Hay Chihuahua! I haven't even heard a word she said and she already has my vote!

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Actually I read her stuff before I went looking for the image. But it made a great OP headliner.
Being pretty helps her just as handsome helps men get votes. We very much vote on looks. Since 1904 the taller candidate for President has won 21 races lost 8 and tied once. As the media became more prominent the height seemed to matter.
Being pretty helps her just as handsome helps men get votes. We very much vote on looks. Since 1904 the taller candidate for President has won 21 races lost 8 and tied once. As the media became more prominent the height seemed to matter.
It has become glaringly obvious since the advent of TV coverage in the Nixon/Kennedy race. Nixon had the experience and knowledge, but couldn't compare to the young, handsome Kennedy.
I don't see women electing leaders on the basis of looks. Women vote on "kitchen table issues" - health care, child care, schools, and basic rights for women. That's why women don't vote Republican. Their policies are anti-worker, anti-family, and anti-women.
Socialist programs. That’s why women should never have been granted the privilege of the vote. It’s been downhill ever since.
I don't see women electing leaders on the basis of looks. Women vote on "kitchen table issues" - health care, child care, schools, and basic rights for women. That's why women don't vote Republican. Their policies are anti-worker, anti-family, and anti-women.
Yes they do, you are being naïve or dishonest. Lots of evidence to show people vote for many factors including looks. Only the ugly believe otherwise.
Well, you know the old saying is often true. Two heads are better than one.
Hey, BackAgain, I see that you're still attacking me in your signature. Wow. Just wow.

You forgot to mention the fact that your allegation stems from your mindless, pseudo-scientific belief that the laws of thermodynamics would necessarily obtain beyond the physical universe, that God, therefore, could not have created the universe and the laws of physics that govern it in the first place because . . . wait for it . . . the law of conservation would prohibit that.


You're an idiot. You may have me on ignore but everyone else can see the drooling stupidity on which your attack is based.
You've really drunk all of the misogynist Kool Aid, Max. Let's talk about "testosterone". That's the hormone that makes men crazy, and violent. War, rape and murder can all be laid at the feet of "testosterone".

Republican men, in particular are ruled by their "feelings" that the Clintons are criminals, even though more than 25 investigations have proven that's not true. Donald Trump just spent 5 years investigating the previous administration for "crimes" that Trump claims were committed against him, on no evidence, and finding nothing, you're prepared to continue to claim that Trump was right about the Democrats.

All based on "feelings" and no evidence whatsoever.
I get it you hate that women are ruled by their hormones and those change constantly.
I realize that it hurts to have to admit that you do not even know what a woman is.
As for throwing Republicans and Trump into your little rant since I have no skin in that game I am afraid all it did was prove you had nothing to begin with
Wasn't a politics topic when it started or got locked. Oposter didn't provide PERSONAL comment on the topic (as required by the rules) or even say anything about her candidacy. Can't start a thread without personal comments that DIRECT a discussion in the OPost. And the RESULT of that is a lot of sexual comments and NOTHING about her candidacy. Closed.
Donald Trump just spent 5 years investigating the previous administration for "crimes" that Trump claims were committed against him, on no evidence, and finding nothing,

Nothing? Clinton campaign conspiring with a compliant FBI to INTERFERE IN AN ELECTION with fake Russia allegations? The FBI LYING multiple times to the FISA court to do DOMESTIC SPYING on an entire POLITICAL party during a campaign. Horse shit. Dried out RECYCLED, stinky REGURGITATED horseshit.
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