He deserves to get Covid 19!

Have humans always been such fearful little creatures and I just didn't notice?
You can be assured that everyone allowed near Pence had been recently tested, and they all wore masks for his protection. He was safe. Of course, he didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.
View attachment 329578
he is so special he is not respecting the people that are wearing a mask and that goes for the doctors and nurses and anyone working in the hospital, or anybody in the public. What a pitiful man.

I saw Sleepy Joe and Hillary on TV yesterday on a town hall event, NEITHER one was wearing a face mask. So until the D's are willing to follow the same rules they set for everyone else, who gives a shit?
It was a virtual townhall, moron

It was ON TV however, so the participants should have been setting a good example and put bags on their heads or masks. I'd agree with you if this had been a radio only town hall. Remember that during the town hall, Biden was wearing a suit and tie as well, even though it was supposed to be in his home where no one could see. He was trying to set an example.

I support Mr. Biden's decision to say out of the public eye as possible.

Here's hoping he continues that policy after he's defeated in November.
View attachment 329578
he is so special he is not respecting the people that are wearing a mask and that goes for the doctors and nurses and anyone working in the hospital, or anybody in the public. What a pitiful man.

I saw Sleepy Joe and Hillary on TV yesterday on a town hall event, NEITHER one was wearing a face mask. So until the D's are willing to follow the same rules they set for everyone else, who gives a shit?
It was a virtual townhall, moron

It was ON TV however, so the participants should have been setting a good example and put bags on their heads or masks. I'd agree with you if this had been a radio only town hall. Remember that during the town hall, Biden was wearing a suit and tie as well, even though it was supposed to be in his home where no one could see. He was trying to set an example.
Cool story. So, you agree that Pence should have been wearing a mask
View attachment 329578
he is so special he is not respecting the people that are wearing a mask and that goes for the doctors and nurses and anyone working in the hospital, or anybody in the public. What a pitiful man.

I saw Sleepy Joe and Hillary on TV yesterday on a town hall event, NEITHER one was wearing a face mask. So until the D's are willing to follow the same rules they set for everyone else, who gives a shit?
It was a virtual townhall, moron

It was ON TV however, so the participants should have been setting a good example and put bags on their heads or masks. I'd agree with you if this had been a radio only town hall. Remember that during the town hall, Biden was wearing a suit and tie as well, even though it was supposed to be in his home where no one could see. He was trying to set an example.
Cool story. So, you agree that Pence should have been wearing a mask
No he was tested he was clean
So much hate
That’s funny coming from the #1 hater on this forum.

No one ever accused Pence of being intelligent.

Vice President Pence is a pretty smart guy, he's been able to avoid the kind of mess that Sleepy Joe is in by his rigorous adherence to the Pence Rule- which prohibits him from have relations with a woman he is not married to. As a result, no sex scandals during his entire illustrious career.
It’s great to see Republicans out there working while Democrats are staying home eating ice cream
So much hate
That’s funny coming from the #1 hater on this forum.

No one ever accused Pence of being intelligent.

Vice President Pence is a pretty smart guy, he's been able to avoid the kind of mess that Sleepy Joe is in by his rigorous adherence to the Pence Rule- which prohibits him from have relations with a woman he is not married to. As a result, no sex scandals during his entire illustrious career.
Being smart is not having a sex scandal? WTF!
So much hate
That’s funny coming from the #1 hater on this forum.

No one ever accused Pence of being intelligent.

Vice President Pence is a pretty smart guy, he's been able to avoid the kind of mess that Sleepy Joe is in by his rigorous adherence to the Pence Rule- which prohibits him from have relations with a woman he is not married to. As a result, no sex scandals during his entire illustrious career.
Being smart is not having a sex scandal? WTF!

Pence's simple rule that he developed was the key and that was a smart ideal. Had Bill Clinton stuck to that rule, he would have had fewer problems.
View attachment 329578
he is so special he is not respecting the people that are wearing a mask and that goes for the doctors and nurses and anyone working in the hospital, or anybody in the public. What a pitiful man.

I saw Sleepy Joe and Hillary on TV yesterday on a town hall event, NEITHER one was wearing a face mask. So until the D's are willing to follow the same rules they set for everyone else, who gives a shit?

So much hate
That’s funny coming from the #1 hater on this forum.

No one ever accused Pence of being intelligent.

Vice President Pence is a pretty smart guy, he's been able to avoid the kind of mess that Sleepy Joe is in by his rigorous adherence to the Pence Rule- which prohibits him from have relations with a woman he is not married to. As a result, no sex scandals during his entire illustrious career.
Ah, gender discrimination. We used to oppose that.
View attachment 329578
he is so special he is not respecting the people that are wearing a mask and that goes for the doctors and nurses and anyone working in the hospital, or anybody in the public. What a pitiful man.

I saw Sleepy Joe and Hillary on TV yesterday on a town hall event, NEITHER one was wearing a face mask. So until the D's are willing to follow the same rules they set for everyone else, who gives a shit?
It was a virtual townhall, moron

It was ON TV however, so the participants should have been setting a good example and put bags on their heads or masks. I'd agree with you if this had been a radio only town hall. Remember that during the town hall, Biden was wearing a suit and tie as well, even though it was supposed to be in his home where no one could see. He was trying to set an example.

I support Mr. Biden's decision to say out of the public eye as possible.

Here's hoping he continues that policy after he's defeated in November.
I support Joe’s decision to remain quiet as well because when someone is in the process of destroying themselves, like Trump is, let them.
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So much hate
That’s funny coming from the #1 hater on this forum.

No one ever accused Pence of being intelligent.

Vice President Pence is a pretty smart guy, he's been able to avoid the kind of mess that Sleepy Joe is in by his rigorous adherence to the Pence Rule- which prohibits him from have relations with a woman he is not married to. As a result, no sex scandals during his entire illustrious career.
Ah, gender discrimination. We used to oppose that.

Bill Clinton had engaged in gender discrimination as well during his career- he had never had any illicit affairs with dudes during his career- only broads. Yet the libs still supported him.

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