Have you immersed yourself in Jesus's Mercy today?

God gave man free will, handed over hte world to him (Genesis...) and so, we cannot blame God because humans do not want to do the right thing... they have free will

and most choose evil

most end up in Hell.

Jesus said such.. mt 7:21, Lk 1324... etc
Sounds like your god screwed up big time with a major design flaw or an intentional cruel joke. Why not a species that has free will but makes better choices? This is why I have a problem with the whole concept of god, especially a god who is supposed to be compassionate and infallible.
Sounds like your god screwed up big time with a major design flaw or an intentional cruel joke. Why not a species that has free will but makes better choices? This is why I have a problem with the whole concept of god, especially a god who is supposed to be compassionate and infallible.
even christians have a hard time with this kind of thing... Do u think i of all people have an easy time of it all the time believing God cares about me?

But I do totally believe and always believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Church He founded where I never have a hard time believe He loves me...

It is totally different THERE than anywhere else on Earth... excpt maybe the pristine mountains of Montana where there are no humans... ? (and not evn there)
You can't just immerse yourselves in Christ's mercy without giving up your sins (to the best of your ability), especially mortal sins...
Repentance: Recognizing the sin, regretting, and be determine to never commit it again, and replace that action with a better action. Make restitution.

At this point one is prepared for the sacrament of reconciliation where the sin is confessed and forgiven.

Repentance and forgiveness is not just simply turning up at church and saying "forgive me". There is more to the sacrament than that.
right. and if the priest thinks you are not repentant, he will not absolve... (probably does not happen often?)
even christians have a hard time with this kind of thing... Do u think i of all people have an easy time of it all the time believing God cares about me?

But I do totally believe and always believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Church He founded where I never have a hard time believe He loves me...

It is totally different THERE than anywhere else on Earth... excpt maybe the pristine mountains of Montana where there are no humans... ? (and not evn there)
There is a part of me that envies the comfort that you find in your faith. However, I have found comfort in freeing myself of such beliefs. As a child. I was told that I was Catholic-because my parents were. sort of. It's a long story. In any case I struggled with the guilt and shame\that came from not being a "good Catholic. The fact is, that I never internalized the doctrine. Never felt it, and as a young adult, realized that religion is not genetic, gave up trying to believe, and never looked back.

Religion is driven by fear and guilt. Mostly having to do with death and the afterlife. You may know, or think that you know what lies beyond. Again, I envy you for that but I find the concepts of heaven and hell a bit hard to swallow. In any case, I will live with the uncertainty. I like to say, someday we will know everything, or we will know nothing. The answer to the mystery of death or dreamless sleep for ever and ever.
Religion is driven by fear and guilt. Mostly having to do with death and the afterlife. You may know, or think that you know what lies beyond. Again, I envy you for that but I find the concepts of heaven and hell a bit hard to swallow. In any case, I will live with the uncertainty. I like to say, someday we will know everything, or we will know nothing. The answer to the mystery of death or dreamless sleep for ever and ever.
Was this your first perception of religion? My own description:

Religion is driven by awe and creation. Mostly having to do with creating and living this life. What lies beyond death will take care of itself, much like what happens tomorrow will take care of itself, but we get to be a part of that care, that creation of tomorrow. Religion teaches love, teaches creation--and in love and creation is awe.
Repentance: Recognizing the sin, regretting, and be determine to never commit it again, and replace that action with a better action. Make restitution.

At this point one is prepared for the sacrament of reconciliation where the sin is confessed and forgiven.

Repentance and forgiveness is not just simply turning up at church and saying "forgive me". There is more to the sacrament than that.

And repentance is turning up at church and saying you're sorry.

That's it.

Ever seen a British TV show called Red Dwarf? (scifi, stuck on a mining ship a million years in the future) It's from the 1990s or something, quite old now. There was one show where they were judged. The bad character past judgement because he didn't care. Didn't think he was guilty of anything. The good character didn't pass judgement because he had guilt over killing an insect.

The problem with being a better person is: who determines what a "better person" is?
Was this your first perception of religion? My own description:

Religion is driven by awe and creation. Mostly having to do with creating and living this life. What lies beyond death will take care of itself, much like what happens tomorrow will take care of itself, but we get to be a part of that care, that creation of tomorrow. Religion teaches love, teaches creation--and in love and creation is awe.
If only that were true, I might be religious. In my experience , religion teaches fear, superstition, hate and divisiveness.
Luke 17:3 has nothing to do with what you said
I don't care. You were talking about the Lord. Not if your brother and sisters sinned against you.
Seems your thoughts are a lot more convoluted than that one post of yours.
If only that were true, I might be religious. In my experience , religion teaches fear, superstition, hate and divisiveness.
I didn't have a good time when I was young and a Lutheran, just a step away from being a Catholic.
I've learned a lot since then and consider myself as a recovering Lutheran.
If only that were true, I might be religious. In my experience , religion teaches fear, superstition, hate and divisiveness.
I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, went to Catholic school. From the very beginning we were taught that the divine spark was in all of us; we were to be Christ to one another, to everyone we met. Most of the nuns who taught at my school were wonderful, wonderful people, not to mention teachers. However...there was one...and it sounds like your entire experience was more like the reverse of what I was surrounded with.

Glad you were able to free yourself from a bad experience. Most people here know this, but growing up, had a grandfather and uncles who were atheist; loved them all so much had no issue falling in love with and marrying an atheist myself.
They don't believe He's the Son of God.

at their trial the itinerant replied it was the jews who claimed he was ...

You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty

the itinerant's not believing in - judaism - is why they had him killed.

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