Hawking Says Universe Created Itself

Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong.
"Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong."

why would anyone care to try? That may be possible, and maybe we are just studying what "God made appear to be so". That wouldn't change science one iota.

That's the funny part.

It wouldn,t refute the chance that there really is a Godn either. Would it?
"It wouldn,t refute the chance that there really is a Godn either. Would it?"

No it would not. It's not meant to.

Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong.
"Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong."

why would anyone care to try? That may be possible, and maybe we are just studying what "God made appear to be so". That wouldn't change science one iota.

That's the funny part.

It wouldn,t refute the chance that there really is a Godn either. Would it?
"It wouldn,t refute the chance that there really is a Godn either. Would it?"

No it would not. It's not meant to.

Yeah. Ok

Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong.
"Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong."

why would anyone care to try? That may be possible, and maybe we are just studying what "God made appear to be so". That wouldn't change science one iota.

I think God wanted to see how we would behave if we weren't sure that he actually exists.
A theory is a belief or conclusion accepted by a lot of people.

It is easy for me as a scientist to accept the simple fact that God is indeed a theory. It went waaay passed the hypothesis stage, eons ago.
Is that the definition of a scientific theory?
It is an observable fact. Nothing happens unless something or someone causes it to happen. Yes. It's a scientific fact.
Link to the scientific law of cause and effect then. When I search the term I get a whole lot of creationist sites. I think it is a law they've created because their arguments have had no effect.

Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong.
"Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong."

why would anyone care to try? That may be possible, and maybe we are just studying what "God made appear to be so". That wouldn't change science one iota.

I think God wanted to see how we would behave if we weren't sure that he actually exists.
So he couldn't see it ahead of time?

Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong.
"Dear Professor Hawking, The universe did not need God to create it because God created it to appear that way.


Prove I am wrong."

why would anyone care to try? That may be possible, and maybe we are just studying what "God made appear to be so". That wouldn't change science one iota.

I think God wanted to see how we would behave if we weren't sure that he actually exists.
So he couldn't see it ahead of time?

Let me rephrase. I believe God is testing us by allowing us to live in an environment of uncertainty. That's my personal hunch. I may be wrong.
A theory is a belief or conclusion accepted by a lot of people.

It is easy for me as a scientist to accept the simple fact that God is indeed a theory. It went waaay passed the hypothesis stage, eons ago.
Is that the definition of a scientific theory?

Sure, there are scientific theories of God, but many drop out with that qualification. The YEC God is not a scientific theory for example.
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The article, from a "creationist" web site, is commenting on Hawking's book, The Grand Design, in which Hawking postulates; "that invoking God is not necessary to explain the origins of the universe, and that the Big Bang is a consequence of the laws of physics alone. In response to criticism, Hawking has said; "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary."

Those who take the bible literally, will object to that of course. They have no use for such things as science anyways. As creationists are all "faith based", argumentation in regards to science is totally lost on them. Hawking does not state an absolute in his book but offers instead, a mathematical and scientifically sound explanation of a "possible" alternative to the creationist concept.

The scientific evidence shows that the universe had a singularity, the beginning of space and time. So the question becomes, what CAUSED the universe to come into existence? It created itself? That's "scientific" thinking? Not a chance. And what about life? Did life creat itself too? Hawking and a plethora of non-believers follow the ABG theory (anything but God) as they are bound and determined that there is no such thing as a creator. The philosophical implications of a creator is too great for many non-believers.
The basic matter of the universe was always there
Actually it wasn't. According to inflation theory all the matter that exists today was created through a quantum tunneling event and then the universe began to expand and cool.
It is an observable fact. Nothing happens unless something or someone causes it to happen. Yes. It's a scientific fact.
Link to the scientific law of cause and effect then. When I search the term I get a whole lot of creationist sites. I think it is a law they've created because their arguments have had no effect.
Cause and effect is the foundation upon which science was built.
There is absolutely no evidence that the universe is spreading outward.

Using the 100-inch Hooker Telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory, Dr. Edwin Hubble has studied many spiral nebulae. He has discovered they are moving away from us at a rapid pace. This is strong evidence of an expanding universe. He has further determined that the farther the nebula, the faster it moves away.
Universe is Expanding
I'm beginning to have real problems with Hubble. Methinks extreme redshifts need a relativistic adjustment just like standard physics did at high velocities and/or other causes.

One other redshift ~ Gravitational redshift - Wikipedia
There is also background radiation and Friedman's solutions to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity which all support that all the matter in the universe once occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of an atom and then began to expand and cool.

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