Have You Ever Wondered Why No Fox Talking Head...

How many innocent children are murdered in the US or with the other 1.5 billion Muslims in the world?

My issue is the word “phobia”. What Leftist bullshit is this? I neither fear nor cower to Islam. Fact is in every mostly Islamic country women are treated as 2nd class citizens, they hate dogs and apostasy is punishable by death as is being gay. Not exactly modern values.

Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Phobia means fear. I dislike Islam but I hardly fear it. Please learn what a phobia is instead of just loosely posting drivel. Thank you.
if you think a woman wearing a hibab in this country is a threat to you, or is unconstitutional, then you do have a phobia, moron. that is what Pirro said and other Fox talking heads, and most trump voters, and trump, his ass-holiness of islamophobia. get it, stupid? typing too fast for ya, home-school?

Your ad Hominems amuse me as does your lack of English language skill. Phobia means fear and very few fear Islam. Your Leftist propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Stick to basket weaving.
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


You do realize that many, if not most nuns no longer wear habits.
and most muslim women in this country do not choose to wear one, at least all the time. it is, after all, about choice.

Not true and they cannot leave Islam without major repercussions.
in this country they can. in any modern country NOT RULED BY SOME MUSLIM RELIGIOUS LEADER THEY CAN...why do you think muslim women do not have religious freedom in democratic countries?


Muslim Apostates in North America Face Leftist Scorn, Muslim Death Threats | National Review

Muslim ‘apostates’ in U.S. ask for protection

The number of ex-Muslims in America is rising
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

I think I will avoid the rush and consider you a nitwit and ignore you
i guess that is easier than learning English above about a second grade level and trying to have a clue what I am even saying. good choice, drain clog. ignorance suits you.
And it is children like you that wonder why ignorance and violence on on the rise.

Learn something about the way Catholics were treated in America in its history. Learn anything about history for that matter.
My issue is the word “phobia”. What Leftist bullshit is this? I neither fear nor cower to Islam. Fact is in every mostly Islamic country women are treated as 2nd class citizens, they hate dogs and apostasy is punishable by death as is being gay. Not exactly modern values.

Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Phobia means fear. I dislike Islam but I hardly fear it. Please learn what a phobia is instead of just loosely posting drivel. Thank you.
if you think a woman wearing a hibab in this country is a threat to you, or is unconstitutional, then you do have a phobia, moron. that is what Pirro said and other Fox talking heads, and most trump voters, and trump, his ass-holiness of islamophobia. get it, stupid? typing too fast for ya, home-school?

Your ad Hominems amuse me as does your lack of English language skill. Phobia means fear and very few fear Islam. Your Leftist propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Stick to basket weaving.
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.
Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.
Phobia means fear. I dislike Islam but I hardly fear it. Please learn what a phobia is instead of just loosely posting drivel. Thank you.
if you think a woman wearing a hibab in this country is a threat to you, or is unconstitutional, then you do have a phobia, moron. that is what Pirro said and other Fox talking heads, and most trump voters, and trump, his ass-holiness of islamophobia. get it, stupid? typing too fast for ya, home-school?

Your ad Hominems amuse me as does your lack of English language skill. Phobia means fear and very few fear Islam. Your Leftist propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Stick to basket weaving.
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.
if you think a woman wearing a hibab in this country is a threat to you, or is unconstitutional, then you do have a phobia, moron. that is what Pirro said and other Fox talking heads, and most trump voters, and trump, his ass-holiness of islamophobia. get it, stupid? typing too fast for ya, home-school?

Your ad Hominems amuse me as does your lack of English language skill. Phobia means fear and very few fear Islam. Your Leftist propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Stick to basket weaving.
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.
Your ad Hominems amuse me as does your lack of English language skill. Phobia means fear and very few fear Islam. Your Leftist propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Stick to basket weaving.
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

That's a really stupid take. The Bible doesn't tell Nuns and Priests to murder innocent children in the name of Allah.
No, and neither does the Koran tell muslims to kill people. Any more than all the old testament laws that are no longer believed by 98% of all Christians, even the fake Christians like you who support Trump.
---------------------------------- trying to change topics eh Jones ??
how do you figure,
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Gotta watch out for those nuns, Mr. Jones! A bunch of terrorists everyone of them! (Eye Roll)
you kinda miss the point, dummy. muslim women, about one out of 10 million might have ever committed any terrorist act in their life, who choose to wear a hibab or whatever are just as patriotic or holy or constitutional as any nun who chooses to wear a habit or whatever they were on their head for basically the same reason...get it, stupid? you are as clueless and islamophobic as Judge Pirro and other trump stooges who can see a splinter in a muslim's eye, while ignoring the telephone pole sticking out of yours. Capisce, dumbass?
You are not ashamed to say that Muslim women are well treated and they are not forced to wear a hibab?
and you don't think a whole bunch of allegedly christian women are denied equality and mistreated in allegedly christian churches? read the news, much? i am not defending islam, or bashing christianity, but i am bashing islamaphobic trump stooges who do hate all muslims for the actions of a relative few.
--------------------------------------- i
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


You do realize that many, if not most nuns no longer wear habits.
and most muslim women in this country do not choose to wear one, at least all the time. it is, after all, about choice.

Not true and they cannot leave Islam without major repercussions.
in this country they can. in any modern country NOT RULED BY SOME MUSLIM RELIGIOUS LEADER THEY CAN...why do you think muslim women do not have religious freedom in democratic countries?
-------------------------------------- sure the do but Apostate muslims are still APOSTATE and will be punished if 'sharia' is ever the law of the land or 'mo' will get them in the Afterlife Jones .
speaking of ad hominems. you just got your ass kicked so you resort to silly ass non-sequiturs and ad hominems because in your tiny mind that is the same as posting an actual counter-point. nice try, for a trump stooge. kudos.

Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)
Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)

As a Red Sox fan who lives in Boston....I welcome them...he he he
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)

As a Red Sox fan who lives in Boston....I welcome them...he he he

I managed Jillian's at one time, Azog...nothing more "fun" than a Red Sox - Yankees homestand!
I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)

As a Red Sox fan who lives in Boston....I welcome them...he he he

I managed Jillian's at one time, Azog...nothing more "fun" than a Red Sox - Yankees homestand!

Nice!!! Cool pool place too just pricey.
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


You do realize that many, if not most nuns no longer wear habits.

So they broke the habit?
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


No. For Catholic nuns it is a personal choice they made for themselves in joining the order. It applies only to them .

On the other hand, except where culture has secularized the practice, Muslim women are expected to comply, in many cases under threat of physical punishment.
you kinda miss the point, dummy. muslim women in this country choose to wear one, and, worldwide, about one out of 10 million might have ever committed any terrorist act in their life, who choose to wear a hibab or whatever are just as patriotic or holy or constitutional as any nun who chooses to wear a habit or whatever they were on their head for basically the same reason...get it, stupid? you are as clueless and islamophobic as Judge Pirro and other trump stooges who can see a splinter in a muslim's eye, while ignoring the telephone pole sticking out of yours. Capisce, dumbass?

So stupid, you had to post it twice to make sure we saw your ignorance?
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Gotta watch out for those nuns, Mr. Jones! A bunch of terrorists everyone of them! (Eye Roll)
you kinda miss the point, dummy. muslim women, about one out of 10 million might have ever committed any terrorist act in their life, who choose to wear a hibab or whatever are just as patriotic or holy or constitutional as any nun who chooses to wear a habit or whatever they were on their head for basically the same reason...get it, stupid? you are as clueless and islamophobic as Judge Pirro and other trump stooges who can see a splinter in a muslim's eye, while ignoring the telephone pole sticking out of yours. Capisce, dumbass?
You are not ashamed to say that Muslim women are well treated and they are not forced to wear a hibab?

WTF is a hibab?
That's a really stupid take. The Bible doesn't tell Nuns and Priests to murder innocent children in the name of Allah.
How many innocent children are murdered in the US or with the other 1.5 billion Muslims in the world?

My issue is the word “phobia”. What Leftist bullshit is this? I neither fear nor cower to Islam. Fact is in every mostly Islamic country women are treated as 2nd class citizens, they hate dogs and apostasy is punishable by death as is being gay. Not exactly modern values.

Seems conservatives have a phobia about something as inane as a hijab

Prove it. Phobia means FEAR. I dislike You but I do not fear you whatsoever. Stop posting lies.
it does not mean fear, exclusively. it also means hate, as in homophobia. do you really think, if think is what dirt clods like you do, that homophobic goons are afraid of gays, not just intensely dislike them? no wonder you are a trump stooge!! you are too stupid NOT to be one.

Yes, it does mean fear you idiot!
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

That's a really stupid take. The Bible doesn't tell Nuns and Priests to murder innocent children in the name of Allah.
No, and neither does the Koran tell muslims to kill people. Any more than all the old testament laws that are no longer believed by 98% of all Christians, even the fake Christians like you who support Trump.
---------------------------------- trying to change topics eh Jones ??
how do you figure,
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Gotta watch out for those nuns, Mr. Jones! A bunch of terrorists everyone of them! (Eye Roll)
you kinda miss the point, dummy. muslim women, about one out of 10 million might have ever committed any terrorist act in their life, who choose to wear a hibab or whatever are just as patriotic or holy or constitutional as any nun who chooses to wear a habit or whatever they were on their head for basically the same reason...get it, stupid? you are as clueless and islamophobic as Judge Pirro and other trump stooges who can see a splinter in a muslim's eye, while ignoring the telephone pole sticking out of yours. Capisce, dumbass?
You are not ashamed to say that Muslim women are well treated and they are not forced to wear a hibab?
and you don't think a whole bunch of allegedly christian women are denied equality and mistreated in allegedly christian churches? read the news, much? i am not defending islam, or bashing christianity, but i am bashing islamaphobic trump stooges who do hate all muslims for the actions of a relative few.

You are doing an incredibly lousy job of it!
Triggered? I will explain this to you because you’re dumb. Phobia of spiders means one cannot be around them because of irrational fear. I dont like spiders so if they are in my house I kill them. I don’t fear them at all and don’t care if they crawl on me. Learn what phobia means and save your pussy Leftist primitive drivel for someone who cares.
For me homosexuality is not a phobia but a disgust, I see it as dysfunction that I do not honestly like it makes me uncomfortable to see two people of the same sex together and I'm not alone with that kind of feeling and I find that we are forced to lives with it.

I think it’s creepy too but I dont begrudge or judge people on their personal lives but I certainly don’t fear it LOL. Leftists have no idea what a true phobia really is.
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)

I must be very brave! I wore an Auburn shirt in the parent section of a Florida-Georgia game, and I sat with the opposing coaches family wearing my Auburn gear at a Georgia Tech game. (I got the tickets from the offensive coordinator's son who was my school's football coach that I shared a classroom with!)
I agree, but hey it's still human beings, we can not judge the fact that two people love each other but well above all before it was left in the bedroom in the private.

I think flaunting anything is stupid. Whether it’s sexuality, religion, etc. Well except for sports gear during a sporting event.

Try wearing a Yankees jersey to a game at Fenway and then sit out in the bleachers. That's about as "stupid" as you could possibly get! :)

As a Red Sox fan who lives in Boston....I welcome them...he he he

I managed Jillian's at one time, Azog...nothing more "fun" than a Red Sox - Yankees homestand!

Nice!!! Cool pool place too just pricey.

Boston is pricey. Too many sin taxes! Liberals don't want anyone having fun unless they pay the price!
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.

That's a really stupid take. The Bible doesn't tell Nuns and Priests to murder innocent children in the name of Allah.
No, and neither does the Koran tell muslims to kill people. Any more than all the old testament laws that are no longer believed by 98% of all Christians, even the fake Christians like you who support Trump.
---------------------------------- trying to change topics eh Jones ??
how do you figure,
has ever questioned the patriotism of nuns who cover their heads in some sort of mystical religious adherence to the inherent inferiority of females according to their faith? Me, neither. Can you say "islamaphobia?" sure, i knew you could.


Gotta watch out for those nuns, Mr. Jones! A bunch of terrorists everyone of them! (Eye Roll)
you kinda miss the point, dummy. muslim women, about one out of 10 million might have ever committed any terrorist act in their life, who choose to wear a hibab or whatever are just as patriotic or holy or constitutional as any nun who chooses to wear a habit or whatever they were on their head for basically the same reason...get it, stupid? you are as clueless and islamophobic as Judge Pirro and other trump stooges who can see a splinter in a muslim's eye, while ignoring the telephone pole sticking out of yours. Capisce, dumbass?
You are not ashamed to say that Muslim women are well treated and they are not forced to wear a hibab?
and you don't think a whole bunch of allegedly christian women are denied equality and mistreated in allegedly christian churches? read the news, much? i am not defending islam, or bashing christianity, but i am bashing islamaphobic trump stooges who do hate all muslims for the actions of a relative few.

You are doing an incredibly lousy job of it!
coming from you, i take that as a compliment. you might find that if you go back and finish junior high, you might can almost read and understand what is being stated in a discussion and actually contribute a point of view, instead of just posting a dumbass attempt at insulting your superiors. aim high, sonny.

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