Have You Ever Wondered Why No Fox Talking Head...

Now I’m skeered

Within their communities they can use religious law to resolve civil issues

Above that we have this thing called a Constitution

So other religions do the same within "their communities" ?

Jews, Amish, Mormons, etc.

Specific example of these religions using their religious law to settle civil issues ?

Why should I educate you? If you are a dumbass on this topic, it is obviously your own fault. Why don't you research it yourself? That is how you learn!
Why should I educate you? If you are a dumbass on this topic, it is obviously your own fault. Why don't you research it yourself? That is how you learn!

You're not educating me you're backing up something you claim.

If you were right you would post an example.,,at least try to stretch Halakha
Sharia is a boogey man to conservatives

Sharia is illogical to logical human beings as in Sharia a woman’s word is worthless. You are very uneducated and keep showing that fact over and over.

So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike, there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So people are allowed to have their own rules in their own homes?

Many religious followers voluntarily submit to the rules of their religion

Ever see the Amish? Mormons, Orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Christians

Do you “dislike” them too?

Mormons are tough but apostasy is not punishable by death and their radical sect doesn’t blow shit up. With Orthodox Jews a word of a woman equals that of a man so if a man strikes that woman her word is not discounted like it is in Sharia. Also only under Sharia is apostasy punishable by death, again. Being gay is punishable by death. Where those other religions are too rigorous IMO, Islam and Sharia takes that to a whole new level.

Any religion that punishes those who want to leave it by death is bad. I am guessing even you would agree with that.
You are going goofy on me again

In the US, Nobody can practice Sharia in their home and stone someone to death

If they are having marital problems they can choose to go to a local cleric instead of US courts

Idiot. Yes they can and they do and it is not reported many times and when it is the news is horrific.

Chicago protest against Sharia law outnumbered by counter-protesters
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the U.S.
Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence

--------------------------------------- thanks Azog , its a good video and is informative .
Sharia is illogical to logical human beings as in Sharia a woman’s word is worthless. You are very uneducated and keep showing that fact over and over.

So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike, there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So people are allowed to have their own rules in their own homes?

Many religious followers voluntarily submit to the rules of their religion

Ever see the Amish? Mormons, Orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Christians

Do you “dislike” them too?

Mormons are tough but apostasy is not punishable by death and their radical sect doesn’t blow shit up. With Orthodox Jews a word of a woman equals that of a man so if a man strikes that woman her word is not discounted like it is in Sharia. Also only under Sharia is apostasy punishable by death, again. Being gay is punishable by death. Where those other religions are too rigorous IMO, Islam and Sharia takes that to a whole new level.

Any religion that punishes those who want to leave it by death is bad. I am guessing even you would agree with that.
You are going goofy on me again

In the US, Nobody can practice Sharia in their home and stone someone to death

If they are having marital problems they can choose to go to a local cleric instead of US courts

Idiot. Yes they can and they do and it is not reported many times and when it is the news is horrific.

Chicago protest against Sharia law outnumbered by counter-protesters
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the U.S.
Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence

--------------------------------------- thanks Azog , its a good video and is informative .

Notice how RW shut his Leftist mouth when presented with facts. SMH......
Why should I educate you? If you are a dumbass on this topic, it is obviously your own fault. Why don't you research it yourself? That is how you learn!

You're not educating me you're backing up something you claim.

If you were right you would post an example.,,at least try to stretch Halakha

Your ignorance is not my job to correct. Google is your friend, or are you a libtard?
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

No, because I don't obsess over pointless stupid shit like retards with nothing better to do.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

Because nuns are not muslim....and catholics have not carried out any terrorist attacks .....its really not hard.....
How many innocent children are murdered in the US or with the other 1.5 billion Muslims in the world?

My issue is the word “phobia”. What Leftist bullshit is this? I neither fear nor cower to Islam. Fact is in every mostly Islamic country women are treated as 2nd class citizens, they hate dogs and apostasy is punishable by death as is being gay. Not exactly modern values.

Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.

You should perhaps respect the choice of conservative if you do not like you can leave this forum is more conservative than leftist - that's why I'm here, I'm sick and tired of sissy leftists in France
you should perhaps blow it out your ass. be a dumbass trump stooge if you want, but don't try to tell people with measurable IQs who do vote for or support. get it?
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

Because nuns are not muslim....and catholics have not carried out any terrorist attacks .....its really not hard.....
so no nun has ever killed anybody? according to your "reasoning," if one nun does something bad, all are bad and all must be feared and hated. dumbass. out of about a billion or so muslims in the world, maybe 50,000 have ever or would ever commit a terrorist attack, and very few of that 50,000 are women, and a tiny percentage of that might be living here. since I was talking about muslim women here, the same way dumbass Judge Pirro and asshole bigot liar Trump were, then you clownish trump stooges should have made the connection....
Sharia is a boogey man to conservatives

Sharia is illogical to logical human beings as in Sharia a woman’s word is worthless. You are very uneducated and keep showing that fact over and over.

So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike, there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So people are allowed to have their own rules in their own homes?

Many religious followers voluntarily submit to the rules of their religion

Ever see the Amish? Mormons, Orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Christians

Do you “dislike” them too?

Mormons are tough but apostasy is not punishable by death and their radical sect doesn’t blow shit up. With Orthodox Jews a word of a woman equals that of a man so if a man strikes that woman her word is not discounted like it is in Sharia. Also only under Sharia is apostasy punishable by death, again. Being gay is punishable by death. Where those other religions are too rigorous IMO, Islam and Sharia takes that to a whole new level.

Any religion that punishes those who want to leave it by death is bad. I am guessing even you would agree with that.
You are going goofy on me again

In the US, Nobody can practice Sharia in their home and stone someone to death

If they are having marital problems they can choose to go to a local cleric instead of US courts

Idiot. Yes they can and they do and it is not reported many times and when it is the news is horrific.

Chicago protest against Sharia law outnumbered by counter-protesters
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the U.S.
Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence

You didn’t read your own links did you?

As an American anthropologist working in the United States, I have watched the opposition to Sharia grow in recent years. It misrepresents what Sharia really is. My work over the past four years shows that people’s fears are largely unfounded. As an American who appreciates the core American values of inclusiveness, liberty, and the rule of law, I think it’s important to help dispel the myths that fuel these reactions.

The commonly held stereotypes about Sharia are illusions conjured up from a reservoir of misunderstandings and half-truths. My work has shown that most of the world’s nearly 2 billion Muslims
would not recognize the draconian practices described above as being part of the Islamic law they follow. Instead, their Sharia allows them to lead lives that are fundamentally no different than their Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, or secular neighbors.
in reply to post number 131 . MOST muslims wouldn't recognize eh . Well even if that were true which it isn't just look at what 'sharia' following muslims do in 'iran' , saudi arabia and other 'sharia' zhitholes . Then see the somali muslims that prefer 'sharia' over American law say in Minnesota . --- --- and then see the 'killing of Fahrkunda' video in some 'muslim shariah ' zhithole RWinger .
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Phobia means fear. I dislike Islam but I hardly fear it. Please learn what a phobia is instead of just loosely posting drivel. Thank you.
Play whatever semantic games you want, the fact remains you're an ignorant, hateful bigot.
So what does that have to do with the Great people of the US if Islamic countries practice Sharia?

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
So people are allowed to have their own rules in their own homes?

Many religious followers voluntarily submit to the rules of their religion

Ever see the Amish? Mormons, Orthodox Jews, fundamentalist Christians

Do you “dislike” them too?

Mormons are tough but apostasy is not punishable by death and their radical sect doesn’t blow shit up. With Orthodox Jews a word of a woman equals that of a man so if a man strikes that woman her word is not discounted like it is in Sharia. Also only under Sharia is apostasy punishable by death, again. Being gay is punishable by death. Where those other religions are too rigorous IMO, Islam and Sharia takes that to a whole new level.

Any religion that punishes those who want to leave it by death is bad. I am guessing even you would agree with that.
You are going goofy on me again

In the US, Nobody can practice Sharia in their home and stone someone to death

If they are having marital problems they can choose to go to a local cleric instead of US courts

Idiot. Yes they can and they do and it is not reported many times and when it is the news is horrific.

Chicago protest against Sharia law outnumbered by counter-protesters
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the U.S.
Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence

--------------------------------------- thanks Azog , its a good video and is informative .

Notice how RW shut his Leftist mouth when presented with facts. SMH......


Evidently not
See my post 131 above
in reply to post number 131 . MOST muslims wouldn't recognize eh . Well even if that were true which it isn't just look at what 'sharia' following muslims do in 'iran' , saudi arabia and other 'sharia' zhitholes . Then see the somali muslims that prefer 'sharia' over American law say in Minnesota . --- --- and then see the 'killing of Fahrkunda' video in some 'muslim shariah ' zhithole RWinger .

This is the USA

You lose again
My issue is the word “phobia”. What Leftist bullshit is this? I neither fear nor cower to Islam. Fact is in every mostly Islamic country women are treated as 2nd class citizens, they hate dogs and apostasy is punishable by death as is being gay. Not exactly modern values.

Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.

You should perhaps respect the choice of conservative if you do not like you can leave this forum is more conservative than leftist - that's why I'm here, I'm sick and tired of sissy leftists in France
you should perhaps blow it out your ass. be a dumbass trump stooge if you want, but don't try to tell people with measurable IQs who do vote for or support. get it?

50 is measurable
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Phobia means fear. I dislike Islam but I hardly fear it. Please learn what a phobia is instead of just loosely posting drivel. Thank you.
Play whatever semantic games you want, the fact remains you're an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Because privately in their homes Sharia exists. All you have to do is Google it to find numerous examples of it. Arranged marriages, women afraid to speak out, severe punishment for apostasy. It does not correlate with US values. This is not a phobia but a dislike there is a huge difference. Once again your lack of education and knowledge is evident.
Mormons are tough but apostasy is not punishable by death and their radical sect doesn’t blow shit up. With Orthodox Jews a word of a woman equals that of a man so if a man strikes that woman her word is not discounted like it is in Sharia. Also only under Sharia is apostasy punishable by death, again. Being gay is punishable by death. Where those other religions are too rigorous IMO, Islam and Sharia takes that to a whole new level.

Any religion that punishes those who want to leave it by death is bad. I am guessing even you would agree with that.
You are going goofy on me again

In the US, Nobody can practice Sharia in their home and stone someone to death

If they are having marital problems they can choose to go to a local cleric instead of US courts

Idiot. Yes they can and they do and it is not reported many times and when it is the news is horrific.

Chicago protest against Sharia law outnumbered by counter-protesters
American Muslim Women and Domestic Violence
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the U.S.
Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence

--------------------------------------- thanks Azog , its a good video and is informative .

Notice how RW shut his Leftist mouth when presented with facts. SMH......


Evidently not
See my post 131 above

You took one paragraph out of 7 links?

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