Have you been recruited?

How convenient for these Lefty's, EVERYONE who disagrees with them is now a recruited "Russian" agent. Not that it matters, it doesn't, but I detest willingly ignorant people.
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The left is openly calling for socialism! Are you listening?

One more example of propaganda regurgitated***.

***just for you WT, so you can understand my comment:

REGURGITATED: repeat (information) without analyzing or comprehending it.

IF only everyone was as "smart" as you think you are. (rolling my eyes) Bernie and Cortez are in the middle of a US Socialism tour right now.
Pocahontas too!

….and Bambi in South Africa.
Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I don't think you really understand Marxism

Let me give you a hint, it doesn't involve giving $200k speeches to wall street bankers and sollicting bribes from oil sheiks


Yes it does. How do you think they paid for the Uranium-)

Marxists on high are all rich, it is just the peons like you who have to toe the line. Hell, even Bernie made a million bucks last year. Hell of a Socialist he is-)

By the way, why did "The Orca of the Senate" collude with the Marxists to defeat Ronaldus Magnimus?
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I neither dumb or young. It's very clear you have no idea as to what Marx wrote and why, nor how his words have been used to hide the exact opposite of his system. Russian and China are two nation states which talked the talk of Marx, and walked the walk of despots and Authoritarianism.
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

Nothing at all, you are still Marxists!

Which party does Bernie vote with? Which party does Ocasio-Cortez belong to? Which group burned an American flag in front of their persons office? Which party had the Orca of the Senate COLLUDE with Russia to try and defeat Ronaldus Maximus?

The list goes on, and on; you people are Marxist, you are either to young, or to dumb, to know it-)

I neither dumb or young. It's very clear you have no idea as to what Marx wrote and why, nor how his words have been used to hide the exact opposite of his system. Russian and China are two nation states which talked the talk of Marx, and walked the walk of despots and Authoritarianism.

And so, I am guessing YOU are genius who wants to try it again, lol. Why? Just go fix Cuba, hehehehehehehe-)
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

1. For one limited example, the defense of Antifa by so many of the more "mainstream" democrats, show that we were right all along.

2. We don't believe that Trump colluded with Putin. So we deny it. Indeed, it is not clear that Trump benefited from Putin's alleged meddling.

3. The Deep State:

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

" United States the term "deep state" is used within political science to describe influential decision-making bodies believed to be within government who are relatively permanent and whose policies and long-term plans are unaffected by changing administrations. The term is often used in a critical sense, vis-à-vis, the general electorate to refer to the lack of influence popular democracy has on these institutions and the decisions they make as a shadow government...."

"While definitions vary, the term gained popularity among various groups, primarily supporters of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and conspiracy theorists, during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, in opposition to establishment Republican and Democratic candidates. Since Trump's inauguration, the term has been used by some commentators, who argue that a "deep state" is aiming to delegitimize the Trump presidency and thwart its policy goals"

"President Donald Trump supporters use the term to refer to allegations that intelligence officers and executive branch officials guide policy through leaking or other internal means.[21][11] According to a July 2017 report by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "the Trump administration was being hit by national security leaks 'on a nearly daily basis' and at a far higher rate than its predecessors encountered".

"According to a poll of Americans in April 2017, about half (48%) thought there was a "deep state", "meaning military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government." Of those who thought that, more than half (58%) said it was a major problem (net of 28% surveyed).[31][32]

A March 2018 poll found most respondents (63%) were unfamiliar with the term "deep state", but a majority believe that a deep state likely exists in the United States when described as "a group of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy". Three-fourths (74%) of the respondents say that they believe this type of group definitely (27%) or probably (47%) exists in the federal government."

The information in the link suggests the Deep State is an amorphous body. It seems such an organization would have an agenda too difficult to keep hidden, and one which could not remain secret if more than a few were members.

The closet example which comes to mind is the K st. group organized by Grover Norquist:

Grover Norquist - GU Politics

Only there is nothing deep about that....it was totally transparent.

Did Strozk announce his texts to his lover or were they uncovered ?
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Can we please talk about something important ?
How convenient for these Lefty's, EVERYONE who disagrees with them is now a recruited "Russian" agent. Not that it matters, it doesn't, but I detest willingly ignorant people.

The OP asked a question, it did not make a statement. It did not even hint "EVERYONE who disagrees with them is now a recruited "Russian" agent", that's a poorly developed Straw Man [you need to work harder to develop logical fallacies].

It was an attempt to make people think, sadly it didn't work in your case and for too many others.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Can we please talk about something important ?

Obama's Birth Certificate? Benghazi? Solyndra? What's your pleasure?
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

Can we please talk about something important ?

Obama's Birth Certificate? Benghazi? Solyndra? What's your pleasure?

Never paid attention to any of that.

Why was it important ?

What was important was the way the left responded to the situations.

Very telling.
For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

1. For one limited example, the defense of Antifa by so many of the more "mainstream" democrats, show that we were right all along.

2. We don't believe that Trump colluded with Putin. So we deny it. Indeed, it is not clear that Trump benefited from Putin's alleged meddling.

3. The Deep State:

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

" United States the term "deep state" is used within political science to describe influential decision-making bodies believed to be within government who are relatively permanent and whose policies and long-term plans are unaffected by changing administrations. The term is often used in a critical sense, vis-à-vis, the general electorate to refer to the lack of influence popular democracy has on these institutions and the decisions they make as a shadow government...."

"While definitions vary, the term gained popularity among various groups, primarily supporters of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and conspiracy theorists, during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, in opposition to establishment Republican and Democratic candidates. Since Trump's inauguration, the term has been used by some commentators, who argue that a "deep state" is aiming to delegitimize the Trump presidency and thwart its policy goals"

"President Donald Trump supporters use the term to refer to allegations that intelligence officers and executive branch officials guide policy through leaking or other internal means.[21][11] According to a July 2017 report by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "the Trump administration was being hit by national security leaks 'on a nearly daily basis' and at a far higher rate than its predecessors encountered".

"According to a poll of Americans in April 2017, about half (48%) thought there was a "deep state", "meaning military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government." Of those who thought that, more than half (58%) said it was a major problem (net of 28% surveyed).[31][32]

A March 2018 poll found most respondents (63%) were unfamiliar with the term "deep state", but a majority believe that a deep state likely exists in the United States when described as "a group of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy". Three-fourths (74%) of the respondents say that they believe this type of group definitely (27%) or probably (47%) exists in the federal government."

The information in the link suggests the Deep State is an amorphous body. It seems such an organization would have an agenda too difficult to keep hidden, and one which could not remain secret if more than a few were members.

The closet example which comes to mind is the K st. group organized by Grover Norquist:

Grover Norquist - GU Politics

Only there is nothing deep about that....it was totally transparent.

Did Strozk announce his texts to his lover or were they uncovered ?

Strozk did the same thing millions of us have done. And he and none of us have engaged in a conspiracy to drive Trump away. You're sure gullible, and easily led.
Yes it does. How do you think they paid for the Uranium-)

Marxists don't pay for uranium, they nationalize it in the interest of the people and send the oppressing capitalist pigs who exploited it before to a re-education camp
Marxists on high are all rich, it is just the peons like you who have to toe the line. Hell, even Bernie made a million bucks last year. Hell of a Socialist he is-)

Bernie isn't a socialist, he just plays one on tv

Allthough even playing was enough for the psycho princess to make sure he never had a chance
By the way, why did "The Orca of the Senate" collude with the Marxists to defeat Ronaldus Magnimus?

Eh, help me out, who's the orca of the senate?

For years many of those opposing RussiaGate were posting the left was pursuing a socialist / marxist agenda and calling out liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party as fellow travelers of Communism.

Now the same posters are defending Putin, attacking Mueller and in denial that Trump benefited, if not colluded, with Putin's agenda to attack HRC to Trump' benefit.

This is perplexing. Why is this switch in play by so many of you? Have you considered you have been recruited, and are now a recruiter?

One more thing, the Deep State Meme has never been defined. It is a conspiracy theory, but lacks the substance to even be called a theory.

1. For one limited example, the defense of Antifa by so many of the more "mainstream" democrats, show that we were right all along.

2. We don't believe that Trump colluded with Putin. So we deny it. Indeed, it is not clear that Trump benefited from Putin's alleged meddling.

3. The Deep State:

Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

" United States the term "deep state" is used within political science to describe influential decision-making bodies believed to be within government who are relatively permanent and whose policies and long-term plans are unaffected by changing administrations. The term is often used in a critical sense, vis-à-vis, the general electorate to refer to the lack of influence popular democracy has on these institutions and the decisions they make as a shadow government...."

"While definitions vary, the term gained popularity among various groups, primarily supporters of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and conspiracy theorists, during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, in opposition to establishment Republican and Democratic candidates. Since Trump's inauguration, the term has been used by some commentators, who argue that a "deep state" is aiming to delegitimize the Trump presidency and thwart its policy goals"

"President Donald Trump supporters use the term to refer to allegations that intelligence officers and executive branch officials guide policy through leaking or other internal means.[21][11] According to a July 2017 report by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "the Trump administration was being hit by national security leaks 'on a nearly daily basis' and at a far higher rate than its predecessors encountered".

"According to a poll of Americans in April 2017, about half (48%) thought there was a "deep state", "meaning military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government." Of those who thought that, more than half (58%) said it was a major problem (net of 28% surveyed).[31][32]

A March 2018 poll found most respondents (63%) were unfamiliar with the term "deep state", but a majority believe that a deep state likely exists in the United States when described as "a group of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy". Three-fourths (74%) of the respondents say that they believe this type of group definitely (27%) or probably (47%) exists in the federal government."

The information in the link suggests the Deep State is an amorphous body. It seems such an organization would have an agenda too difficult to keep hidden, and one which could not remain secret if more than a few were members.

The closet example which comes to mind is the K st. group organized by Grover Norquist:

Grover Norquist - GU Politics

Only there is nothing deep about that....it was totally transparent.

Did Strozk announce his texts to his lover or were they uncovered ?

Strozk did the same thing millions of us have done. And he and none of us have engaged in a conspiracy to drive Trump away. You're sure gullible, and easily led.

There are millions of you working for the FBI on a sensitive investigation ?

HR must be really crowded.
Yes it does. How do you think they paid for the Uranium-)

Marxists don't pay for uranium, they nationalize it in the interest of the people and send the oppressing capitalist pigs who exploited it before to a re-education camp
Marxists on high are all rich, it is just the peons like you who have to toe the line. Hell, even Bernie made a million bucks last year. Hell of a Socialist he is-)

Bernie isn't a socialist, he just plays one on tv

Allthough even playing was enough for the psycho princess to make sure he never had a chance
By the way, why did "The Orca of the Senate" collude with the Marxists to defeat Ronaldus Magnimus?

Eh, help me out, who's the orca of the senate?


I am assuming Ted Kennedy.......I am used to him as the Lion...er Liar of the Senate.
The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence.
Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about the OP.

The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence. I have questions for them.

Did you accuse liberals, progressives and Democrats in the past of being fellow travelers of communism?

Yes or No. If yes, what has changed?

The first to responders offer an opinion sans evidence.
Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about the OP.


Why would a question require evidence?

The OP, as in post #1, contains a lot of opinion, zero evidence.

The progressive left are the unwitting puppets of Russia.
It is beginning to look like they will never realize this sad fact.
Well groomed.....

Learned a new term I see.....

Now, you've been challenged to use it in a sentence.

Keep at it.

It really does hurt those of us who are in power....

You know, getting gigged by a loser like you who has basically no say.

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