Have you been recruited?

Propaganda: "derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Example: "Crooked Hillary" is an allegation unsubstantiated and yet proffered by Trump&Co. hundreds of times, which defines a BIG LIE.

Those who believe it and echo the BIG LIE lack sagacious thought, and are consciously or subliminally brain washed to believe it. In fact, much more sophisticated propaganda in support of Trump, and degrading HRC, appears to be the product of Russia under the direction of Putin.

Mueller's Investigation is underway to discover if the efforts of Russian agents to influence our electoral process occurred, and if any American's colluded with foreign agents to do so. Those who claim such an investigation is a witch hunt or a hoax, have been recruited whether they know it or not.

There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I believe that HIllary is a very corrupt politician. That is my opinion. I have not substantiated it, at this time, but I still believe it.

As I truly believe it, stating it, is not a lie.

You, calling an Opinion a Lie, when you know the meaning of the word, is ironically, a Lie.

Trump is only lying if he truly believes that Hillary is not corrupt, while claiming that she is.

I note that you do not claim that she is not corrupt.

What led you to believe HRC is corrupt? Do you have evidence of corruption you will share? Do you believe Trump is corrupt? If not, why not?

I've been convinced of her innate corruption since the White Water scandal. Her actions, though possibly legal, were IMO, beyond the pale, morally and ethically.

Whether you agree or not, that is my opinion. When I say that I consider her Corrupt, I am being completely honest.

If you call me a liar, over that, YOU ARE THE ONE LYING.

Unless, you seriously believe that I, a life long partisan republican, sincerely believe that HIllary FUCKING Clinton is actually honest and virtuous.

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