Hawking says physics proves there is no time for "Gawd".

It's tough to argue with someone who at least pretends not to know what they are talking about. Splitting an atom does not destroy matter, it simply breaks the atom into smaller parts releasing the energy that held the parts together.

Again, since it has been proven that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it always existed "in the first damn place." And my basic premise is not your Straw Man "something exists prior to itself" but that there is no such THING as nothing. There never was nothing and there never will be nothing. Everything is energy in some form.

You are such a dork. Splitting the atom does destroy the atom which IS what releases the energy. It transforms matter INTO energy.
I always love it when you parrot what I said as if it was your own. Thanks for changing from the MATTER is destroyed to the atom is split to pieces releasing the energy holding the pieces together.

Matter is destroyed when you split an atom. Unless you think God creates energy from nothing.
Time exists ONLY in terms of motion, not the other way around as you have it, which I'm sure you know since I have explained it to you on other threads. Therefore you are deliberately trying to be deceptive.
Well, that explains why my speedometer is calibrated in hours per mile.

Oh, wait...
Speed = distance X time.
Time = speed/distance. Time exists in terms of motion (speed and distance).
edthecynic = impotent flailing.
It's tough to argue with someone who at least pretends not to know what they are talking about. Splitting an atom does not destroy matter, it simply breaks the atom into smaller parts releasing the energy that held the parts together.

Again, since it has been proven that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it always existed "in the first damn place." And my basic premise is not your Straw Man "something exists prior to itself" but that there is no such THING as nothing. There never was nothing and there never will be nothing. Everything is energy in some form.

You are such a dork. Splitting the atom does destroy the atom which IS what releases the energy. It transforms matter INTO energy.
I always love it when you parrot what I said as if it was your own. Thanks for changing from the MATTER is destroyed to the atom is split to pieces releasing the energy holding the pieces together.

Nuclear fission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When a uranium nucleus fissions into two daughter nuclei fragments, about 0.1 percent of the mass of the uranium nucleus[4] appears as the fission energy of ~200 MeV.

Some of the mass of the nucleus is converted into energy, though not all of it.
You are such a dork. Splitting the atom does destroy the atom which IS what releases the energy. It transforms matter INTO energy.
I always love it when you parrot what I said as if it was your own. Thanks for changing from the MATTER is destroyed to the atom is split to pieces releasing the energy holding the pieces together.

Matter is destroyed when you split an atom. Unless you think God creates energy from nothing.
A small amount of matter is CONVERTED to energy, it is not destroyed, it exists as energy.
Time exists ONLY in terms of motion, not the other way around as you have it, which I'm sure you know since I have explained it to you on other threads. Therefore you are deliberately trying to be deceptive.
Well, that explains why my speedometer is calibrated in hours per mile.

Oh, wait...
Speed = distance X time.
Time = speed/distance. Time exists in terms of motion (speed and distance).

No it doesn't.
Well, that explains why my speedometer is calibrated in hours per mile.

Oh, wait...
Speed = distance X time.
Time = speed/distance. Time exists in terms of motion (speed and distance).
edthecynic = impotent flailing.
I took your own speedometer example and proved my point, reducing you to nothing but a personal attack!

If speed and distance are not terms of motion, what are they terms of???
I always love it when you parrot what I said as if it was your own. Thanks for changing from the MATTER is destroyed to the atom is split to pieces releasing the energy holding the pieces together.

Matter is destroyed when you split an atom. Unless you think God creates energy from nothing.
A small amount of matter is CONVERTED to energy, it is not destroyed, it exists as energy.

It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter. Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Matter is destroyed when you split an atom. Unless you think God creates energy from nothing.
A small amount of matter is CONVERTED to energy, it is not destroyed, it exists as energy.

It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter. Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Bullshit! Even assuming that the universe stops expanding and all motion stops, (a violation of the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics), and no energy exists as potential or kinetic energy, the entropic state you refer to, ENERGY WILL STILL EXIST AS HEAT!!!!!!
That's right, a universe of heat ENERGY.
A small amount of matter is CONVERTED to energy, it is not destroyed, it exists as energy.

It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter. Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Bullshit! Even assuming that the universe stops expanding and all motion stops, (a violation of the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics), and no energy exists as potential or kinetic energy, the entropic state you refer to, ENERGY WILL STILL EXIST AS HEAT!!!!!!
That's right, a universe of heat ENERGY.

I love it when people take a term that means one thing and try to make it mean the opposite.

The heat death of the universe is a state where the universe has no thermodynamic free energy. That means the universe can no longer sustain movement, or life. Heat requires movement to exist, a total absence of movement is a total absence of heat.
It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter. Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Bullshit! Even assuming that the universe stops expanding and all motion stops, (a violation of the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics), and no energy exists as potential or kinetic energy, the entropic state you refer to, ENERGY WILL STILL EXIST AS HEAT!!!!!!
That's right, a universe of heat ENERGY.

I love it when people take a term that means one thing and try to make it mean the opposite.

The heat death of the universe is a state where the universe has no thermodynamic free energy. That means the universe can no longer sustain movement, or life. Heat requires movement to exist, a total absence of movement is a total absence of heat.

We may not ever get to heat death.

Big Rip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter.
Where do you think all this matter came from?

Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Ever increasing entropy results in a universe with no energy that can be converted to work. There will still be energy. Plenty of it. Near the end, the universe will first go through a state where most of its matter is locked up in black holes. As those black holes evaporate, all that will be left behind eventually is a sea of isotropically distributed photons and leptons of an average temperature asymptotically tending to zero in time. That's energy - but it can't produce any useful work at all. The only "feature" of such a universe with any useful meaning would be its temperature, which would get closer and closer to zero over time, but never get there.
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You believe evolution explains the origin of life, don't you?

Theoretically I feel it's as close to anything else we could call an explanation. :thup:
How can non-living material evolve?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this much thought.

You can't define whether or not something is evolving without defining what "survival" means for that something. If that something is life, "survival" is easy to define. If it isn't - what the fuck are you even talking about?
Bullshit! Even assuming that the universe stops expanding and all motion stops, (a violation of the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics), and no energy exists as potential or kinetic energy, the entropic state you refer to, ENERGY WILL STILL EXIST AS HEAT!!!!!!
That's right, a universe of heat ENERGY.

I love it when people take a term that means one thing and try to make it mean the opposite.

The heat death of the universe is a state where the universe has no thermodynamic free energy. That means the universe can no longer sustain movement, or life. Heat requires movement to exist, a total absence of movement is a total absence of heat.

We may not ever get to heat death.

Big Rip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You might not, but I plan on being there.

Right, because Genesis makes more sense, sure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVbnciQYMiM]The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker. - YouTube[/ame]

It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter.
Where do you think all this matter came from?

Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Ever increasing entropy results in a universe with no energy that can be converted to work. There will still be energy. Plenty of it. Near the end, the universe will first go through a state where most of its matter is locked up in black holes. As those black holes evaporate, all that will be left behind eventually is a sea of isotropically distributed photons and leptons of an average temperature asymptotically tending to zero in time. That's energy - but it can't produce any useful work at all. The only "feature" of such a universe with any useful meaning would be its temperature, which would get closer and closer to zero over time, but never get there.

If the temperature goes down the energy goes down.
It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter. Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Bullshit! Even assuming that the universe stops expanding and all motion stops, (a violation of the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics), and no energy exists as potential or kinetic energy, the entropic state you refer to, ENERGY WILL STILL EXIST AS HEAT!!!!!!
That's right, a universe of heat ENERGY.

I love it when people take a term that means one thing and try to make it mean the opposite.

The heat death of the universe is a state where the universe has no thermodynamic free energy. That means the universe can no longer sustain movement, or life. Heat requires movement to exist, a total absence of movement is a total absence of heat.
And I love it when know-it-alls use terms that they have no idea what they mean.

The theoretical heat death of the universe is when there is no kinetic or potential energy to do work because all energy has been converted to heat. As long as there is motion there is kinetic energy and work can be done. And according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics, there is no temperature at which all motion stops (absolute zero). Therefore there is no heat death of the universe.
It no longer exists, unless you know a way to change energy to matter.
Where do you think all this matter came from?

Entropy will eventually result in a universe with no energy and no increase in mass.
Ever increasing entropy results in a universe with no energy that can be converted to work. There will still be energy. Plenty of it. Near the end, the universe will first go through a state where most of its matter is locked up in black holes. As those black holes evaporate, all that will be left behind eventually is a sea of isotropically distributed photons and leptons of an average temperature asymptotically tending to zero in time. That's energy - but it can't produce any useful work at all. The only "feature" of such a universe with any useful meaning would be its temperature, which would get closer and closer to zero over time, but never get there.

If the temperature goes down the energy goes down.

The energy DENSITY goes down - the TOTAL ENERGY (energy density X volume) does NOT.

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