Have you immersed yourself in Jesus's Mercy today?

Don't you? Not of anything?

"Verily, Allah loves those who repent and those who purify themselves." Quran 2:222

But you claim Jesus (peace be upon him) died for your sins. If that is so why would you need to repent?

You wrote a post about that in response to me earlier. I haven't had a time to read that yet. If it answers this question then no need to reply, i will read the previous post later.
Justice does not always mean punishment from someone who is "fed up". It might be well to remember that God is Love (as opposed to God is Fed Up). Love can bring about a more beautiful justice than can punishment.

I meet fine people everywhere I turn. I am a firm believer that there is the divine spark in almost all of us. Anyone who has gone through hard times him/herself find it easy to accept that people on the Internet have also been through difficult times.
i agree w/ all this... but human nature is abysmally FALLEN

selfish... excuse-making... etc

Some people KNOW God does not like what they are doing but they do it over and over just the same

Do you think God is going to just keep letting them do that forever?

you DO believe in eternal Hell, don't u? or are you a closet JW or..... once saved always saved dude?
Some people KNOW God does not like what they are doing but they do it over and over just the same

Do you think God is going to just keep letting them do that forever?

you DO believe in eternal Hell, don't u? or are you a closet JW or..... once saved always saved dude?
There are two different thoughts on your first line. Are people doing what they want and they do not care whether or not God likes it? Or, are they trying to work to overcome a weakness and they want very much to succeed?

I believe in hell, meaning an eternal separation from God. I also believe God does not throw people into hell, people choose to go there rather than to love and serve God.

I pretty much disregard 'saved' and pay absolutely no attention to 'once saved, always saved'. I prefer redemption, that God's people have been redeemed and assured of this by Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
There are two different thoughts on your first line. Are people doing what they want and they do not care whether or not God likes it? Or, are they trying to work to overcome a weakness and they want very much to succeed?

I believe in hell, meaning an eternal separation from God. I also believe God does not throw people into hell, people choose to go there rather than to love and serve God.

I pretty much disregard 'saved' and pay absolutely no attention to 'once saved, always saved'. I prefer redemption, that God's people have been redeemed and assured of this by Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
i have sympathy for those who are honestly seeking truth

but it seems there are so many disingenuous people who just want their way, couldn't care less about whether their way is right or wrong... They tell themselves there is no God because they are too lazy or selfish or hedonistic to investigate whether .. say, Catholicism is true or not... then they come on the forums and expect Cahtolics to explain, explain explain... and when you do, they just criticize and put down and etc... and you feel u have utterly wasted your time...

so I just don't explain... (If i feel someone is just playing such a game w/ me or some other catholic)
Perhaps you do not fully understand Jesus' mission? He calls us to:
  • Repentance (turning away) from wrong-doing to obedience.
  • Discern the will of God and follow it.
  • When others fail and repent, forgive them completely, always.
  • Sins are forgiven.
Jesus did not proclaim sins are forgiven, therefore there is:
  • No need to repent (turn away) from wrong doing.
  • No need to discern the way of God nor obey Him.
  • No need to forgive others their transgressions.
Because mankind still needs to heed the call to turn away from wrong-doing and to completely forgive those who repent those who transgress against us, there is every need for repentance (and confession), plus the greater act of remembering how completely God forgives the repentant (to death) so that we remember to forgive others just as thoroughly.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Catholics still hear Christs own words--and the voice of all other Catholics--saying in unison, "Your sins are forgiven."
I'm getting mixed messages here.. your sins are forgiven or not? And you need to repent or not? If you need to repent what do you think he would have died for?
uranus is just playing a game.
He/She asked a question, he/she got an answer, and he's/she's upset because it's not what he/she wanted to hear.
The more he/she posts the more revealing he/she becomes.
Not worth the time for a serious discussion
Your answer was wrong, obviously. It was devoid of logic. Like me calling an apple an orange. At least I don't badmouth you for it. Where are those christian values now?
I'm getting mixed messages here.. your sins are forgiven or not? And you need to repent or not? If you need to repent what do you think he would have died for?
What struck me in Gospel study years ago, is that I could not find a single time when Jesus spoke of forgiveness of sins being a future event after his death. In his own time, he always used the present tense: Your sins are forgiven and repentance for the forgiveness of sins (i.e., not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins). Temple authorities immediately challenged him. By whose authority did he preach this new tenet or message? What was the sign it was from God.

In the Old Testament, all new tenets-covenants-testaments involved a blood sacrifice. What sacrifice had taken place to introduce this new testament, this new covenant, between God and man? Temple authorities demanded to know.

Jesus was crucified for his insistence that sins are forgiven, and he readily gave his life rather than recant. His blood was the blood ushering in the New Testament, but God never does anything in half measures. Jesus was resurrected from the dead.

Jesus also spoke of repentance for the forgiveness of sins; of discerning the will of God and obedience to it.

I know people insist that someone had to be punished for the sins of mankind and that Jesus took on this punishment. I know scripture notes that Jesus died for our sins, so that sins are forgiven. Even in Jesus' and the Apostles' day Jews criticized the idea people could sin and be forgiven without effort on the part of the sinner. Since Apostolic times to this day, Catholics have been taught repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and that sins are forgiven.

I know that some people follow the belief that from the minute they are born, all sins they will ever commit are already forgiven. That is what Jesus' message, death, and resurrection means to them.
There are two different thoughts on your first line. Are people doing what they want and they do not care whether or not God likes it? Or, are they trying to work to overcome a weakness and they want very much to succeed?

I believe in hell, meaning an eternal separation from God. I also believe God does not throw people into hell, people choose to go there rather than to love and serve God.

I pretty much disregard 'saved' and pay absolutely no attention to 'once saved, always saved'. I prefer redemption, that God's people have been redeemed and assured of this by Christ's life, death, and resurrection.
redemption is an ongoing, life long process

as long as u attend Mass, give up mortal sins and work on the venial, u should make it when u die.. you may have to spend 100 years in Purgatory over your venial sins but at least u don't go to Hell
Jesus was crucified for his insistence that sins are forgiven, and he readily gave his life rather than recant.
This is not true... He was crucified bc He claimed to be God "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father" and etc...

Also, right b4 he was crucified he told Pilate that

"This is the reason I came into the world: to testify to the Truth" [emphasis added]

most people, it seems, do not like truth... or if they do, they do not like LIVING it... do not like adhering to Christ's teachings
What struck me in Gospel study years ago, is that I could not find a single time when Jesus spoke of forgiveness of sins being a future event after his death. In his own time, he always used the present tense: Your sins are forgiven and repentance for the forgiveness of sins (i.e., not sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins). Temple authorities immediately challenged him. By whose authority did he preach this new tenet or message? What was the sign it was from God.

In the Old Testament, all new tenets-covenants-testaments involved a blood sacrifice. What sacrifice had taken place to introduce this new testament, this new covenant, between God and man? Temple authorities demanded to know.

Jesus was crucified for his insistence that sins are forgiven, and he readily gave his life rather than recant. His blood was the blood ushering in the New Testament, but God never does anything in half measures. Jesus was resurrected from the dead.

Jesus also spoke of repentance for the forgiveness of sins; of discerning the will of God and obedience to it.

I know people insist that someone had to be punished for the sins of mankind and that Jesus took on this punishment. I know scripture notes that Jesus died for our sins, so that sins are forgiven. Even in Jesus' and the Apostles' day Jews criticized the idea people could sin and be forgiven without effort on the part of the sinner. Since Apostolic times to this day, Catholics have been taught repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and that sins are forgiven.

I know that some people follow the belief that from the minute they are born, all sins they will ever commit are already forgiven. That is what Jesus' message, death, and resurrection means to them.
So you're saying his supposed death would have been equal to animal sacrifice and benefitted only those living at that time?
God gave us free will. The world's problems are of our own making, not His.

It is not in God's job description to rescue us from our fuckups.

If you keep catch a child every time they fall, they will never learn to walk.

That's a great big steaming load of horseshit.

You know how I know there's no God? Two words: Childhood cancer.


Your "God" causes that. Your God allows it to happen. Apparently, your God revels in the suffering of innocent children who haven't "fucked up".

And you defend it...
Covenants with God are everlasting, for all time--not only for those who were living in the day the covenant took place.
They are valid until they are replaced, unless stated otherwise, but that has nothing to do with anything.

One of the things I love about Islam is that it is so simple and clear.
That's a great big steaming load of horseshit.

You know how I know there's no God? Two words: Childhood cancer.


Your "God" causes that. Your God allows it to happen. Apparently, your God revels in the suffering of innocent children who haven't "fucked up".

And you defend it...
You have no idea why you were created. You assume things about God like you would of another human being — a typical atheist mistake.
You have no idea why you were created. You assume things about God like you would of another human being — a typical atheist mistake.

First off, I'm not an Atheist.

Second, I said nothing about why I was created, so I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about there.

Third, one can only conclude that you ignored my point about childhood cancer because it makes you uncomfortable, because you know that no loving God would allow such a thing to exist. Children don't "fall down", as g5000 suggests, from childhood cancer. They die. Your God lets them die. Hell, he causes them to die. He is the very reason that countless innocent little children have died from cancer.

Your "God" disgusts me...
First off, I'm not an Atheist.

Second, I said nothing about why I was created, so I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about there.

Third, one can only conclude that you ignored my point about childhood cancer because it makes you uncomfortable, because you know that no loving God would allow such a thing to exist. Children don't "fall down", as g5000 suggests, from childhood cancer. They die. Your God lets them die. Hell, he causes them to die. He is the very reason that countless innocent little children have died from cancer.

Your "God" disgusts me...
You made clear that you don't know why you were created. It was implied by your post. You were created to worship God.

Childhood cancer doesn't make me the least bit uncomfortable. I see the argument as naive because it is built on false premises.

"And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Truly! To Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.” They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones." Quran 2:155-157

"Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good, and to Us you will be returned." Quran 21:35

"Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe,” and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test)." 29:2-3

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.”

The Prophet ﷺ said: “When Allaah wills good for His slave, He hastens the punishment for him in this world, and when Allaah wills ill for His slave, he withholds the punishment for his sins from him until he comes with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi
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"You were created to worship God"
ugh reminds me of a particularly depressing twilight zone
episode-----a scientist CREATES very human robots with
memory tracts even of their fake childhoods----as a legion
of personal slaves (who imagine that they are his children)

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