Hawaii refuses to name beach after obama

Are there Bush and Clinton beaches somewhere? :)

Clinton Beach mdash

Bushy beach
Don't you mean if he leaves office, Lakhota? I'd say that is a very big IF.

Darling...he left office a long time ago. Only his body is there.

When he physically leaves office, please let me know. I have a feeling he is going to "overstay" his welcome, Skye. I pray I am wrong!

Soul rules over body darling....surely you know that better than anybody !!! :)

Obola left the building a long time ago!
Don't you mean if he leaves office, Lakhota? I'd say that is a very big IF.

Darling...he left office a long time ago. Only his body is there.

When he physically leaves office, please let me know. I have a feeling he is going to "overstay" his welcome, Skye. I pray I am wrong!

Not only overstay but cause a lot of damage...sickness ... pestilence...ebola and virus killing American children.

Pray hard please.
lol, We can't go sit on the little dicktator and show him our ass like he has us. ?

darn it
Don't you mean if he leaves office, Lakhota? I'd say that is a very big IF.

Darling...he left office a long time ago. Only his body is there.

When he physically leaves office, please let me know. I have a feeling he is going to "overstay" his welcome, Skye. I pray I am wrong!

Soul rules over body darling....surely you know that better than anybody !!! :)

Obola left the building a long time ago!

Just how many times do I have to learn ya Obola has never been in the building only on the golf course
HAWAII officials know he really was never born there since his birth certificate was found to be 100% fraudulent by a authoritative law enforcement agency.
HAWAII officials know he really was never born there since his birth certificate was found to be 100% fraudulent by a authoritative law enforcement agency.

Then why did Hawaii already confirm that Obama was born in Hawai....4 times? Why did Director the Department of Health of Hawaii Chiyome Fukino publicly affirm this:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

That's an explicit contradiction to your claims. Now why would any rational person ignore the director of the Hawaii State Department of Health on where Obama was born, and instead believe you?

And if Hawaii officials know Obama wasn't really born in Hawaii.....why did Hawaii affirm the accuracy of the information on his Birth Certificate as matching the original records 3 times...

3 times. In writing.

And as far as the 'authoritative law enforcement agency' is concerned.....um, why didn't County Sheriff Joe of Arizona just ask Hawaii if the Birth Certificate he was investigating was accurate? The first thing any credible investigator would do when determining the validity of a given document is contact the issuing agency and ask. But Sheriff Joe never did.

How do you explain this incompetent lapse in judgment? And why does Sheriff Joe *still* refuse to ask Hawaii if Obama's birth certificate? It makes absolutely no sense. Its almost like Joe doesn't want Hawaii to answer that question. Probably because they already have. 4 times.

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