Have you ever had a dead person contact you?


However, My grandparents, lifelong Republicans, every four years, manage to contact their local polling place and vote Democrat.

So, there's that.....
So in other words to quote Protestant Evangelical Repub's: they're going to that special place in Hell and Madeline Albright talked about ?!
NO!, damn it.

Seven deaths in seven months in 2013 -- four of them (sil, aunt/godmother, dad, mom) in a three week period.


Don't worry they probably don't miss you and they probably just tolerated you during their lives.
NO!, damn it.

Seven deaths in seven months in 2013 -- four of them (sil, aunt/godmother, dad, mom) in a three week period.




why would them

when I'm gone I don't want to get in touch with earth anymore
You know I just wish my deceased wife is safe heaven...

I wish she could tell me so I could really move on..

I don't know about others, but my experiences did not happen because I was waiting. My best friend. My dad. A cousin. Nothing and I don't expect anything from them. It doesn't work like that, which reminds me, I have no idea how it does work. For example, my grandfather showed up for only one repair. In all the missing people in my genealogy, only once did I feel something outside was guiding me to a name.

Waiting will not prompt anything, so go with the opposite. Move on. Really move on and see what happens. I am NOT suggesting that this will prompt contact between you and your wife. I'm only noting that if something, someday, were to happen, it would be more likely because you let go of the past and traveled into the future to meet up with it.
Yup, waiting for it is a big waste of time.

When it happens it will surprise you, like a thief in the night.

And basically all that you will say to each other is, "how are you?" and "i'm fine".
In real life you mean OP?


sometimes in dreams I see dead friends or relatives.....but

they are not talking to me...they are only going about their own business ....smiling being happy....you know all that....

but talking to me? No! never....I am just a spectator a mere observer.....of the parade going by
Yup that's just your brain being your brain.

It shows you technicolor movies all night long.
NO!, damn it.

Seven deaths in seven months in 2013 -- four of them (sil, aunt/godmother, dad, mom) in a three week period.




why would them

when I'm gone I don't want to get in touch with earth anymore
When you are dead skye you wont know what you want then. You might miss someone and want to see them one more time.

In my experience visits from the dead are very short and happen only once per dead soul.
NO!, damn it.

Seven deaths in seven months in 2013 -- four of them (sil, aunt/godmother, dad, mom) in a three week period.




why would them

when I'm gone I don't want to get in touch with earth anymore
When you are dead skye you wont know what you want then. You might miss someone and want to see them one more time.

In my experience visits from the dead are very short and happen only once per dead soul.

who cares
It has never happened to me, but I have friends and relatives who claim to have been visited. I had a cousin who died in a car crash. Another cousin claimed that he appeared to him and said he just wanted to say goodbye and that he had to go. My friend claimed to have been visited by the spirit of his grandfather who was lonely and wanted to take him with him. I have seen dead friends and relatives in my dreams, and I interact with them, but they are just memories and products of the unconscious mind.
Sometimes one must come to a thread like this, in order to fine tune the categories into which posters belong. For example, being a Trump supporter does not make one insane, but, also being a nut who hears dead people's messages, pretty much moves one to the other side of a certain line.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Meaning there's a lotta shit we don't know about yet. I wouldn't be too quick to make judgements on anyone else's sanity based on any communications with spiritual entities. Don't have to believe it's true, just that it's not impossible.
I shared what the bible actually teaches--You reject the living word of God. You listened to the wrong teachers.
You may think you are teaching what is correct but that is only in your own eyes. You and your kind are the same that hung my Lord on the cross believing you are righteous in your own eyes because of your own ignorance. Then when judgment comes upon you, the nation and those who followed you into that ditch y'all wonder why.

You seem to misunderstand--I have studied different religions for over 50 years, And the bible( a few different ones)--By learning and applying all that Jesus taught I could clearly see the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers in every translation on earth. As well the FACTS of Israelite God worship history proves the JW teachers are correct.
There is 0 doubt in all creation( 33,000 different trinity religions are a mass of confusion,( Mark 3:24-26) all of creation can see the confusion-- Proving they are not of God--1Corinthians 1:10(a true mark)-- Unity of thought, no division. = one single religion, just like in the OT. Jesus is with one set of teachers--his. he said the world would hate them if they followed Jesus.
The reason why the hate I believe--- John 15:20-21--They don't know the one who sent him=Father= YHWH(Jehovah)-- They weren't taught to go through Jesus name to get to the Father to accomplish this-John 4:22=24-- And this Matthew 6:33
I agree about seeing Jesus in all of the languages. I can see God's hand in every work under the sun.

Do you learn by just by books and by your own precepts or by the spirit that is sent to guide, instruct and who teaches each who truly believes? Has the world hated you yet? Have you been stripped through lies and deceit with someone else using your name? What has the spirit shown you?

My husband says to tell you, "It is good to hear that you search for the truth and I even commend you for doing so. Just think, when the time comes for you to be led by the holy spirit instead of a carnal mind how much greater wisdom, knowledge and understanding will increase for you. With that in mind my advice would be hang onto your shorts. You will not be disappointed."

I was taught by the faithful and discreet slave that Jesus appointed over all of his belongings. To give food( spiritual) at the proper time. No domestic knows a truth before those teachers know it. Not these truths ( Daniel 12:4)that came out in these last days. But as it says truth would become abundant here in these last days--by making correction to errors taught for over 1750 years and correcting the error filled translations. Altered as well.
The teachings of Jesus and facts of Israelite God worship history prove my teachers did just that.
Okay, so your teachers are of the world. Personally I prefer what the spirit teaches and the Word used as confirmation. That teaching spirit with us is true. My husband says "You have no faith. Otherwise you would step out and into the truth." He says, "He wants to stay on dry land with his teachers". You are free to do that to yourself but you are not free to hold others back with you in that dry desolate desert you abide in. You seem to think that you have a right to tell me or others that have walked in the spirit that the spirit is in error and you are wrong. You do not get to drag others back into Elam and Babylon because you are afraid to step out in faith.

Many listen to this spirit-2Cor 11:12-15. Satan makes his path look good to the mortal heart. How else has he owned 99% all throughout the bible( the only time it wasn't 99% was the possibility when Israel stood strong)--surely not by saying--I am satan follow me.
All that really have the Holy spirit--knows100% the pagan additives in both Christmas and Easter that Jesus would have 0 to do either one--Pagan practices come off the table of demons--God said one CANNOT partake of that table and think they partake of his( 1Cor 10:21) But many are doing just that--The facts of these matters are facts of mortal history found in every encyclopedia--What do people think my teachers just made it up--Its facts.
Those that partake off of both tables will hear these words from Jesus at judgement--Matt 7:22-23
The bible teaches---On the day of ones death, ALL thought stops.= no afterlife. The resurrection occurs after Har-mageddon comes to this earth. If ones teachers are not teaching these simple truths--they are in darkness--Run from them.
The resurrection started two thousand years ago. It appears that you have missed something in your understanding of the Word.

I believe the firstfruits, began here at Rev 6 when Jesus received the crown. 1914-1919-- They are the kings bride, the anointed.( Rev 14:3) They are numbered 144,000--proving they are the little flock( Luke 12:32)-- Only these are bought from the earth.
Jesus gave this promise to the ones no man can number( He can # the little flock), the great multitude--Matthew 5:5-- Happy are the meek, for they will inherit the EARTH.
All will stand before the throne, no matter where they stand in Gods kingdom.
You can believe whatever but the fact is it already began two thousand years ago and it doesn't stop. Perhaps read about the king of Syria sending out his servants trying to convince the men on the wall who drink their own piss that he will take them to a better land if they will simply follow him instead of listening to Hezekiah. That may help you understand a little better. the kingdom of heaven and even the throne are already planted in you if you are a believer. Its all their he didn't leave anything out when he created you as a living soul. Jesus told them they would be as the angels, Job saw them ascending and descending. The Jordan means descender and some merely haven't crossed over that river in their life yet. It is for all times not just this moment or that moment. The word remains steady regardless of what human-adams precepts are.

I shared what the bible actually teaches--You reject the living word of God. You listened to the wrong teachers.
I hope you read ancient Greek and Hebrew otherwise you have no idea what the Bible says, literally.

God promised truth would become abundant here in these last days( Dan 12:4) It has--Through Jesus real teachers making corrections of the false teachings over the last 1750 years and altered bible versions the darkness lives by.
I need more people posting this question of mine ...my grandmother's died, my grandfather's died , my cousin, wife, best man at my wedding died, five other great friends died..

No contact nothing..

Houndi once said if there is an after life I will escape and contact you ..

The bible teaches---On the day of ones death, ALL thought stops.= no afterlife. The resurrection occurs after Har-mageddon comes to this earth. If ones teachers are not teaching these simple truths--they are in darkness--Run from them.
What bible are YOU reading from -- Lucifer's Bible ??

You must have missed this--Psalm 146:4)
NO!, damn it.

Seven deaths in seven months in 2013 -- four of them (sil, aunt/godmother, dad, mom) in a three week period.



Maybe that's cuz you are refusing to listen. I obviously don't know you but you come across as a vehement non-believer in anything spiritual, and that's ok for you. However, there are many others with a different take, many have been contacted in some manner.

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