HBO 'Real Time' Guests Discuss Violent Hate Sex With Bachmann & Santorum

The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

Self-proclaimed conservatives are always trying to SILENCE opposing views.

Boycotting is not seeking to silence, idiot.

Now, if we started a campaign to contact his advertisers threatening to boycott them if they advertise during his show... in an attempt to force his company to drop him.... that would be trying to silence him.

But that's a left wing tactic ... we don't play that game.

Right wing groups do that all the time dumbass.
I saw the bit and laughed my ass off.

People need to lighten up. Seriously.

yeah, I bet you would of if he was talking about doing it to Michelle Obama.

Anyone who laughs at ignorant shit like that is twisted. says a lot for you.

You're replying to the person who has posted the photo-shopped picture of Michelle Obama looking like a monkey possibly more times than anyone.

You should feel stupid now.

And then you should lighten up. :thup:
I saw the bit and laughed my ass off.

People need to lighten up. Seriously.

yeah, I bet you would of if he was talking about doing it to Michelle Obama.

Anyone who laughs at ignorant shit like that is twisted. says a lot for you.

You're replying to the person who has posted the photo-shopped picture of Michelle Obama looking like a monkey possibly more times than anyone.


and you're proud of that?

Like I said, you're friggen twisted.
The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

I used to like that show, but then he jumped all over the Obama love train and he stopped having on conservatives to counter-balance the liberal scum that comes on that show (yes liberals I know Culter was on last week, but that has been the exception not the norm).

But this shows the level of hypocrisy coming out of the left side. I guarantee USMB liberals will say "what's the problem." Main stream media will ignore it and liberals will get away with it.

However, if a conservative stated something like this about the Obama's, they would be in some serious trouble. Heck if they said it about anyone they would be in trouble. Remember Imus's "Nappy headed Hoes!" It got him fired!
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yeah, I bet you would of if he was talking about doing it to Michelle Obama.

Anyone who laughs at ignorant shit like that is twisted. says a lot for you.

You're replying to the person who has posted the photo-shopped picture of Michelle Obama looking like a monkey possibly more times than anyone.


and you're proud of that?

Like I said, you're friggen twisted.

Proud isn't the word I would use. In fact, I don't have much need for pride at all considering it's one of the seven deadly sins.

It just is what it is, and shows you to be the fool for jumping to bogus conclusions.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

I used to like that show, but then he jumped all over the Obama love train and he stopped having on conservatives to counter-balance the liberal scum that comes on that show (yes liberals I know Culter was on last week, but that has been the exception not the norm).

But this shows the level of hypocrisy coming out of the left side. I guarantee USMB liberals will say "what's the problem." Main stream media will ignore it and liberals will get away with it.

However, if a conservative stated something like this about the Obama's, they would be in some serious trouble. Heck if they said it about anyone they would be in trouble. Remember Imus's "Nappy headed Hoes!" It got him fired!

What will liberals get away with? Maher isn't a liberal.
The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

I used to like that show, but then he jumped all over the Obama love train and he stopped having on conservatives to counter-balance the liberal scum that comes on that show (yes liberals I know Culter was on last week, but that has been the exception not the norm).

But this shows the level of hypocrisy coming out of the left side. I guarantee USMB liberals will say "what's the problem." Main stream media will ignore it and liberals will get away with it.

However, if a conservative stated something like this about the Obama's, they would be in some serious trouble. Heck if they said it about anyone they would be in trouble. Remember Imus's "Nappy headed Hoes!" It got him fired!

What will liberals get away with? Maher isn't a liberal.

ROFLMAO, Keep telling yourself that.
Like I said. BOYCOTT Maher's show or call HBO and voice your opinion on it.

Other than that, Maher isn't even really worth discussing. He's become nothing more than a ugly hateful scumbag..
Bill Maher lost it quite a while back. He used to be funny, now I truly believe he is just mentally ill.
Like I said. BOYCOTT Maher's show or call HBO and voice your opinion on it.

Other than that, Maher isn't even really worth discussing. He's become nothing more than a ugly hateful scumbag..
Yes, he gets more like you by the day.

No way I'm boycotting HBO. True Blood comes on that channel. I need me some Sookie Stackhouse every Sunday.
Potentially the most vile political discussion ever aired on national television occurred on Friday's HBO program "Real Time."

After former Air America comedian Marc Maron said he wanted to have violent hate sex with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), sex advice columnist Dan Savage said he'd like to do the same to Rick Santorum (video follows with transcript and commentary, extreme vulgarity warning):

BILL MAHER, HOST: Grifters and scumbags.

MARC MARON, COMEDIAN: I don't want to be crass but I just hope that Marcus Bachmann takes all that, you know, rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it into the bedroom with her. I hope he f--ks her angrily because, because that's how I would. And I've thought about it. I just…

SAVAGE: Just so we get, just so you don’t get charges of sexism, because only Michele Bachmann was involved, I sometimes think about f--king the s--t out of Rick Santorum.

MARON: I’m with you.

SAVAGE: …he needs it. So, it’s not, it's not just women we’re talking about f--king. Like, let's bone that Santorum boy.

MARON: Alright. Let’s video it.

SAVAGE: I’m up for whipping up some santorum in Santorum

For those that likely don't know what "santorum" is, the Urban Dictionary defines it as "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

And this is what is now acceptable talk about conservatives on national television.

Read more: HBO 'Real Time' Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum |

I'd like to say;

"When did rape become a topic of humor?"

But liberals have thought rape is funny for years now. At least since Palin came on the scene.

Of course we are just supposed to laugh b/c these fucks are just comedians and are not to be taken seriously. Right?
The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

People aren't going to do either of these things over Bachmann and Santorum.
The best thing people can do, is to boycott Bill Maher.

And the next best thing is cancel your subscription to HBO

People aren't going to do either of these things over Bachmann and Santorum.

And thus showing that the left cares not that they joked about violent rape.

Rape is funny as long as it's being done to some one else.

Potentially the most vile political discussion ever aired on national television occurred on Friday's HBO program "Real Time."

After former Air America comedian Marc Maron said he wanted to have violent hate sex with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), sex advice columnist Dan Savage said he'd like to do the same to Rick Santorum (video follows with transcript and commentary, extreme vulgarity warning):

BILL MAHER, HOST: Grifters and scumbags.

MARC MARON, COMEDIAN: I don't want to be crass but I just hope that Marcus Bachmann takes all that, you know, rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it into the bedroom with her. I hope he f--ks her angrily because, because that's how I would. And I've thought about it. I just…

SAVAGE: Just so we get, just so you don’t get charges of sexism, because only Michele Bachmann was involved, I sometimes think about f--king the s--t out of Rick Santorum.

MARON: I’m with you.

SAVAGE: …he needs it. So, it’s not, it's not just women we’re talking about f--king. Like, let's bone that Santorum boy.

MARON: Alright. Let’s video it.

SAVAGE: I’m up for whipping up some santorum in Santorum

For those that likely don't know what "santorum" is, the Urban Dictionary defines it as "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

And this is what is now acceptable talk about conservatives on national television.

Read more: HBO 'Real Time' Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum |

I'd like to say;

"When did rape become a topic of humor?"

But liberals have thought rape is funny for years now. At least since Palin came on the scene.

Of course we are just supposed to laugh b/c these fucks are just comedians and are not to be taken seriously. Right?

Who the heck is talking about rape?
Potentially the most vile political discussion ever aired on national television occurred on Friday's HBO program "Real Time."

After former Air America comedian Marc Maron said he wanted to have violent hate sex with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), sex advice columnist Dan Savage said he'd like to do the same to Rick Santorum (video follows with transcript and commentary, extreme vulgarity warning):

BILL MAHER, HOST: Grifters and scumbags.

MARC MARON, COMEDIAN: I don't want to be crass but I just hope that Marcus Bachmann takes all that, you know, rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it into the bedroom with her. I hope he f--ks her angrily because, because that's how I would. And I've thought about it. I just…

SAVAGE: Just so we get, just so you don’t get charges of sexism, because only Michele Bachmann was involved, I sometimes think about f--king the s--t out of Rick Santorum.

MARON: I’m with you.

SAVAGE: …he needs it. So, it’s not, it's not just women we’re talking about f--king. Like, let's bone that Santorum boy.

MARON: Alright. Let’s video it.

SAVAGE: I’m up for whipping up some santorum in Santorum

For those that likely don't know what "santorum" is, the Urban Dictionary defines it as "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

And this is what is now acceptable talk about conservatives on national television.

Read more: HBO 'Real Time' Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum |

I'd like to say;

"When did rape become a topic of humor?"

But liberals have thought rape is funny for years now. At least since Palin came on the scene.

Of course we are just supposed to laugh b/c these fucks are just comedians and are not to be taken seriously. Right?

Actual rape has never been a topic of humor.

Ficticious rape spoken of in jest has been a topic of humor since the beginning of time.
Potentially the most vile political discussion ever aired on national television occurred on Friday's HBO program "Real Time."

After former Air America comedian Marc Maron said he wanted to have violent hate sex with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), sex advice columnist Dan Savage said he'd like to do the same to Rick Santorum (video follows with transcript and commentary, extreme vulgarity warning):

BILL MAHER, HOST: Grifters and scumbags.

MARC MARON, COMEDIAN: I don't want to be crass but I just hope that Marcus Bachmann takes all that, you know, rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it into the bedroom with her. I hope he f--ks her angrily because, because that's how I would. And I've thought about it. I just…

SAVAGE: Just so we get, just so you don’t get charges of sexism, because only Michele Bachmann was involved, I sometimes think about f--king the s--t out of Rick Santorum.

MARON: I’m with you.

SAVAGE: …he needs it. So, it’s not, it's not just women we’re talking about f--king. Like, let's bone that Santorum boy.

MARON: Alright. Let’s video it.

SAVAGE: I’m up for whipping up some santorum in Santorum

For those that likely don't know what "santorum" is, the Urban Dictionary defines it as "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

And this is what is now acceptable talk about conservatives on national television.

Read more: HBO 'Real Time' Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum |

I'd like to say;

"When did rape become a topic of humor?"

But liberals have thought rape is funny for years now. At least since Palin came on the scene.

Of course we are just supposed to laugh b/c these fucks are just comedians and are not to be taken seriously. Right?

Yes ,statutory rape is what Sarah should have charged he future non-son-in-law, but instead she gave breeding lessons to both to show them how to correctly.

I'd like to say;

"When did rape become a topic of humor?"

But liberals have thought rape is funny for years now. At least since Palin came on the scene.

Of course we are just supposed to laugh b/c these fucks are just comedians and are not to be taken seriously. Right?

Who the heck is talking about rape?

To a conservative, rape, is anything more than a mild missonary grunt.,

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