Have you guys survived the Great Government shutdown of 2018?

Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

Policy can be changed. Border enforcement can be changed. Technology can be removed. But a wall isn't going anywhere. That's what scares the hell out of the anti-white party.
Hey Jose, can I borrow your ladder for a minute? Wall foiled. But you’re right, until it’s torn down in a few years, it’s not going anywhere.
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:
/——-/ How many ladders will they need? 7,000?
Never said they were. I did say the population was relative to the greater NYC area though which, of course is true.

Again, dishonesty.

Those American citizens pay for schools, hospitals, roads, etc…. through the taxes you mentioned.
They will pay for the schools, hospitals, roads, etc… whether there are any illegals in their communities or not.
What illegals do add is a lot of sales tax revenue

So the bargain is you can have all of the expenditures without the added sales tax revenue or you can have it with the sales tax revenue.

Simple equation; hate will make you pick the worse trek.

Yup, rather difficult to pay NYC taxes, especially when not living anywhere close to NYC.
As I stated and as you have proven, intellectual dishonesty (or in your case, just dishonesty) is the trademark of conservatives. I was saying the size of the illegal alien population is relative to the size of greater NYC. The sales tax receipts collected by the states where illegals reside is a massive intake of cash for those states.

But feel free to keep with the dishonesty. It’s all you have.

And yes, those American citizens pay for schools, roads, etc. AND illegals...dumbass.

The American citizens would be paying those taxes anyway with no illegals. So it’s much better to have the increased sales tax receipts than to not have them. It’s mathematics. Probably not your strong suit.

The American citizens would be paying those taxes anyway with no illegals. So it’s much better to have the increased sales tax receipts than to not have them. It’s mathematics. Probably not your strong suit.

Total bullshit....you have no idea what you are talking about...
The biggest impact that II has on communities is the property tax on land and homeowners because this is where most of the community funding comes from to cover schooling and medical clinics. These communities are federally mandated to provide those things with no funding from the Government....It's actually illegal but would probably fail in federal court because the justices are not going to hurt their own salary.

So...as far as telling the Truth is concerned I would hesitate before I called somebody else weak....so far you are either by omission or by total ignorance....LYING YOUR ASS OFF.

The nation has run out of financial room for these people unless they come here to become a net postie, as it is they always manage to be about a 60k/annum net negative per capita and that's not counting the crime they add.


One would have to surmise that areas that have no illegal aliens or fewer illegal aliens would be the wealthiest areas of the nation if there was truth to your argument. Instead the opposite is the case.

Oh well, facts are firmly on my side; as per usual.

And how many illegal aliens are living in Beverly Hills, how many are neighbors with Nancy Pelosi?

Probably not many
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:

Gee.......... do you suppose our agents will ever figure that out???

View attachment 236215
Those incompetent fucks are terrible at their jobs, so no.

Good thing they have you then........huh?
And there it is, Ray’s brain fizzles out.
/——/ Libs would Provide this refugee a ladder to get in.
The TSA is not fully funded. I’m glad I’m not flying anywhere for the holidays. Happy Kwanzza
Happy what?

Oh... yeah... that meaningless 'holiday' that some con-man pulled out of his a$$ 52 years ago... silliness.

Fortunately, the US Department of Political Correctness was shut down as Non-Essential...
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Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

Policy can be changed. Border enforcement can be changed. Technology can be removed. But a wall isn't going anywhere. That's what scares the hell out of the anti-white party.
Hey Jose, can I borrow your ladder for a minute? Wall foiled. But you’re right, until it’s torn down in a few years, it’s not going anywhere.
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:
/——-/ How many ladders will they need? 7,000?
If that’s how many they need, it’s not like it’s that hard at all to get
Policy can be changed. Border enforcement can be changed. Technology can be removed. But a wall isn't going anywhere. That's what scares the hell out of the anti-white party.
Hey Jose, can I borrow your ladder for a minute? Wall foiled. But you’re right, until it’s torn down in a few years, it’s not going anywhere.
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:
/——-/ How many ladders will they need? 7,000?
If that’s how many they need, it’s not like it’s that hard at all to get
/——/ A trampoline would be more cost effective
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:

Gee.......... do you suppose our agents will ever figure that out???

View attachment 236215
Those incompetent fucks are terrible at their jobs, so no.

Good thing they have you then........huh?
And there it is, Ray’s brain fizzles out.
/——/ Libs would Provide this refugee a ladder to get in.
View attachment 236237
Just how hard do you think it is to get a ladder? :cuckoo:
/——/ Jose’s ladder will get you to the top then what? Jump and break your neck? Hey I like that option.
^ lol this dumb cracka doesn’t know how ladders work. Then you pull it over and climb down to the other side and the people below put up a second ladder. Try not to think too hard, Einstein :cuckoo:

Gee.......... do you suppose our agents will ever figure that out???

View attachment 236215
Those incompetent fucks are terrible at their jobs, so no.

Good thing they have you then........huh?
And there it is, Ray’s brain fizzles out.

You stated you know more than our border security, our engineers, our trained military, and my brain fizzled out?
Just wanted to pop in to do a welfare check. Are you all ok?

I think building a wall is necessary, the number of illegal immigrants was the most startling statistics of many when I heard it first announced in the GOP Primaries. I honestly had no idea how much it impacted the U.S.
It was the first stat, along with the number of factories stolen by China, that really had me listening more closely to Trump during those debate.

He went from a novelty, maybe even suspicions of him being a gimmick; to a guy who was calling out and confronting serious American issues. The Wall addresses this in a permanent manner, this is why I believe some are so adamantly against it.

It's bad, but not like the Brutal Sequester
The TSA is not fully funded. I’m glad I’m not flying anywhere for the holidays. Happy Kwanzza
Happy what?

Oh... yeah... that meaningless 'holiday' that some con-man pulled out of his a$$ 52 years ago... silliness.

Fortunately, the US Department of Political Correctness was shut down as Non-Essential...

I add it to just piss off conservatives
Nope... I got up this morning and the first thing I noticed was that the goddamn sun had come up again! You know I'm getting sick of this shit! Just when we had it so we didn't have to see the sun at all along comes Trump with his goddamn government shutdown and screws everything up! Next thing you know the goddamn moon will be showing up in the sky and that'll be the final straw for me boy!

So what you are saying is

"I got mine...fuck em all"

How very Republican

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