Have you been recruited?

Well yes, but I believe the idea was to recruit more followers for the Russians did it cult

He must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...



I don't know ... He could probably find more people to agree with that ... In Russia ... :thup:

...There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I'm not brainwashed and I really find it funny, the endless rage of Hillary's traumatized minions is truly something to behold...

Oh, as for the disservice to your country, I'm not a murican so I don't care about serving the exceptional empire


I'm neither enraged nor am I traumatized by the election of 2016. That comment is a hackneyed echo of "butthurt" and I am not that either.

What motivates you to judge my opinions, and to do so, so foolishly? I don't expect a foreigner to understand the dynamics at work here, or the recent history & daily machinations tweeted by the fool in the oval office.

Clearly your service is to another, and thus your opinions and weak ad hominems have no interest to me.
Maybe, but then Mueller would indict him for collusion with the Russians....


Special Counsel Mueller brought charges against a Russian company that doesn't even exist.
That nit-wit could indict a ham sandwich if he feels like it ... :thup:

I'm neither enraged nor am I traumatized by the election of 2016. That comment is a hackneyed echo of "butthurt" and I am not that either.

What motivates you to judge my opinions, and to do so, so foolishly? I don't expect a foreigner to understand the dynamics at work here, or the recent history & daily machinations tweeted by the fool in the oval office.

Clearly your service is to another, and thus your opinions and weak ad hominems have no interest to me.

Our foreign friend has a better grasp of reality here than you do, nit-wit ... :thup:

Propaganda: "derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Example: "Crooked Hillary" is an allegation unsubstantiated and yet proffered by Trump&Co. hundreds of times, which defines a BIG LIE.

Those who believe it and echo the BIG LIE lack sagacious thought, and are consciously or subliminally brain washed to believe it. In fact, much more sophisticated propaganda in support of Trump, and degrading HRC, appears to be the product of Russia under the direction of Putin.

Mueller's Investigation is underway to discover if the efforts of Russian agents to influence our electoral process occurred, and if any American's colluded with foreign agents to do so. Those who claim such an investigation is a witch hunt or a hoax, have been recruited whether they know it or not.

There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I believe that HIllary is a very corrupt politician. That is my opinion. I have not substantiated it, at this time, but I still believe it.

As I truly believe it, stating it, is not a lie.

You, calling an Opinion a Lie, when you know the meaning of the word, is ironically, a Lie.

Trump is only lying if he truly believes that Hillary is not corrupt, while claiming that she is.

I note that you do not claim that she is not corrupt.

What led you to believe HRC is corrupt? Do you have evidence of corruption you will share? Do you believe Trump is corrupt? If not, why not?
I'm neither enraged nor am I traumatized by the election of 2016. That comment is a hackneyed echo of "butthurt" and I am not that either.

What motivates you to judge my opinions, and to do so, so foolishly? I don't expect a foreigner to understand the dynamics at work here, or the recent history & daily machinations tweeted by the fool in the oval office.

Clearly your service is to another, and thus your opinions and weak ad hominems have no interest to me.

Our foreign friend has a better grasp of reality here than you do, nit-wit ... :thup:


Pitiful. You really need to practice your logical fallacies, they are in desperate need to be polished.
Maybe, but then Mueller would indict him for collusion with the Russians....


Special Counsel Mueller brought charges against a Russian company that doesn't even exist.
That nit-wit could indict a ham sandwich if he feels like it ... :thup:


ummm...it seems to me that making an allegations and not providing specific detail is the work more common in a nit-wit, if a nit-wit has less wit than a half-wit.
Propaganda: "derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Example: "Crooked Hillary" is an allegation unsubstantiated and yet proffered by Trump&Co. hundreds of times, which defines a BIG LIE.

Those who believe it and echo the BIG LIE lack sagacious thought, and are consciously or subliminally brain washed to believe it. In fact, much more sophisticated propaganda in support of Trump, and degrading HRC, appears to be the product of Russia under the direction of Putin.

Mueller's Investigation is underway to discover if the efforts of Russian agents to influence our electoral process occurred, and if any American's colluded with foreign agents to do so. Those who claim such an investigation is a witch hunt or a hoax, have been recruited whether they know it or not.

There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I believe that HIllary is a very corrupt politician. That is my opinion. I have not substantiated it, at this time, but I still believe it.

As I truly believe it, stating it, is not a lie.

You, calling an Opinion a Lie, when you know the meaning of the word, is ironically, a Lie.

Trump is only lying if he truly believes that Hillary is not corrupt, while claiming that she is.

I note that you do not claim that she is not corrupt.

What led you to believe HRC is corrupt? Do you have evidence of corruption you will share? Do you believe Trump is corrupt? If not, why not?

Her cattle futures skills are proof she's not corrupt.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
What, you want the names of the D33P STAIT members? Are you kidding? What would be the fun in that?

These are shadow people in dark alleys and star chambers and stuff. They wear London Fog trench coats and eat off gold-plated...uh...plates in members only restaurants at the tops of government skyscrapers. Anthony Bourdain is not dead. He has been enslaved by the D33P STAIT culinary cabal.

They topple some governments and prop up others. They replaced the sugar in soda with high fructose corn syrup.

Did your team lose the Super Bowl? Thank the D33P STAIT. Did you get audited by the IRS? Let that be a lesson to you about talking about the D33P STAIT in public! Did your boss not give you a raise this year? Well who do you think told him not to? Huh? Huh? Huh?
ummm...it seems to me that making an allegations and not providing specific detail is the work more common in a nit-wit, if a nit-wit has less wit than a half-wit.

I am not responsible for your ignorance ...
Nor do I feel obligated to correct it.

It's terminal in your case ...
I am not trying to recruit you ...
And I have no use for your partisan ignorance (other than to mock it for my own entertainment) ... :thup:

I'm neither enraged nor am I traumatized by the election of 2016. That comment is a hackneyed echo of "butthurt" and I am not that either.

Right, and you're obviously not in denial either
What motivates you to judge my opinions, and to do so, so foolishly? I don't expect a foreigner to understand the dynamics at work here, or the recent history & daily machinations tweeted by the fool in the oval office.

What motivates me... that's complicated and a long story... but the short version, because it's fun and it's my way of taking revenge on the neocon warmongers (yes, that means your psycho princess too) that screw up this planet with endless wars/coups/regime changes/drone strikes etc.
Clearly your service is to another, and thus your opinions and weak ad hominems have no interest to me.

Oh, and that's another reason, thinking your exceptional, destined to rule this planet and your amazement when people from other countries dare to object...

Special Counsel Mueller brought charges against a Russian company that doesn't even exist.

Just a minor detail, the most important part is to remember that the Russians are guilty, who cares if they exist or not
That nit-wit could indict a ham sandwich if he feels like it ... :thup:


Well, if the ham sandwich colluded with Russia...

Pitiful. You really need to practice your logical fallacies, they are in desperate need to be polished.

Again ... If you had any grasp of reality ... You would have just posted "yes" in response ... :thup:


I'm done responding to you and your alter ego;

Add a little Russian dressing... shit, we got us a Reuben!

Ruebens can also have sauerkraut ... Throw the Germans in for good measure.
I mean it's no mystery former Chancellor Schroder is the CEO of Rosneft ...

Except maybe a mystery to that nit-wit Wry Catcher ... :thup:

What led you to believe HRC is corrupt? Do you have evidence of corruption you will share?


- The Clinton Foundation slush fund
- Her evil server
- Rigging the primaries
- Seth Rich
- We came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha ha
- Sponsoring headchopping jihadis in Syria
- Giving speeches to her wall street buddies for $10,000 a minute

And plenty more

Oh, and if you want to know, of course the orange clown is totally corrupt too but at least he doesn't have the desire to blow up the entire planet

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