He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

The chances of dying from someone using an AR 15 are so tiny it does not even matter... people use hammers to kill many more people

Actually we'll never know, since the FBI doesn't collect statistics based on the model of firearm. I'll bet more people are killed by a smith and Wesson, than by a craftsman hammer. Maybe you can dig up some stats on that?

U.S. Murders: All 13,636; Hands and Feet 801; Assault Rifles: less than 348
Taking firerms away from the average citizen helps nobody…

The average citizen can't hit the broadside of a barn. The average citizen has more training learning to drive, than learning to shoot. They spend more time keeping their driving skills sharp, than their shooting skills.

There are some citizens who are quite good with firearms, but they're not the average by a long shot. The average citizen if confronted by a bad guy is more likely to have the gun taken from them and used against them, than they are stopping the bad guy.


Yeah buddies, they just lining up to work in the tomato and tobacco fields or spray toxic chemicals on the Christmas trees. And everyone wants to de-bone chickens. Hell, they are lining up outside the doors at the slaughter houses. I know for a fact a good strawberry picker can net twenty bucks plus an hour doing piece work. I doubt there is an American that could make minimum wage doing it. Don't kid yourself.
What an ignorant and immature "argument". We should violate the law and exploit people because we don't think Americans will do these jobs. Grow the fuck up already you fuck'n child.

Americans are the hardest working people in the world you nitwit (well - conservatives are anyway - Dumbocrats just mooch off of people). We put in longer hours and take less vacation than just about anybody.

Blocking traffic, dressed like thugs, flashing gang signs, waving flags of foreign nations: "Huh!? Why do you want us out of your country?!"

Waving a foreign country's flag at an anti-US-government protest should be grounds for immediate deportation to that country.
The average citizen can't hit the broadside of a barn. The average citizen has more training learning to drive, than learning to shoot. They spend more time keeping their driving skills sharp, than their shooting skills.

There are some citizens who are quite good with firearms, but they're not the average by a long shot. The average citizen if confronted by a bad guy is more likely to have the gun taken from them and used against them, than they are stopping the bad guy.
The average Dumbocrat makes up 100% of the stats they cite. The average Dumbocrat lies in 100% of the comments they make. The average Dumbocrat literally invents a false narrative out of thin air because their emotions operate far above their limited IQ.
In areas which happened to be a rural firearms outnumber people many, many times over they have the most lax gun control laws = the least amount of violent crime… Fact

In the movie with George Clooney and Nichole Kidman, about stolen nuclear warheads, she famously said, she isn't afraid of the guy who has five nuclear warheads. She's afraid of the one who only wants one.

The number of guns, once they surpass one, is meaningless. I could point to the safest drivers are the one's with dozens, or hundreds of cars, like Jay Leno. That doesn't mean a car in the hands of the average driver is just as safe.

Blocking traffic, dressed like thugs, flashing gang signs, waving flags of foreign nations: "Huh!? Why do you want us out of your country?!"

Waving a foreign country's flag at an anti-US-government protest should be grounds for immediate deportation to that country.
How dumb do you have to be to fuck with Texans?!? Those are the last people in America you want to mess with.
In areas which happened to be a rural firearms outnumber people many, many times over they have the most lax gun control laws = the least amount of violent crime… Fact

In the movie with George Clooney and Nichole Kidman, about stolen nuclear warheads, she famously said, she isn't afraid of the guy who has five nuclear warheads. She's afraid of the one who only wants one.

The number of guns, once they surpass one, is meaningless. I could point to the safest drivers are the one's with dozens, or hundreds of cars, like Jay Leno. That doesn't mean a car in the hands of the average driver is just as safe.
Frivolous laws will never solve any problem, especially when those laws are thought up by the progressive fuck.
The Subversive Traitor Organisation the ACLU has on their website published a primer to instruct Illegal Immigrants on how to deceive United States Immigration authorities, Homeland Security and other law enforcement.

They published peoples legal and constitutional rights. That's what they do. Telling somebody they have the right to remain silent, and they have the right to an attorney were established in Miranda V Arizona USSC.
Blocking traffic, dressed like thugs, flashing gang signs, waving flags of foreign nations: "Huh!? Why do you want us out of your country?!"

Waving a foreign country's flag at an anti-US-government protest should be grounds for immediate deportation to that country.

If I waved a French flag I could get a free ride to paris? Neato
Are you stupid in the head? Illegal firearms that are in the possession of criminals are in no way stopped by more frivolous laws...

The less restrictive the gun laws, the more guns people will have, and the less caution they will take with them. Just look at all the children who get hold of their parents handgun or rifle, and end up shooting somebody. A simple requirement of having to register all the guns, and to exercise some sort of safe control of them would prevent child on child shootings.

In addition, the fewer guns, or the more preciousness people put on them, the fewer would get stolen, and then end up in the hands of criminals.

You can't prevent all problems by "exercising" anything. You're supposed to drive your motor vehicle in safe manor and sober, but people drive drunk and like idiots all the time. You're not allowed to recreational narcotics, yet today, we have an overdose epidemic and thousands of Americans die every year.

Most firearms used in crime today were purchased by straw buyers--not stolen. And if you think less guns means less crime, then get huge sign made that says "WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE" hang that on your front porch, and get back to us in a couple of months and let us know how it worked out for you.
The Subversive Traitor Organisation the ACLU has on their website published a primer to instruct Illegal Immigrants on how to deceive United States Immigration authorities, Homeland Security and other law enforcement.

They published peoples legal and constitutional rights. That's what they do. Telling somebody they have the right to remain silent, and they have the right to an attorney were established in Miranda V Arizona USSC.

"They published peoples legal and constitutional rights."

Where does it say in the American Constitution that Illegal Immigrants have any Constitutional Rights? The American Constitution is for American Citizens not Foreign Nationals or Illegal Immigrants.
How dumb do you have to be to fuck with Texans?!? Those are the last people in America you want to mess with.

Actually the last people you want to mess with are the Russians and East Europeans. The Russian mafia makes our mafia look like boyscouts.
Frivolous laws will never solve any problem, especially when those laws are thought up by the progressive fuck.

You need to define frivolous. Some argue that any law which isn't effective is frivolous. Example, the traffic laws. So many people break them they're a revenue source for the government. Some cities and towns would go bankrupt without the money from traffic tickets. And bringing in so much money only proves how ineffective they are.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

This has happened every year or so. Difference is that Obama probably ordered them set free after they were arrested. And those who were deported just turned around and came right back in. The left never criticized Obama as being a bigot for claiming to have deported more illegals than ever.

We need border security so that when they are deported, they stay out. Many have committed a lot of crimes after coming here and we just don't need that shit.

I still say we should make E-Verify the law to ensure companies hire only citizens or those here legally. We need a better system of monitoring those who are here on temporary visas. We need to let them know that babies born here to illegal aliens are NOT citizens. No welfare. No tax refunds unless they are here legitimately. No amnesty. And deportation means you're out for good. Anyone caught sneaking back in after being deported should spend some time in jail before being escorted back to the border.

And speaking English must be a requirement for anyone applying for citizenship or extended stay.
Most firearms used in crime today were purchased by straw buyers--not stolen. And if you think less guns means less crime, then get huge sign made that says "WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE" hang that on your front porch, and get back to us in a couple of months and let us know how it worked out for you.

Strange you should say that. My neighbor did just that after there was a string of burglaries in the area. The sign said "This property not protected by guns. You would only steal them when we're not at home. But our pitbull(s) are on duty 24/7/365"
Where does it say in the American Constitution that Illegal Immigrants have any Constitutional Rights? The American Constitution is for American Citizens not Foreign Nationals or Illegal Immigrants.

Anywhere that a right is given to "the people" and not to "the citizens"
Frivolous laws will never solve any problem, especially when those laws are thought up by the progressive fuck.

You need to define frivolous. Some argue that any law which isn't effective is frivolous. Example, the traffic laws. So many people break them they're a revenue source for the government. Some cities and towns would go bankrupt without the money from traffic tickets. And bringing in so much money only proves how ineffective they are.
Enforce the current laws we have, there are no more needed. No one right to drive, its a privilege... The same cannot be said for firearm ownership.
And outlaw any sort of gun registration or even the mention of it...
How dumb do you have to be to fuck with Texans?!? Those are the last people in America you want to mess with.

Actually the last people you want to mess with are the Russians and East Europeans. The Russian mafia makes our mafia look like boyscouts.
We're talking about hefe in America, genius. Those Mexicans aren't blocking intersections in Russia.

By the way - we don't have a mafia anymore. We have a bunch of buffoons playing "made man" because the F.B.I. obliterated the entire organized crime underworld in the 80's and 90's. But go back to the 1920's and 1930's and our gangsters like Albert Anastasia, Al Capone, and Sam Giancana would make the Russian mafia wet themselves with just a look.
Most firearms used in crime today were purchased by straw buyers--not stolen. And if you think less guns means less crime, then get huge sign made that says "WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE" hang that on your front porch, and get back to us in a couple of months and let us know how it worked out for you.

Strange you should say that. My neighbor did just that after there was a string of burglaries in the area. The sign said "This property not protected by guns. You would only steal them when we're not at home. But our pitbull(s) are on duty 24/7/365"
Millions of people own multiple firearms in rural areas… and those same millions will/have never killed nobody.

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