Hawks might boycott national anthem this Sunday

I think 99% of the time the police treat everyone with the respect & dignity they deserve.

You didn't answer the question .
Math not your strong suit? I just said 99% of the time they do.

So the answer is "no". It's a yes /no question .
Spin all you want dumbfuck, my answer was CRYSTAL CLEAR

Ummm no. "Crystal clear " would be a yes/no answer .

But you are too much of a coward to answer a simple question .

It is a 'do you still beat your wife' question.
These people can be Blacks first and Americans second, if they want to. Its their right as Americans.

My right, as an American, is to remind them what W. E. B. DuBois, a noted Black Educator and Social Reformer, had to say in 1906....that:

"Black people are going to have to learn that the white man is not responsible for every bad thing that happens in their life."

Half a century of The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action....and Blacks are in worse shape than ever...worse even after 8 years of a Black President...and they are still blaming Whitey...110 years after one of the greatest of their own, warned them that it was mostly their duty to take responsibility for their own lives.

It is also my right to notice that Blacks in America live far better than Blacks anywhere else.

Haiti got its Independence through a slave revolution at about the time America got its Independence.

Vastly different outcomes. America is the greatest Society in history...even if not perfect. Haiti is the Western Hemisphere's worst basket case.

Main Difference between Haiti and America:

After the Revolution in Haiti--first thing they did was Kill All the White People!


Whitey is tapped out.


Do you think the police treat blacks n whites equally?

How you get treated by a cop, white or black, is determined by your attitude.

Oh yeah. How about being pulled over just because your black ? Is that an attitude thing ?
These people can be Blacks first and Americans second, if they want to. Its their right as Americans.

My right, as an American, is to remind them what W. E. B. DuBois, a noted Black Educator and Social Reformer, had to say in 1906....that:

"Black people are going to have to learn that the white man is not responsible for every bad thing that happens in their life."

Half a century of The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action....and Blacks are in worse shape than ever...worse even after 8 years of a Black President...and they are still blaming Whitey...110 years after one of the greatest of their own, warned them that it was mostly their duty to take responsibility for their own lives.

It is also my right to notice that Blacks in America live far better than Blacks anywhere else.

Haiti got its Independence through a slave revolution at about the time America got its Independence.

Vastly different outcomes. America is the greatest Society in history...even if not perfect. Haiti is the Western Hemisphere's worst basket case.

Main Difference between Haiti and America:

After the Revolution in Haiti--first thing they did was Kill All the White People!


Whitey is tapped out.


Do you think the police treat blacks n whites equally?

How you get treated by a cop, white or black, is determined by your attitude.

Oh yeah. How about being pulled over just because your black ? Is that an attitude thing ?
it's amazing to me that you all think getting pulled over is only a black experience. it does happen to whites as well.
No more national anthem at sporting events? Ahhh .....
... and back to sports once again!
These people can be Blacks first and Americans second, if they want to. Its their right as Americans.

My right, as an American, is to remind them what W. E. B. DuBois, a noted Black Educator and Social Reformer, had to say in 1906....that:

"Black people are going to have to learn that the white man is not responsible for every bad thing that happens in their life."

Half a century of The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action....and Blacks are in worse shape than ever...worse even after 8 years of a Black President...and they are still blaming Whitey...110 years after one of the greatest of their own, warned them that it was mostly their duty to take responsibility for their own lives.

It is also my right to notice that Blacks in America live far better than Blacks anywhere else.

Haiti got its Independence through a slave revolution at about the time America got its Independence.

Vastly different outcomes. America is the greatest Society in history...even if not perfect. Haiti is the Western Hemisphere's worst basket case.

Main Difference between Haiti and America:

After the Revolution in Haiti--first thing they did was Kill All the White People!


Whitey is tapped out.


Do you think the police treat blacks n whites equally?

How you get treated by a cop, white or black, is determined by your attitude.

Oh yeah. How about being pulled over just because your black ? Is that an attitude thing ?
it's amazing to me that you all think getting pulled over is only a black experience. it does happen to whites as well.

Whites get pulled over. For actual violations . Blacks are more likely to get pulled over for bs reasons .
These people can be Blacks first and Americans second, if they want to. Its their right as Americans.

My right, as an American, is to remind them what W. E. B. DuBois, a noted Black Educator and Social Reformer, had to say in 1906....that:

"Black people are going to have to learn that the white man is not responsible for every bad thing that happens in their life."

Half a century of The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action....and Blacks are in worse shape than ever...worse even after 8 years of a Black President...and they are still blaming Whitey...110 years after one of the greatest of their own, warned them that it was mostly their duty to take responsibility for their own lives.

It is also my right to notice that Blacks in America live far better than Blacks anywhere else.

Haiti got its Independence through a slave revolution at about the time America got its Independence.

Vastly different outcomes. America is the greatest Society in history...even if not perfect. Haiti is the Western Hemisphere's worst basket case.

Main Difference between Haiti and America:

After the Revolution in Haiti--first thing they did was Kill All the White People!


Whitey is tapped out.


Do you think the police treat blacks n whites equally?

How you get treated by a cop, white or black, is determined by your attitude.

Oh yeah. How about being pulled over just because your black ? Is that an attitude thing ?
it's amazing to me that you all think getting pulled over is only a black experience. it does happen to whites as well.

Whites get pulled over. For actual violations . Blacks are more likely to get pulled over for bs reasons .

Mr. Timmy:

How do you do?

You are wayyyyyy too much of a Moron to ever respond to at all...and there can never be an excuse for any more than just this one.

I live in a State where, as I expect is the case in most States....the Black/White ratio of police and highway patrolmen....are approximately equal to the ratio of Whites to Blacks in the State.

I like to drive fast, I have been driving fast for a good long time, and so I have had a fair sum of encounters. A Fair Sampling.

I am always polite and that keeps me from getting shot or cuffed (Blacks should try this) and it gets me off with a warning a good many times with the white cops...but I have never been stopped by a black highway patrolman or cop that I didn't get a ticket...and my obvious conclusion...using the Grievance/Victim/Everybody's a Racist Argument that Blacks love so....I must conclude that is because of my lilly white face.

Do I whine constantly about my treatment? No, because I am not continuously looking for more FREE STUFF.

Its just the unfortunate remains of some unfortunate choices made back in history...such as when Boston and New York Merchant Ship Owners agreed to buy Africans captured by other Africans...and ship them over to America for profit.....profits which made fortunes in Boston and New York.

How many want to know why Ralph Waldo Emerson got to gad about New England spouting his Transcendentalist Bullshit?

Well, it is because his ancestor, Mr. Waldo, made a fortune shipping African Slaves to Boston....many of which were put into slavery in Massachusetts.

(How many of you poor Public School Educated Liberal Fools even know who Ralph Waldo Emerson is?)

And the only reason Massachusetts didn't become another South Carolina is that the soil and climate in Massachusetts is so shitty...they couldn't make a profit on the slaves....because of the cost of providing them a subsistence--so they could work.

ventually Massachusetts had to pass a law...not out-lawing slavery, no they didn't do that for a long time...but they had to pass a law to keep the Assholes in Massachusetts (of which there has always been an ample supply) from turning the poor Africans out in the street to freeze or starve once they got too old or sick to work.

So, Fuck all the sanctimonious assholes in New England, New York and New Jersey and the rotting cities they founded like Detroit and Cleveland and Chicago.

Anyway, this newest Black Grievance Movement was conceived on a Lie---in Ferguson, MO and no less a Racist Fraud than Eric Holder concluded that IT WAS A LIE after an extensive F.B.I. investigation. Then came the Baltimore Fiasco--in which 6 police, 3 blacks (and the ones charged with the worst crimes) were wrongfully indicted to appease the Mob.

Yet the mantra continues: Blame Whitey.

It ought to be called the What-Have-You-Done-for-Me Lately Movement.

The basic complaint is that Blacks constitute only 13% of the population yet about 50% of the people killed by cops are Black.

And this studiously ignores the fact that outfits like the F. B. I say that Blacks commit about 50% of the crimes thus leading to about 50% of the arrest and confrontations with cops...including Black cops.

Where's the Grievance?

Where's the Connection to Reality?

Blacks should try committing fewer crimes...and they will witness a Miracle...fewer Blacks will get killed by cops.


Fuck you.
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