Hayden: Impeaching Trump would be viewed as soft coup

It is a meaningless quotation. "Impeachment" does nothing; the removal comes after a trial in the Senate.

The Republicans have NO CHANCE of losing the Senate this Fall.

But it is noteworthy that the Leftist Media has FIRED UP the political Right to an extent never seen before in this country. If Trump is removed from office nobody has any idea what will happen, but if anyone other than Pence takes over, there will be an armed revolution. Fact, not opinion.

If Trump is removed from office, the only one who CAN take over for him is Pence.

United States presidential line of succession - Wikipedia

The line of succession follows the order of Vice President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, President pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible heads of federal executive departments who form the president's Cabinet. The Presidential Succession Act refers specifically to officers beyond the vice president acting as president rather than becoming president when filling a vacancy. The Cabinet currently has 15 members, of which the Secretary of State is first in line; the other Cabinet secretaries follow in the order in which their department (or the department of which their department is the successor) was created. Those heads of department who are constitutionally ineligible to be elected to the presidency are also disqualified from assuming the powers and duties of the presidency through succession. Since 1789, the vice president has succeeded to the presidency intra-term on nine occasions, eight times due to the incumbent's death, and once due to resignation. No one lower in the line of succession has yet been called upon to act as president.

Trump did make a very crucial mistake right at the start of his presidency. He tried to play nice with the Clintons and the Dems at the beginning. He should have known better. He should have put an aggressive AG in place, who would have immediately put a special counsel on the Clintons, DOJ, Uranium One and all the other stuff now being ignored. I am starting to think that Trump should actually fire Mueller and the rest of them right now. Everyone worries about the fall out. This crew is out to impeach him anyway. He should tell Mueller he has 30 days to produce his final report or he is gone, and let history decide if he is right or wrong in the decision.

Tell us the part where he accused President Obama of tapping his wires

or that he was a kenyan born muslim for 5 years until he wanted a free infomercial for his DC hotel & held a press conference where he declared 'never mind' about obama's citizenship...
I agree that it is way too premature to be discussing impeachment based on current facts. At the moment it appears Trump's political adversaries are well satisfied distracting him with flak.
I agree that it is way too premature to be discussing impeachment based on current facts. At the moment it appears Trump's political adversaries are well satisfied distracting him with flak.

The pile if trump crimes will get so high... There may be no other choice....he is a criminal. So far only one felony....just wait.
'Soft' coup?

President, US AG, DOJ, Deputy Director of the DOJ, Director of the NIA, Director of the CIA, Director / Deputy Director/Agents of/in the FBI, & the pre-planned later appointed Special Counsel who had a close history with the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Director of the FBI...

The evidence, and there is a lot of it, exposes the fact that all if this was coordinated in advance, that the FBI, CIA, and NIA all simultaneously illegally presented the false report authored by Russians as legitimate intelligence to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team and to Con Congress into agreeing to appoint the already-planned political hit man, Robert Mueller.

It was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who exposed the fact that not only did the Obama Cabinet Conspirators plan and carry out their intent to prevent Trump from winning, he let it be known that they had an 'Insurance policy' to use in the future should their initial plan fail and Trump win.

This was a full-blown planned coup - treason - carried out by the former President, his DOJ, his NIA, his CIA, & his FBI.

NOT gone un-noticed, despite the Democrats' / conspirators' best criminal efforts, the American people have taken notice of the MANY crimes committed by these DOMESTIC ENEMIES, crimes which include but are not limited to: Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Espionage, and even Treason...
Try it....if you believe you can overthrow a duly elected president with legalese chicanery and subversion, go on ahead. But be warned...it will start a second Revolution and shooting war you can't possibly win and we can't possibly lose. Maybe that would be the best thing for everybody....get it over with so we can be unencumbered in cleaning out you nests of traitors.
You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy

They aren't following the Constitution, numb nuts. He hasn't broken any law, and he didn't break any law while in office. The High crimes and misdemeanors are supposed to be while in government office....which is what clinton did when he lied under oath as President and suborned purjury among his employees...... Trump paying off the hookers was not a crime, in fact, they broke the law by breaking their NDAs, and his paying off the hookers didn't happen while he was in office.... you doofus.

Trump is responsible for any illegal actions before or while in office. He is not above the law
Minor offenses can be resolved with fines or censure ( like if he got a blowjob or something)
High crimes and misdemeanors need to be resolved through the impeachment process
Try it....if you believe you can overthrow a duly elected president with legalese chicanery and subversion, go on ahead. But be warned...it will start a second Revolution and shooting war you can't possibly win and we can't possibly lose. Maybe that would be the best thing for everybody....get it over with so we can be unencumbered in cleaning out you nests of traitors.

Impeachment is a Constitutional mechanism to formally state charges against a POTUS, with the potential for removal from office.

Your statement sounds like you hate The Constitution.
Look: Impeaching Trump would be a pointless exercise in spite and would *not* remove him from office. Impeachment is merely indictment. The House impeaches, but the president is only removed if the Senate votes by a super-majority to remove him from office, and there is no chance in hades that the Dems could get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove Trump. So we'd have the same situation that we had with Clinton: The House impeached him but the Senate did not vote to remove him, and he stayed in office.
'Soft' coup?

President, US AG, DOJ, Deputy Director of the DOJ, Director of the NIA, Director of the CIA, Director / Deputy Director/Agents of/in the FBI, & the pre-planned later appointed Special Counsel who had a close history with the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Director of the FBI...

The evidence, and there is a lot of it, exposes the fact that all if this was coordinated in advance, that the FBI, CIA, and NIA all simultaneously illegally presented the false report authored by Russians as legitimate intelligence to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team and to Con Congress into agreeing to appoint the already-planned political hit man, Robert Mueller.

It was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who exposed the fact that not only did the Obama Cabinet Conspirators plan and carry out their intent to prevent Trump from winning, he let it be known that they had an 'Insurance policy' to use in the future should their initial plan fail and Trump win.

This was a full-blown planned coup - treason - carried out by the former President, his DOJ, his NIA, his CIA, & his FBI.

NOT gone un-noticed, despite the Democrats' / conspirators' best criminal efforts, the American people have taken notice of the MANY crimes committed by these DOMESTIC ENEMIES, crimes which include but are not limited to: Perjury, Obstruction, Conspiracy, Sedition, Espionage, and even Treason...

You are a trump humping...clueless bastard....trump is a criminal....it will be proven that his crime organization has commuted multiple crimes against this country.
You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy

And you justify it in the name of Democracy. smh
If accused of criminal activity......not impeaching Trump would be a coup
Look: Impeaching Trump would be a pointless exercise in spite and would *not* remove him from office. Impeachment is merely indictment. The House impeaches, but the president is only removed if the Senate votes by a super-majority to remove him from office, and there is no chance in hades that the Dems could get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove Trump. So we'd have the same situation that we had with Clinton: The House impeached him but the Senate did not vote to remove him, and he stayed in office.

The magnitude of his crime will reach a point where either the GOP takes action or they lose all credibility as a political party.
You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy

And you justify it in the name of Democracy. smh

It will be proven that trump h as committed multiple felonies....then the GOP will need to chose whether to remove him or die as a political party.
You don’t understand what a coup is

Following the Constitution is not a coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy

And you justify it in the name of Democracy. smh

It will be proven that trump h as committed multiple felonies....then the GOP will need to chose whether to remove him or die as a political party.

Or we could just continue whooping the left's ass and do as we please.
Michael Hayden Warns: Impeachment Would Be Viewed as 'Soft Coup' | Breitbart

Yep and we will take the appropriate action to defend our country and president against it.

MORON.........This is Hayden's ACTUAL quote:

“If President Trump is somehow forced to leave office before the end of his first term, one-third of America will believe it was a soft coup......."

Notice that the "soft coup" conclusion applies to the CULT made up by you and your fellow idiots.......

Errr, no. It will be a soft coup, and the those who see it that way, will be the ones in touch with reality.

Insulting US, will only anger US more.

You don’t understand what a coup is
Following the Constitution is not a coup
but doing a technical end run around the constitution is a "soft" coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy
doing at the ballot box is,[in fact that is the "very definition" of democracy] using bogus investigations to do it is a "soft" coup
The Constitution is being followed to the letter
The investigation is cutting no corners and is completely lawful. Politicians are responsible for criminal activity and are not above the law

Bullshit. And bullshit will not protect you, if you do this.
The outrage will be much, much more if it is perceived that Trump has gotten away with a crime with no prosecution than if he is prosecuted and found guilty
You don’t understand what a coup is
Following the Constitution is not a coup
but doing a technical end run around the constitution is a "soft" coup
Holding elected officials accountable for their actions is part of a Democracy
doing at the ballot box is,[in fact that is the "very definition" of democracy] using bogus investigations to do it is a "soft" coup
The Constitution is being followed to the letter
The investigation is cutting no corners and is completely lawful. Politicians are responsible for criminal activity and are not above the law

Bullshit. And bullshit will not protect you, if you do this.
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