Have you immersed yourself in Jesus's Mercy today?

Then what does it mean, do you even know?
It means that if you are penitent and accept Jesus, then you are forgiven.

If you are an unrepentant sinner who cheats on all three of your wives repeatedly, and steal from the elderly at your fraudulent fake university, and grab pussies, then no. All is not forgiven.

Or if you shoot someone on Fifth Avenue because Jesus will forgive you, no. It doesn't work that way.
It means that if you are penitent and accept Jesus, then you are forgiven.

If you are an unrepentant sinner who cheats on all three of your wives repeatedly, and steal from the elderly at your fraudulent fake university, and grab pussies, then no. All is not forgiven.

Or if you shoot someone on Fifth Avenue because Jesus will forgive you, no. It doesn't work that way.

in short, there is no forgiveness for sin it's not forgiveness what the heavens demand rather to not sin at all for a greater time than to have sinned to have a chance for admission to the everlasting - truth being told not found in the c bible - there is no messiah. to have saved anyone.
I don't care. You were talking about the Lord. Not if your brother and sisters sinned against you.
Seems your thoughts are a lot more convoluted than that one post of yours.
I suspect you're pretending to not understand because my question is clear and your answer clearly incorrect.

Jesus (peace be upon him) told the Jews (to whom he was sent — he wasn't sent to you) to repent. You claim jesus died for your sins. If Jesus (peace be upon him) had died for your sins, there should be no need for repentance. Makes tbe Catholic confessions box seem kind of absurd, doesn't it?

So you said Jews had to repent (and not you — seriously?) because they didn't accept Jesus (peace be upon him) as the messiah. But in Luke 17:3 Jesus (peace be upon him) is commanding repentance for something completely else.
I suspect you're pretending to not understand because my question is clear and your answer clearly incorrect.

Jesus (peace be upon him) told the Jews (to whom he was sent — he wasn't sent to you) to repent. You claim jesus died for your sins. If Jesus (peace be upon him) had died for your sins, there should be no need for repentance. Makes tbe Catholic confessions box seem kind of absurd, doesn't it?

So you said Jews had to repent (and not you — seriously?) because they didn't accept Jesus (peace be upon him) as the messiah. But in Luke 17:3 Jesus (peace be upon him) is commanding repentance for something completely else.
You have a good day, uranus, I thought you were wanting a serious conversation, but you're just one of
those dime a dozen "gotchya" posters. Bless you, sir.
There is a part of me that envies the comfort that you find in your faith. However, I have found comfort in freeing myself of such beliefs. As a child. I was told that I was Catholic-because my parents were. sort of. It's a long story. In any case I struggled with the guilt and shame\that came from not being a "good Catholic. The fact is, that I never internalized the doctrine. Never felt it, and as a young adult, realized that religion is not genetic, gave up trying to believe, and never looked back.
I've copied the 2nd part of your post for reading later

As to this part: I pity people who do not know and have what i know and have... but I guess that doesn't exactly tell u... what i know/have... It would take forever to explain, it seems...

I will bet you never spent much time in the Real Presence EXPOSED? I never did either until recently and it made a world of difference. It doesn't solve all worldly problems but it... sigh... I wish I could put it into words.. All I can say is that that is the only place I feel God's presence and no human being can take his Love from me there... Outside the Church... chaos ensues... anything can happen... antiChrist rules... hate rules...

more later
If Jesus (peace be upon him) had died for your sins, there should be no need for repentance. Makes tbe Catholic confessions box seem kind of absurd, doesn't it?
Perhaps you do not fully understand Jesus' mission? He calls us to:
  • Repentance (turning away) from wrong-doing to obedience.
  • Discern the will of God and follow it.
  • When others fail and repent, forgive them completely, always.
  • Sins are forgiven.
Jesus did not proclaim sins are forgiven, therefore there is:
  • No need to repent (turn away) from wrong doing.
  • No need to discern the way of God nor obey Him.
  • No need to forgive others their transgressions.
Because mankind still needs to heed the call to turn away from wrong-doing and to completely forgive those who repent those who transgress against us, there is every need for repentance (and confession), plus the greater act of remembering how completely God forgives the repentant (to death) so that we remember to forgive others just as thoroughly.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Catholics still hear Christs own words--and the voice of all other Catholics--saying in unison, "Your sins are forgiven."
I've copied the 2nd part of your post for reading later

As to this part: I pity people who do not know and have what i know and have... but I guess that doesn't exactly tell u... what i know/have... It would take forever to explain, it seems...

I will bet you never spent much time in the Real Presence EXPOSED? I never did either until recently and it made a world of difference. It doesn't solve all worldly problems but it... sigh... I wish I could put it into words.. All I can say is that that is the only place I feel God's presence and no human being can take his Love from me there... Outside the Church... chaos ensues... anything can happen... antiChrist rules... hate rules...

more later
Thank you but no need to pity me. I am just fine being who I am.
Thank you but no need to pity me. I am just fine being who I am.
being who you are will not get you to Heaven according to Jesus

Jesus said Few make it

and no one makes it by being who he is naturally... Human nature is ugly and not allowed into a holy Place
I am just fine being who I am.
Yes, you are--a fine person that got to where you are despite the Church. The purpose of the Church is to give directions that bring us face-to-face with God in this life, an amazing experience that you rate. With all my heart I wish that could be fixed, that the past could be undone, but you have your future that I believe you will manage just fine. You should have been directed into love and goodness, which I expect you have found despite the tribulations. There is more to be had. :)
Yes, you are--a fine person that got to where you are despite the Church. The purpose of the Church is to give directions that bring us face-to-face with God in this life, an amazing experience that you rate. With all my heart I wish that could be fixed, that the past could be undone, but you have your future that I believe you will manage just fine. You should have been directed into love and goodness, which I expect you have found despite the tribulations. There is more to be had. :)
I think I'm getting diabetes

Jesus said to Faustina that it is the time of His Mercy but soon it will be The Time of His Justice..

I believe we are there...

I believe God is getting thoroughly fed up... I mean, if His people can feel that way....

besides... no one knows how "fine" a person is, especially when only meeting (so called) on the i-net
Jesus said to Faustina that it is the time of His Mercy but soon it will be The Time of His Justice..

I believe we are there...

I believe God is getting thoroughly fed up... I mean, if His people can feel that way....

besides... no one knows how "fine" a person is, especially when only meeting (so called) on the i-net
Justice does not always mean punishment from someone who is "fed up". It might be well to remember that God is Love (as opposed to God is Fed Up). Love can bring about a more beautiful justice than can punishment.

I meet fine people everywhere I turn. I am a firm believer that there is the divine spark in almost all of us. Anyone who has gone through hard times him/herself find it easy to accept that people on the Internet have also been through difficult times.
You have a good day, uranus, I thought you were wanting a serious conversation, but you're just one of
those dime a dozen "gotchya" posters. Bless you, sir.
I'm asking a clear question. There is no shame in saying I don't know.
Nope. I DO curse and defame his name, and that of his Father every day; but I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.
being who you are will not get you to Heaven according to Jesus

Jesus said Few make it

and no one makes it by being who he is naturally... Human nature is ugly and not allowed into a holy Place
I do not believe in heaven or hell, and therefor will not go to either mythical place. I will just become part of the vast cosmos and the collective conciseness of the universe
It was answered, you just didn't like the answer. It's okay, it's what you do.
So you don't know why you have to repent if Jesus (peace be upon him) supposedly already died for your sins. Do you, though, repent?
Don't you? Not of anything?
uranus is just playing a game.
He/She asked a question, he/she got an answer, and he's/she's upset because it's not what he/she wanted to hear.
The more he/she posts the more revealing he/she becomes.
Not worth the time for a serious discussion
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