Have you been recruited?

For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
All happened on butt boys watch.
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I neither dumb or young. It's very clear you have no idea as to what Marx wrote and why, nor how his words have been used to hide the exact opposite of his system. Russian and China are two nation states which talked the talk of Marx, and walked the walk of despots and Authoritarianism.

And so, I am guessing YOU are genius who wants to try it again, lol. Why? Just go fix Cuba, hehehehehehehe-)

On this venue I'm beginning to believe I'm a genius, especially when I read a post like yours.


Only a left winger.....
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I neither dumb or young. It's very clear you have no idea as to what Marx wrote and why, nor how his words have been used to hide the exact opposite of his system. Russian and China are two nation states which talked the talk of Marx, and walked the walk of despots and Authoritarianism.

And so, I am guessing YOU are genius who wants to try it again, lol. Why? Just go fix Cuba, hehehehehehehe-)

On this venue I'm beginning to believe I'm a genius, especially when I read a post like yours.


Only a left winger.....

Thank you for providing another data point to my belief.
There are no free thinker's anymore.

Not on your side there aren't.

On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.

No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

You must be thinking(?) about the Alt. Right. Those who believe we are not a democratic republic, hate and fear government and abhor taxes; those who believe they are an island, able to thrive by themselves and so should everyone else. In other words, back to a state of nature where the strong prevail and the weak are prey.

[until they need something, as Ayn Rand proved we all will need someone sometimes]
There are no free thinker's anymore.

Not on your side there aren't.

On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.
No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

Well again I will ask since you are the second poster that refers to "my side" what side might that be? I see all day long both sides equally.
There are no free thinker's anymore.

Not on your side there aren't.

On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.
No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

Well again I will ask since you are the second poster that refers to "my side" what side might that be? I see all day long both sides equally.

Oh sure.

Your side is the side of the enemies of America.
The evil side.
The criminal side.
The side that seeks a violent coup because they don't agree with the results of elections, or the entire political structure upon which a representative, capitalist democracy stands.

Your side is the death side. The baby killing side.
The side that thinks it's cool to tell three and 4 year olds that they are actually a different sex, and to give them drugs and surgery to make it so.
The side that approves of using federal goons to kill ranchers...but wants to kill federal agents who save child sex trafficking victims.

Are we clear?
There are no free thinker's anymore.

Not on your side there aren't.

On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.
No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

Well again I will ask since you are the second poster that refers to "my side" what side might that be? I see all day long both sides equally.

Oh sure.

Your side is the side of the enemies of America.
The evil side.
The criminal side.
The side that seeks a violent coup because they don't agree with the results of elections, or the entire political structure upon which a representative, capitalist democracy stands.

Your side is the death side. The baby killing side.
The side that thinks it's cool to tell three and 4 year olds that they are actually a different sex, and to give them drugs and surgery to make it so.
The side that approves of using federal goons to kill ranchers...but wants to kill federal agents who save child sex trafficking victims.

Are we clear?

Man you better calm down, you been sniffing trumps underwear again?
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
Facts have never been your strong suit have they?
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I neither dumb or young. It's very clear you have no idea as to what Marx wrote and why, nor how his words have been used to hide the exact opposite of his system. Russian and China are two nation states which talked the talk of Marx, and walked the walk of despots and Authoritarianism.

And so, I am guessing YOU are genius who wants to try it again, lol. Why? Just go fix Cuba, hehehehehehehe-)

On this venue I'm beginning to believe I'm a genius, especially when I read a post like yours.

I support a democratic republic, just like the one I used to know (here in the USA). The three + decade of the Republican Party's agenda to create an authoritarian plutocracy has almost been established. There is hope now that they will fail, for their support for Trumpism has demonstrated our values have been compromised and the many will assert their concerns.

There are those, like me, who will continue to argue that the new iteration of conservatism is a neo fascist movement, and alien to every word left us by the founders in the Preamble to our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.


"On this venue I'm beginning to believe I'm a genius, especially when I read a post like yours."

Wry you are as far from being a "genius" as any human can be.
Fork, I told you so.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
Rubber room.

That is all.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

DEFENDING PUTIN: I haven't seen one person here DEFEND Putin. But I have seen people point out that they have not seen any CONCLUSIVE PROOF that Russia tampered with the election. Even Julian Assange said a couple years ago that his source was NOT Russia. Oddly, the ONE PERSON we KNOW FOR A FACT colluded with Russia was Hillary! And no one is looking at that!

TRUMP BENEFITED: Again, how do we know this and where? And if Trump did benefit, it is yet another thing to show that he was a participant in that benefit.

Pointing out the facts and evidence, even when it leads to things you personally do not favor, is called objectivity. You call it "recruitment."

Herein ^^^ is an example of what I believe to be true. The propaganda attacking HRC infected her campaign, and is repeated as a BIG LIE, since no evidence has ever been presented which is probative.
This is why I do not take the progressive left seriously.

Far more 'conclusive' evidence has been presented indicting Clinton than Trump, which in fact, has not shown a shred of evidence.

If your next question is to ask, what evidence, I'll point you to the search function of this forum and also google.com.

The information has been presented so many times that only a deliberately obtuse or agenda driven individual would not know or claim to not know of it.
Not on your side there aren't.

On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.
No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

Well again I will ask since you are the second poster that refers to "my side" what side might that be? I see all day long both sides equally.

Oh sure.

Your side is the side of the enemies of America.
The evil side.
The criminal side.
The side that seeks a violent coup because they don't agree with the results of elections, or the entire political structure upon which a representative, capitalist democracy stands.

Your side is the death side. The baby killing side.
The side that thinks it's cool to tell three and 4 year olds that they are actually a different sex, and to give them drugs and surgery to make it so.
The side that approves of using federal goons to kill ranchers...but wants to kill federal agents who save child sex trafficking victims.

Are we clear?

Man you better calm down, you been sniffing trumps underwear again?

Your side is the reason we like Trump.

You're scumbuckets and we're sick of being forced to accommodate your stupidity and criminality.

Who Are The Proud Boys?
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

The prime mistakes the American Left has made, speaking to this issue, is to one, assume our President, his loyalists or his voter supporters have sold out to Vladimir Putin, and two that any of the former have transferred their patriotism from the Flag of our Forefathers to the Russian standard. What we have witnessed on the Left is a campaign of class warfare waged to start and succeeding in the spreading of a national conflagration of internecine ideological in-fighting. We elected our President to do a job: protect and improve our nation's health and status--both here and abroad. Thus far, the Left has done nothing save for undermine his endeavors at every step taken toward these goals.

Brutally, the American centrist to moderate Left has been hijacked by radical Marxist-Leninists going round under the guise of platforms such as identity politics, political correctness and universal acceptance. Wake up, remove the blinders and turn a naked eye to history. A cultural revolution almost identical to Mao's revolution in 60's China has been occurring here--in modern day America--for the last several years. The frothy cold salty waters have risen past the Democratic party's knees and still it refuses to admit to the sinking ship beneath its feet.

We're locked in a cultural war.

So far it's been a cold war but with the high tensions running the MSM, and by proxy, the American people these days, that war could go hot at any time. We've already witnessed many contained outbursts of partisan violence in our streets and on our campuses. There's a trigger waiting to be pulled. What it could unleash is tens of millions of our youth brainwashed into the cult of political correctness to commit wholesale acts of physical aggression against any whose speech or beliefs oppose their own.

Wouldn't that make Mao proud? American Red Guards.

Funny thing is, is how the Left dismisses conspiracy theories in one breath, while staking their entire claim to November and DT's impeachment on another. Is that a policy of mutually assured hypocrisy?
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

The prime mistakes the American Left has made, speaking to this issue, is to one, assume our President, his loyalists or his voter supporters have sold out to Vladimir Putin, and two that any of the former have transferred their patriotism from the Flag of our Forefathers to the Russian standard. What we have witnessed on the Left is a campaign of class warfare waged to start and succeeding in the spreading of a national conflagration of internecine ideological in-fighting. We elected our President to do a job: protect and improve our nation's health and status--both here and abroad. Thus far, the Left has done nothing save for undermine his endeavors at every step taken toward these goals.

Brutally, the American centrist to moderate Left has been hijacked by radical Marxist-Leninists going round under the guise of platforms such as identity politics, political correctness and universal acceptance. Wake up, remove the blinders and turn a naked eye to history. A cultural revolution almost identical to Mao's revolution in 60's China has been occurring here--in modern day America--for the last several years. The frothy cold salty waters have risen past the Democratic party's knees and still it refuses to admit to the sinking ship beneath its feet.

We're locked in a cultural war.

So far it's been a cold war but with the high tensions running the MSM, and by proxy, the American people these days, that war could go hot at any time. We've already witnessed many contained outbursts of partisan violence in our streets and on our campuses. There's a trigger waiting to be pulled. What it could unleash is tens of millions of our youth brainwashed into the cult of political correctness to commit wholesale acts of physical aggression against any whose speech or beliefs oppose their own.

Wouldn't that make Mao proud? American Red Guards.

Funny thing is, is how the Left dismisses conspiracy theories in one breath, while staking their entire claim to November and DT's impeachment on another. Is that a policy of mutually assured hypocrisy?

You ought to limit the amount of kool-aid you consume, it's dangerous to any credibility you might have left.
On my side? Which one is that? But if you are talking left and right then it's just about equal.
No. It's not. But your side thinks it is. That's one of the symptoms of not being free thinking. You believe everything your side tells you is true.

Well again I will ask since you are the second poster that refers to "my side" what side might that be? I see all day long both sides equally.

Oh sure.

Your side is the side of the enemies of America.
The evil side.
The criminal side.
The side that seeks a violent coup because they don't agree with the results of elections, or the entire political structure upon which a representative, capitalist democracy stands.

Your side is the death side. The baby killing side.
The side that thinks it's cool to tell three and 4 year olds that they are actually a different sex, and to give them drugs and surgery to make it so.
The side that approves of using federal goons to kill ranchers...but wants to kill federal agents who save child sex trafficking victims.

Are we clear?

Man you better calm down, you been sniffing trumps underwear again?

Your side is the reason we like Trump.

You're scumbuckets and we're sick of being forced to accommodate your stupidity and criminality.

Who Are The Proud Boys?

Now this is the Federalist description basically punks into porn.

The Proud Boys Are Boys In A Sexual Wasteland Trying To Become Men
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
Rachel got your nuts?
No one is defending Putin. He’s a bad apple. He just didn’t orchestrate what the left accuses him of. They did.

Trump is defending Putin. So is Sarah Sanders and a goodly number of self proclaimed patriots who post on the USMB.

How is he defending Putin ? Against what ?


Thanks so much for sharing. And yes, there are stupid questions, and thank you for proving that truth once again.

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