Have you ever had a dead person contact you?

Two of mine visited last night. First time that happened. Just don't know which ones.
You know I just wish my deceased wife is safe heaven...

I wish she could tell me so I could really move on..

I don't know about others, but my experiences did not happen because I was waiting. My best friend. My dad. A cousin. Nothing and I don't expect anything from them. It doesn't work like that, which reminds me, I have no idea how it does work. For example, my grandfather showed up for only one repair. In all the missing people in my genealogy, only once did I feel something outside was guiding me to a name.

Waiting will not prompt anything, so go with the opposite. Move on. Really move on and see what happens. I am NOT suggesting that this will prompt contact between you and your wife. I'm only noting that if something, someday, were to happen, it would be more likely because you let go of the past and traveled into the future to meet up with it.
If your goal is to hallucinate, may I suggest taking hallucinogens? That's not a joke.
I see. This topic interests you only so you can denigrate those who do believe with your assinine negative insulting comments.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Meaning there's a lotta shit we don't know about yet. I wouldn't be too quick to make judgements on anyone else's sanity based on any communications with spiritual entities. Don't have to believe it's true, just that it's not impossible.
Yes. Thank you. It is easily understandable that some may believe unusual experiences may be some type of random neuron hiccup. More amusing are those who think it is all demons--since demons aren't known for being helpful or for their prayer requests.
Two of mine visited last night. First time that happened. Just don't know which ones.
How did they contact you? I would be very interested in hearing more about these visitations.
Ever since my companion dog (Karma. That was a rough one for me. Really rough) died (almost 7 months ago), once a week I feel her jump on the bed when I get in it to sleep. Last night...it was two thumps. One at the foot of the bed where Gracie ALWAYS laid..the other on top of the bed soon after. But the second thump was lighter. Might have been my cat. So..I think it was Gracie last night instead of Karma...and either FatCat or Pretties.
Two of mine visited last night. First time that happened. Just don't know which ones.
How did they contact you? I would be very interested in hearing more about these visitations.
Ever since my companion dog died (almost 7 months ago), once a week I feel her jump on the bed when I get in it to sleep. Last night...it was two thumps. One at the foot of the bed where Gracie ALWAYS laid..the other on top of the bed soon after. But the second thumps was lighter. Might have been my cat. So..I think it was Gracie last night instead of Karma...and either FatCat or Pretties.
That must be a lovely comforting feeling. I am always thrilled when one of my deceased animal friends appear in a dream. I can only imagine what a wonderful gift their physical visits are to you!
It did comfort me. But it also still makes me wonder why both did at one time. They also sent me messages within 3 days of their death..to let me know they arrived safely and were ok.
To be totally honest..I was hoping they came to possibly escort me home. To where they are.
It did comfort me. But it also still makes me wonder why both did at one time. They also sent me messages within 3 days of their death..to let me know they arrived safely and were ok.
Perhaps they talked it over and figured you'd like it if they worked together! You seem to have a strong and beautiful connection with your animals. That's awesome.
Sadly, It is not your dead relatives they are demons..
Interesting to see so many posts from people who are so certain that a visitation from the ghost of a relative or friend is impossible, yet they believe in supernatural entities such as devils, demons, and angels.
Interested in knowing what you really mean by what you said???
If you can believe in the existence of such things as spiritual beings like God (or gods), the devil (or devils), demons, angels, etc., what is so far fetched about ghosts?
To be totally honest..I was hoping they came to possibly escort me home. To where they are.
I'm sorry to hear you are ready to leave. I understand the feeling though, of wanting certain of your friends to be there at the other side when it's your time.
This topic interests you only so you can denigrate those who do believe with your assinine negative insulting comments.
Such as? No really, go ahead and posrlt an example. I think you will find that you are overreacting. And you need to settle down and realize something: When I say people hallucinate and make mistakes , that goes for all people . That is not an insult. You're just whining because you believe this magical garbage.
oh stfu. On iggie you go. I don't waste time any more on goons.
Did you get my alert? I guess I'm kind of dead...
Yes. I ignored it. I will no longer go down there. Soon, I will be pinked permanently from it. I prefer to not be called but do as you will. I will continue to ignore it. However, if you wish to speak to me upstairs...fine.
I'm just trying to figure this out. I like you, Gracie.
oh stfu. On iggie you go. I don't waste time any more on goons.
Did you get my alert? I guess I'm kind of dead...
Yes. I ignored it. I will no longer go down there. Soon, I will be pinked permanently from it. I prefer to not be called but do as you will. I will continue to ignore it. However, if you wish to speak to me upstairs...fine.
I'm just trying to figure this out. I like you, Gracie.

If you like her, why do you harass her?

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