.

I don't interpret "problem" that way. I view 'problem' given that we're discussing national politics to be there is systematic corruption in a significant portion of the country. I'm not saying there is not. I'm not aware of one. But all you're doing is watching a few videos, some not conclusive, and concluding we do.

That is what I am challenging. Democrats don't rise above the ability to observe the obvious and move on to actual discussion, ever

The fact that cops pull blacks and Hispanics over much more often than whites, and the fact that there are many more blacks and Hispanics in prison for drugs when whites use drugs at the same rate is far from inconclusive

You're full of shit, they don't use drugs at the same rate. Making up your crap again

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?
When challenged by police and commanded to halt or drop something or lie down...

Obey the command...




Your chances of living through the encounter will then skyrocket into the stratosphere...

Tard-Monkeys who cannot get that very basic and simple truth through their thick Neanderthal skulls are DE-selected by Mother Nature.
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I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?
When challenged by police and commanded to halt or drop something or lie down...

Obey the command...

Immediately, and silently...

Your chances of living through the encounter will then skyrocket into the stratosphere...

Nobody doubts whether a cop is more likely to kill you if his authority is questioned. The problem is he just doesn't always have the authority he wants to have.
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?
When challenged by police and commanded to halt or drop something or lie down...

Obey the command...




Your chances of living through the encounter will then skyrocket into the stratosphere...

Tard-Monkeys who cannot get that very basic and simple truth through their thick Neanderthal skulls are DE-selected by Mother Nature.

You joke.
Based on an anecdotal argument on a few random videos. No wonder you cede your freedom so freely with that low a standard

That was an odd response unless you actually think there is no problem. Either way, the subject has nothing to do with my freedom. Care to explain what you actually mean, and what it has to do with police killing people?

It depends in that what you mean by "problem."

This is a country with over a million police. If by problem you mean does any cop ever commit a crime? Then sure, we do.

I don't interpret "problem" that way. I view 'problem' given that we're discussing national politics to be there is systematic corruption in a significant portion of the country. I'm not saying there is not. I'm not aware of one. But all you're doing is watching a few videos, some not conclusive, and concluding we do.

That is what I am challenging. Democrats don't rise above the ability to observe the obvious and move on to actual discussion, ever

The fact that cops pull blacks and Hispanics over much more often than whites, and the fact that there are many more blacks and Hispanics in prison for drugs when whites use drugs at the same rate is far from inconclusive

You're full of shit, they don't use drugs at the same rate. Making up your crap again

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses

Watch your own video, race whore, it doesn't contradict what I said ...
I think the problem is that the videos just prove what black folks have known has been going on all along.

It's just we are seeing more documentation of it

What is needed is a lot of reform of the way police departments are trained. Going for your gun should not be the first response.

.....Even though a suspect is holding a gun or the suspect goes for the officer's gun. Show US some stats to back your claim.
THAT is a load of bullshit.

A load of bullshit that you are making no effort to refute. Stop being a tool and back up your conjecture.

How is a government goon not morally incorrect for enforcing a system of morally unjust laws?

Here's a better answer. We have a lot of dumb laws... that most of us agreed should be laws.

These laws weren't imposed by a dictator,t hey were imposed by elected officials trying to please a majority of their constituents.

Can you give us an example of laws that are unjust, cruel or wicked?

Because I promise you, most laws, you ask people, 'Yeah, that sounds reasonable."

You people think Immigration Laws are dumb.......as evidence by your support for people that break them.
I'm a liberal guy who has.....since I was a teenager....known that our criminal justice system doesn't deliver justice in a fair and equitable manner. Still.....I never thought that most or even a significant number of police shootings were things that needed to be more vigorously questioned. When I heard of a police shooting, my first reaction was that it was a good shoot.

I've got several law enforcement professionals in my family...including my son....and I know for a fact that the the profession is not rife with vile racists and bigots.

However, since we have so much caught on video these days...and we see that unarmed men are being shot or killed by law enforcement officers, I've learned to wait for evidence before making the judgment. I am now aware that the odds of a bad shoot are much higher than I ever imagined.

I wonder if any other USMB members have undergone a similar change in thought?
When challenged by police and commanded to halt or drop something or lie down...

Obey the command...




Your chances of living through the encounter will then skyrocket into the stratosphere...

Tard-Monkeys who cannot get that very basic and simple truth through their thick Neanderthal skulls are DE-selected by Mother Nature.

You joke.
The graveyards say otherwise.
An unsurprisingly ignorant statement, cops do not "suck," nor are they "goons."

Yes they do and yes they are.

They terrorize on behalf of a ruling class agenda. That makes them goons, and it also means they suck dick.

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