He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Illegal aliens have no constitutional rights...

Really? Illegal aliens aren't "people"?

The constitution grants rights to "citizens" and it grants right to "people" You don't have to be a citizen to enjoy the 1st amendment. But you have to be a citizen to enjoy the 2nd amendment.
Na, illegal is illegal

No matter how one got here, whether on a slave ship, or sneaking across the Rio Grande, the rights granted to "the people" are granted to everybody. While the rights granted to "the citizens" require citizenship in order to enjoy them. The USSC already recognized the right to a public educations to children whose parents or guardians are here illegally.

Of course illegals don't enjoy every constitutional right, such as they can't vote, own guns, or get elected to federal office.
They have a right to get out of the country… That's about it
Taxation without representation? Only Old Worlders, do that.

New York City reports for January are the lowest in decades. Seems some liberal sewers are safer than middle America.

...and Chicago was the highest, ever.

Most of the gun crime in this country is centered in the drug infested gang dominated ghetto areas of our large big city shitholes. All of them Democrat controlled and most of them with tough gun control laws when the state allows it.
In other words, the fantastical right wing allegation, that "more guns equals less crime", really is, just incredible.

New York City reports for January are the lowest in decades. Seems some liberal sewers are safer than middle America.

...and Chicago was the highest, ever.

Most of the gun crime in this country is centered in the drug infested gang dominated ghetto areas of our large big city shitholes. All of them Democrat controlled and most of them with tough gun control laws when the state allows it.

Actually Chicago is surrounded by very lax gun control laws. So most of the illegal guns in Chicago come in from Illinois, and the rest from almost all the other states, especially Mississippi.

Chicago has been plagued with gang violence since the roaring twenties.
Are you stupid in the head? Illegal firearms that are in the possession of criminals are in no way stopped by more frivolous laws...
10USC311 is Not frivolous.
They should check Melania's papers and deport her back to Europe. She's here sucking off the system and going for a free ride on my tax dollars. She didn't even bother to show the Japanese prime minister's wife around D.C., the lazy leach.
They should check Melania's papers and deport her back to Europe. She's here sucking off the system and going for a free ride on my tax dollars. She didn't even bother to show the Japanese prime minister's wife around D.C., the lazy leach.
Sure Pea. Melania spent more on breakfast as a model than annual food stamp take.
Illegal aliens have no constitutional rights...
this is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or the economics of equity.

It's also why GOP administrations have the highest number of people convicted of felonies in their administrations. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan had dozens upon dozens of people in their administrations convicted of felonies.

They must believe the old adage, that the president (and by extention his cabinet and administrators) can't break the law.
They should check Melania's papers and deport her back to Europe. She's here sucking off the system and going for a free ride on my tax dollars. She didn't even bother to show the Japanese prime minister's wife around D.C., the lazy leach.

Actually they should investigate whether or not she lied on her immigration papers, about the question of did she illegally work in the USA. Proof of her working on a visitors visa is "nakedly" obvious from the Paris Match photographs.
They should check Melania's papers and deport her back to Europe. She's here sucking off the system and going for a free ride on my tax dollars. She didn't even bother to show the Japanese prime minister's wife around D.C., the lazy leach.
---------------------------------------------- thanks , its good to see that YOU are annoyed Peabody !! [chuckle]
Are you stupid in the head? Illegal firearms that are in the possession of criminals are in no way stopped by more frivolous laws...

The less restrictive the gun laws, the more guns people will have, and the less caution they will take with them. Just look at all the children who get hold of their parents handgun or rifle, and end up shooting somebody. A simple requirement of having to register all the guns, and to exercise some sort of safe control of them would prevent child on child shootings.

In addition, the fewer guns, or the more preciousness people put on them, the fewer would get stolen, and then end up in the hands of criminals.
First of all in rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over = much less violent crime. Firearm registration is 100% unacceptable.
The second admendment is an absolute right.
First of all in rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over = much less violent crime. Firearm registration is 100% unacceptable.
The second admendment is an absolute right.

Not what Antonin Scalia said in Heller v DC. Scalia specifically upheld the National Firearms Act, and the Gun Control Act as reasonable laws of governments duty to protect the people. As it's illegal to cry fire in a crowded theatre, certain firearms are just too dangerous to be in the hands of ordinary citizens. And they can keep firearms out of the hands of the mental defects, felons, and aliens.
First of all in rural areas where firearms out number people many, many times over = much less violent crime. Firearm registration is 100% unacceptable.
The second admendment is an absolute right.

Not what Antonin Scalia said in Heller v DC. Scalia specifically upheld the National Firearms Act, and the Gun Control Act as reasonable laws of governments duty to protect the people. As it's illegal to cry fire in a crowded theatre, certain firearms are just too dangerous to be in the hands of ordinary citizens. And they can keep firearms out of the hands of the mental defects, felons, and aliens.
Criminal control makes much more sense... more frivolous laws will not save one single person…
Criminal control makes much more sense... more frivolous laws will not save one single person…

Works for overtime parking. Doesn't it? You don't see a single car double parked because they doubled the fines in order to crack down on it.
Criminal control makes much more sense... more frivolous laws will not save one single person…

I think a simple thing like trigger locks, what you would call a frivolous law, would save at least 100 lives annually, most of them children.

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