Have you been recruited?

For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

You might want to go to the border to bolster your current recruiting efforts ... :thup:

Propaganda: "derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Example: "Crooked Hillary" is an allegation unsubstantiated and yet proffered by Trump&Co. hundreds of times, which defines a BIG LIE.

Those who believe it and echo the BIG LIE lack sagacious thought, and are consciously or subliminally brain washed to believe it. In fact, much more sophisticated propaganda in support of Trump, and degrading HRC, appears to be the product of Russia under the direction of Putin.

Mueller's Investigation is underway to discover if the efforts of Russian agents to influence our electoral process occurred, and if any American's colluded with foreign agents to do so. Those who claim such an investigation is a witch hunt or a hoax, have been recruited whether they know it or not.

There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.
Nice communist attempt to frame the issue.

HRC is a commie. The commie agenda is frustrated.

For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Nice communist attempt to frame the issue.

HRC is a commie. The commie agenda is frustrated.


Putin is a "commie", Trump kisses Putin's ass, HRC kicked his ass.

Your neo fascist comments are a very very weak Idiot-Gram.
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For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Unwitting useful idiots/ Russian assets the bunch of 'em. They've literally sold their souls and it's a sad thing to witness.
...There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I'm not brainwashed and I really find it funny, the endless rage of Hillary's traumatized minions is truly something to behold...

Oh, as for the disservice to your country, I'm not a murican so I don't care about serving the exceptional empire

For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Unwitting useful idiots/ Russian assets the bunch of 'em. They've literally sold their souls and it's a sad thing to witness.

Amen. Most, however, are useless and anti patriots.
Only if he tries to drive there ... :springbed:


Well, he could drive to Palin's house and watch the border from there


The progressive left are the unwitting puppets of Russia.
It is beginning to look like they will never realize this sad fact.

There is a whole lot they refuse to realize. They're deliberately ignorant.

They still believe this russia shit, and I hope the midterms see them so thoroughly crushed as a result that the DNC dissolves and merges with the CPUSA.

The Russians are bumbling fools when it comes to influencing elections compared to the Democrats.

The Russians spent millions of dollars and didn't change anything one vote for their effort.

Meanwhile the Democrats allowed tens of millions of Illegals to flood in, put them on welfare, and where they have power implemented lax voter registration laws so that the illegals would vote for them to keep the checks coming in.

Now that is real major league voting influence.
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Propaganda: "derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Example: "Crooked Hillary" is an allegation unsubstantiated and yet proffered by Trump&Co. hundreds of times, which defines a BIG LIE.

Those who believe it and echo the BIG LIE lack sagacious thought, and are consciously or subliminally brain washed to believe it. In fact, much more sophisticated propaganda in support of Trump, and degrading HRC, appears to be the product of Russia under the direction of Putin.

Mueller's Investigation is underway to discover if the efforts of Russian agents to influence our electoral process occurred, and if any American's colluded with foreign agents to do so. Those who claim such an investigation is a witch hunt or a hoax, have been recruited whether they know it or not.

There is nothing funny about these events, and those who really believe this to be funny, have been brain washed and are complicit in a disservice to our country.

I believe that HIllary is a very corrupt politician. That is my opinion. I have not substantiated it, at this time, but I still believe it.

As I truly believe it, stating it, is not a lie.

You, calling an Opinion a Lie, when you know the meaning of the word, is ironically, a Lie.

Trump is only lying if he truly believes that Hillary is not corrupt, while claiming that she is.

I note that you do not claim that she is not corrupt.
Putin is a "commie", Trump kisses Putin's ass, HRC kicked his ass.

Your neo fascsit comments are a very very weak Idiot-Gram.
The Putin-HRC conflict is nothing more than a commie power struggle.

Trump benefited from the two commies attacking each other.

Thank Trump for not being a motherfucking commie.

We should execute all commies.

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