Hayden: Impeaching Trump would be viewed as soft coup

Try it....if you believe you can overthrow a duly elected president with legalese chicanery and subversion, go on ahead. But be warned...it will start a second Revolution and shooting war you can't possibly win and we can't possibly lose. Maybe that would be the best thing for everybody....get it over with so we can be unencumbered in cleaning out you nests of traitors.

You civil war assholes are losing your minds. There will be no purge of what you consider to be your enemies. Dangerous thinkers such as yourself interested in starting a shooting war over Trump's potential criminal behavior would be dealt with - QUICKLY
Michael Hayden Warns: Impeachment Would Be Viewed as 'Soft Coup' | Breitbart

Yep and we will take the appropriate action to defend our country and president against it.

You won’t do jack shit.

Was it a soft coup when Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Article I charged that Clinton lied to the grand jury concerning:[21]

  1. the nature and details of his relationship with Lewinsky
  2. prior false statements he made in the Jones deposition
  3. prior false statements he allowed his lawyer to make characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
  4. his attempts to tamper with witnesses
Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice in the Jones case by:[22]

  1. encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
  2. encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
  3. concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
  4. attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
  5. permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
  6. attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
  7. making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesse

And he was acquited. This is the very definition of a witch hunt. Six years of investigation and THIS was all they had.

It really pales compared to:

Conspiring with the Russian government to run a disinformation campaign and disrupt the Presidential Election.

Fracturing the NATO Alliance to benefit Russia. Pulling out of treaties and trade deals to destroy the US trading partnerships.

Lying about all of it. Over and over.

Treason is so much worse than lying about a blow job.
Try it....if you believe you can overthrow a duly elected president with legalese chicanery and subversion, go on ahead. But be warned...it will start a second Revolution and shooting war you can't possibly win and we can't possibly lose. Maybe that would be the best thing for everybody....get it over with so we can be unencumbered in cleaning out you nests of traitors.

You civil war assholes are losing your minds. There will be no purge of what you consider to be your enemies. Dangerous thinkers such as yourself interested in starting a shooting war over Trump's potential criminal behavior would be dealt with - QUICKLY

"potential criminal behavior"?
Sessions refused himself based on bullshit evidence.
There is not a fucking chance in hell that Holder or Lynch would have recused themselves from ANY investigation into Barry, regardless of perceived conflicts.
Sessions is garbage, all I seem to hear about is how he wants to go after weed.
Where are the indictments for leaks of confidential information to the press? He is supposedly investigating 27 leaks, let’s speed this shit up.
Trump made a very bad strategic move by appointing an AG that was going to recuse himself from a special investigation.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself. He was part of the Trump campaign and in no position to decide whether to investigate Trump. Additionally, he lied multiple times about his contact with Russians prior to the election.

No, he didn’t have to recuse himself for being part of the campaign.

Why do you left wing lunatics always tucking lie?

What was his role in the campaign, specifically and what were the dates he served in that role as a member of the Trump campaign?

Jesus get real - Beauregard the Keebler Elf was the very first Senator who threw down for Dotard.
He was there from the GET-GO and lied, lied and lied some more about his covert meetings with Russians.

Sessions refused himself based on bullshit evidence.
There is not a fucking chance in hell that Holder or Lynch would have recused themselves from ANY investigation into Barry, regardless of perceived conflicts.
Sessions is garbage, all I seem to hear about is how he wants to go after weed.
Where are the indictments for leaks of confidential information to the press? He is supposedly investigating 27 leaks, let’s speed this shit up.
Trump made a very bad strategic move by appointing an AG that was going to recuse himself from a special investigation.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself. He was part of the Trump campaign and in no position to decide whether to investigate Trump. Additionally, he lied multiple times about his contact with Russians prior to the election.

No, he didn’t have to recuse himself for being part of the campaign.

Why do you left wing lunatics always tucking lie?

What was his role in the campaign, specifically and what were the dates he served in that role as a member of the Trump campaign?

Jesus get real - Beauregard the Keebler Elf was the very first Senator who threw down for Dotard.
He was there from the GET-GO and lied, lied and lied some more about his covert meetings with Russians.


He was never involved in the campaign... and even if he was, so fucking what?
The outrage will be much, much more if it is perceived that Trump has gotten away with a crime with no prosecution than if he is prosecuted and found guilty

There is no crime. You have a witch hunt. YOu know it. I know it. EVERYONE knows it.

Witch hunts are called that because they are baseless
This investigation already has over 20 indictments and 5 convictions. Many of those are offering testimony about Trump

If that testimony indicates criminal activity.......Do you think Trump is above the law?

Oh I think he does believe Trump is above the law.
And yep - Mueller is sure finding a butt-ton of witches
And he's licensed :)

Sessions refused himself based on bullshit evidence.
There is not a fucking chance in hell that Holder or Lynch would have recused themselves from ANY investigation into Barry, regardless of perceived conflicts.
Sessions is garbage, all I seem to hear about is how he wants to go after weed.
Where are the indictments for leaks of confidential information to the press? He is supposedly investigating 27 leaks, let’s speed this shit up.
Trump made a very bad strategic move by appointing an AG that was going to recuse himself from a special investigation.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself. He was part of the Trump campaign and in no position to decide whether to investigate Trump. Additionally, he lied multiple times about his contact with Russians prior to the election.

No, he didn’t have to recuse himself for being part of the campaign.

Why do you left wing lunatics always tucking lie?

What was his role in the campaign, specifically and what were the dates he served in that role as a member of the Trump campaign?

Jesus get real - Beauregard the Keebler Elf was the very first Senator who threw down for Dotard.
He was there from the GET-GO and lied, lied and lied some more about his covert meetings with Russians.


He was never involved in the campaign... and even if he was, so fucking what?

He wasn’t and like you said, it wouldnt matter anyway.

Holder was held in Contempt of Congress to protect Obama and Obama protected Holder with Executive Privilege.

Sessions should have protected Trump exactly how Holder and Lynch protected Obama.

Fuck...Lynch met with Bill Clinton before deciding HIllary wouldn’t face any consequences for her emails!

We forget this crazy shit, don’t we?
Sessions refused himself based on bullshit evidence.
There is not a fucking chance in hell that Holder or Lynch would have recused themselves from ANY investigation into Barry, regardless of perceived conflicts.
Sessions is garbage, all I seem to hear about is how he wants to go after weed.
Where are the indictments for leaks of confidential information to the press? He is supposedly investigating 27 leaks, let’s speed this shit up.
Trump made a very bad strategic move by appointing an AG that was going to recuse himself from a special investigation.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself. He was part of the Trump campaign and in no position to decide whether to investigate Trump. Additionally, he lied multiple times about his contact with Russians prior to the election.

No, he didn’t have to recuse himself for being part of the campaign.

Why do you left wing lunatics always tucking lie?

What was his role in the campaign, specifically and what were the dates he served in that role as a member of the Trump campaign?

Jesus get real - Beauregard the Keebler Elf was the very first Senator who threw down for Dotard.
He was there from the GET-GO and lied, lied and lied some more about his covert meetings with Russians.


So in your mind, endorsing a candidate is the same as being a me,ver of th campaign staff?

Again, you are a fucking liar.

I guess Robert Deniro, Madonna, and LeBron James were on the HIllary Clinton campaign staff and Morgan Freeman was on the Bernie Sanders staff?

Peter Strzok was on the HIllary Clinton campaign staff...he supported Hillar!!

Are you being disingenuous or stupid?

If you are stupid, it’s ok, let us help you.

If you are a disingenuous liar, I want to know so I can just ignore you.

Endorsement = Working on campaign staff......that shit is hilarious.
He was never involved in the campaign... and even if he was, so fucking what?
I'm not sure where you get your information, but Sessions was the campaign's head of its National Security Advisory Committee ( you know, the committee that led to the appointment of a foreign agent as the head of our national security, or maybe you didn't know that, either).

Sessions lied about conversations he had with Russian government agents and worked for the Trump campaign. Obviously, recusal was the only correct choice (idiot Trump never saw it coming). Furthermore, considering he is entangled in the Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents (and lied about them), he is of interest to Mueller and has been interviewed by him.
Trump did make a very crucial mistake right at the start of his presidency. He tried to play nice with the Clintons and the Dems at the beginning. He should have known better. He should have put an aggressive AG in place, who would have immediately put a special counsel on the Clintons, DOJ, Uranium One and all the other stuff now being ignored. I am starting to think that Trump should actually fire Mueller and the rest of them right now. Everyone worries about the fall out. This crew is out to impeach him anyway. He should tell Mueller he has 30 days to produce his final report or he is gone, and let history decide if he is right or wrong in the decision.

The stuff you believe is being "ignored" - Uranium 1 and the Clintons have been endlessly investigated and DEBUNKED. And as a reminder, the AG is not Trump's personal attorney who does whatever political and vindictive bidding that the Orange Turd wishes. They work for 326 million American people.

Investigated and debunked? Sure....by who? The same folks that gave Clinton a reprieve before an investigation.

How many hearings have we had about Bubba, Hilly, emails, Benghazi, blow jobs and Uranium One? I've lost count but it's in the DOZENS over a period of 25 years burning hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and you got BUPKIS.

I'll let Shep explain the latest:

Sessions refused himself based on bullshit evidence.
There is not a fucking chance in hell that Holder or Lynch would have recused themselves from ANY investigation into Barry, regardless of perceived conflicts.
Sessions is garbage, all I seem to hear about is how he wants to go after weed.
Where are the indictments for leaks of confidential information to the press? He is supposedly investigating 27 leaks, let’s speed this shit up.
Trump made a very bad strategic move by appointing an AG that was going to recuse himself from a special investigation.

Sessions HAD to recuse himself. He was part of the Trump campaign and in no position to decide whether to investigate Trump. Additionally, he lied multiple times about his contact with Russians prior to the election.

No, he didn’t have to recuse himself for being part of the campaign.

Why do you left wing lunatics always tucking lie?

What was his role in the campaign, specifically and what were the dates he served in that role as a member of the Trump campaign?

Jesus get real - Beauregard the Keebler Elf was the very first Senator who threw down for Dotard.
He was there from the GET-GO and lied, lied and lied some more about his covert meetings with Russians.


He was never involved in the campaign... and even if he was, so fucking what?

Jeff Sessions was never involved in the Trump campaign?
MmmmK :rolleyes:
The outrage will be much, much more if it is perceived that Trump has gotten away with a crime with no prosecution than if he is prosecuted and found guilty

Just STFU ya little turd....yesterday I got you to admit American women being raped and murdered, by mehican invaders in addition to the thousands of other crimes they commit, is no big deal as far as you're concerned....it's an "acceptable" price to pay for their votes. The rotten old bitch you pledge allegiance to is the real colluder, conspirator, and bribed criminal in this story.
He was never involved in the campaign... and even if he was, so fucking what?
I'm not sure where you get your information, but Sessions was the campaign's head of its National Security Advisory Committee ( you know, the committee that led to the appointment of a foreign agent as the head of our national security, or maybe you didn't know that, either).

Sessions lied about conversations he had with Russian government agents and worked for the Trump campaign. Obviously, recusal was the only correct choice (idiot Trump never saw it coming). Furthermore, considering he is entangled in the Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents (and lied about them), he is of interest to Mueller and has been interviewed by him.

Trump appoints Sessions National Security chairman - CNNPolitics

I actually do see the conflict.

Shit, why isn’t Sessions a POS partisan AG like Holder and Lynch?

I blame Trump for appointing a good person.

Sessions was part of the Trump campaign....I am not going to be a disingenuous liar.

Advising Trump on National Security issues during the campaign is certainly a member of the campaign.

Previous posts are cheerfully withdrawn.

See what I did there, libs? You guys should try it sometime.
A baby step in the right direction... it's hard to have an honest discussion when we cant even agree on the baseline facts. Now, shed the "whataboutism" nonsense, and you might have something, there....
A baby step in the right direction... it's hard to have an honest discussion when we cant even agree on the baseline facts. Now, shed the "whataboutism" nonsense, and you might have something, there....

It doesn’t mean “the media”didn’t characterize McCain as a racist.

But Sessions was on the campaign.

Too bad the whole thing is bullshit because of the fraudulent FISA warrant application based on the lies in the Steele Dossier.

Sessions wasn’t aware of that at the time.
Try it....if you believe you can overthrow a duly elected president with legalese chicanery and subversion, go on ahead. But be warned...it will start a second Revolution and shooting war you can't possibly win and we can't possibly lose. Maybe that would be the best thing for everybody....get it over with so we can be unencumbered in cleaning out you nests of traitors.

You civil war assholes are losing your minds. There will be no purge of what you consider to be your enemies. Dangerous thinkers such as yourself interested in starting a shooting war over Trump's potential criminal behavior would be dealt with - QUICKLY

"potential criminal behavior"?

That's what I said - We already have criminal behavior. There is a HIGH potential for mucho mas.
You civil war assholes are losing your minds. There will be no purge of what you consider to be your enemies. Dangerous thinkers such as yourself interested in starting a shooting war over Trump's potential criminal behavior would be dealt with - QUICKLY

"dealt with"? by who? Every Trooper and Marine in uniform took an oath to uphold the Constitution against the kind of coup you dirtbags are trying to pull....none of them will "deal" with us...they'll join us. And if they don't, we have ARs, know our streets, have plenty of ex-Vets with tactical expertise and have them outnumbered 10-1. Mess with Trump and you'll end up hiding under your canopy bed ya little twerp.
You civil war assholes are losing your minds. There will be no purge of what you consider to be your enemies. Dangerous thinkers such as yourself interested in starting a shooting war over Trump's potential criminal behavior would be dealt with - QUICKLY

"dealt with"? by who? Every Trooper and Marine in uniform took an oath to uphold the Constitution against the kind of coup you dirtbags are trying to pull....none of them will "deal" with us...they'll join us. And if they don't, we have ARs, know our streets, have plenty of ex-Vets with tactical expertise and have them outnumbered 10-1. Mess with Trump and you'll end up hiding under your canopy bed ya little twerp.

Your empty and idle threats are discarded and laughed at by rational people - INCLUDING by those in the military. Trump turns the military on his own citizens .. is that your theory?

Get a life Trumptard .. you scare no one. :rolleyes:

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