He "wept with joy" when Donald Trump was elected president

I was just watching the interview with Mr. Kellyanne Conway.

He refers to himself that way.

He said when Trump was elected he "wept with joy". At Trump's election and his wife's role.


two years later,

he said he's changed his mind.

He said he saw Trump as the "lessor of two evils". He said he was wrong.

And remember, this is a guy who went after Bill Clinton for being above the law and lying about his "bj".

Are there any other Republicans who feel that way on the USMB or are they still chugging the Kool-aid?
Sadly there is still a nation wide orange koolaide shortage.
Only in your demented mind.
Just because liberalism has proven to be a failed ideology, there is no need to be insulting and rude. .... :cool:
This would be you...
He "wept with joy" when Donald Trump was elected president

I thought this was a David Duke thread.
I was just watching the interview with Mr. Kellyanne Conway.

He refers to himself that way.

He said when Trump was elected he "wept with joy". At Trump's election and his wife's role.


two years later,

he said he's changed his mind.

He said he saw Trump as the "lessor of two evils". He said he was wrong.

And remember, this is a guy who went after Bill Clinton for being above the law and lying about his "bj".

Are there any other Republicans who feel that way on the USMB or are they still chugging the Kool-aid?

"Lifelong Republican says...!!!!"
This would be you...
How could any normal functioning human being not see that our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in several decades? ... :dunno:
Normal human beings see just the opposite. It's the abnormal ones that think as you do. Plus, you've never answered any of my questions. Would you kill yourself or anyone else if he wanted you to....like someone in your family who doesn't worship hip as you do?
He attacks the military, attacks the press, attacks everyone who doesn't worship at the altar of trump and arean't as brainwashed as you, but according to you, that's the making of a great president. That's the sign of a mentally disturbed dangerous person and I know nothing anyone says to you will ever change your mind, so I'm finished with you as it seems that most on this board are too. I was warned about you and now I plan on taking heed of that warning. From now on, your posts are going to be ignored because you're simply not worth my time.
Normal human beings see just the opposite. It's the abnormal ones that think as you do. Plus, you've never answered any of my questions. Would you kill yourself or anyone else if he wanted you to....like someone in your family who doesn't worship hip as you do?
He attacks the military, attacks the press, attacks everyone who doesn't worship at the altar of trump and arean't as brainwashed as you, but according to you, that's the making of a great president. That's the sign of a mentally disturbed dangerous person and I know nothing anyone says to you will ever change your mind, so I'm finished with you as it seems that most on this board are too. I was warned about you and now I plan on taking heed of that warning. From now on, your posts are going to be ignored because you're simply not worth my time.
To answer your silly deranged question...... No, I wouldn't hurt anyone, but I would help arrest and lock up far left liberal people like you in the interest of public safety if our wonderful Pres. Trump told me to. .... :cool:
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Normal human beings see just the opposite. It's the abnormal ones that think as you do. Plus, you've never answered any of my questions. Would you kill yourself or anyone else if he wanted you to....like someone in your family who doesn't worship hip as you do?
He attacks the military, attacks the press, attacks everyone who doesn't worship at the altar of trump and arean't as brainwashed as you, but according to you, that's the making of a great president. That's the sign of a mentally disturbed dangerous person and I know nothing anyone says to you will ever change your mind, so I'm finished with you as it seems that most on this board are too. I was warned about you and now I plan on taking heed of that warning. From now on, your posts are going to be ignored because you're simply not worth my time.
To answer your silly deranged question...... No, I wouldn't hurt anyone, but I would help arrest and lock up far left liberal people like you in the interest of public safety if our wonderful Pres. Trump told me to. .... :cool:
Oh hell, that's not all you'd do you tool! He disrespects this country and fools such as yourself on a daily basis and yet you would gladly kiss his ass on the town square for all to see if he told you to. He counts on people like you because he needs the adoration you supply him. If you didn't, he would be bashing you just like he does everyone else who doesn't worship at his alter. Now he's bashing General Bill McRaven because he said he backed Hillary and Obama, when the truth is, he backed neither one and has served under both Democratic and Republican presidents. But because he dared to criticize trump, then he feels the need to attack him. This is the behavior of a bully and that's all this piece of excrement is. Real men who are confident and sure of themselves let criticism roll off their backs, and especially if they're the president of the United States. All of the rest of them have and many have had harsher criticism than what the General said, but not this child.

Here's the transcript from the interview, and it's not only embarrassing, it's completely false. But book lickers such as yourself will call it brilliant because brainwashing does that to the weak minded.

Wallace: Bill McRaven. Retired admiral. Thirty-seven years. Former head of Special Operations...
Trump: Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: Special operations...
Trump: Excuse me. Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: ...who led the operations, commanded the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden, says that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime.
Trump: Okay. He's a Hillary Clinton backer and an Obama backer. And frankly, wouldn't it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that?
Oh hell, that's not all you'd do you tool! He disrespects this country and fools such as yourself on a daily basis and yet you would gladly kiss his ass on the town square for all to see if he told you to. He counts on people like you because he needs the adoration you supply him. If you didn't, he would be bashing you just like he does everyone else who doesn't worship at his alter. Now he's bashing General Bill McRaven because he said he backed Hillary and Obama, when the truth is, he backed neither one and has served under both Democratic and Republican presidents. But because he dared to criticize trump, then he feels the need to attack him. This is the behavior of a bully and that's all this piece of excrement is. Real men who are confident and sure of themselves let criticism roll off their backs, and especially if they're the president of the United States. All of the rest of them have and many have had harsher criticism than what the General said, but not this child.

Here's the transcript from the interview, and it's not only embarrassing, it's completely false. But book lickers such as yourself will call it brilliant because brainwashing does that to the weak minded.

Wallace: Bill McRaven. Retired admiral. Thirty-seven years. Former head of Special Operations...
Trump: Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: Special operations...
Trump: Excuse me. Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: ...who led the operations, commanded the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden, says that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime.
Trump: Okay. He's a Hillary Clinton backer and an Obama backer. And frankly, wouldn't it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that?
Why do you feel the need to constantly attack a wonderful President who was democratically elected to be our ruler?

He has done more good for the country and his people than the last several presidents combined.

You should get onboard the Trump train and help MAGA!! ... :thup:
Oh hell, that's not all you'd do you tool! He disrespects this country and fools such as yourself on a daily basis and yet you would gladly kiss his ass on the town square for all to see if he told you to. He counts on people like you because he needs the adoration you supply him. If you didn't, he would be bashing you just like he does everyone else who doesn't worship at his alter. Now he's bashing General Bill McRaven because he said he backed Hillary and Obama, when the truth is, he backed neither one and has served under both Democratic and Republican presidents. But because he dared to criticize trump, then he feels the need to attack him. This is the behavior of a bully and that's all this piece of excrement is. Real men who are confident and sure of themselves let criticism roll off their backs, and especially if they're the president of the United States. All of the rest of them have and many have had harsher criticism than what the General said, but not this child.

Here's the transcript from the interview, and it's not only embarrassing, it's completely false. But book lickers such as yourself will call it brilliant because brainwashing does that to the weak minded.

Wallace: Bill McRaven. Retired admiral. Thirty-seven years. Former head of Special Operations...
Trump: Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: Special operations...
Trump: Excuse me. Hillary Clinton fan.
Wallace: ...who led the operations, commanded the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden, says that your sentiment is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime.
Trump: Okay. He's a Hillary Clinton backer and an Obama backer. And frankly, wouldn't it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that?
Why do you feel the need to constantly attack a wonderful President who was democratically elected to be our ruler?

He has done more good for the country and his people than the last several presidents combined.

You should get onboard the Trump train and help MAGA!! ... :thup:

And yet, not a single word about what he said about a General who served honorable in the military for decades. Something cowardly Cadet Bone Spurs never did. Support this coward and bull all you like but don't expect any real patriots to do it because unlike brainwashed weaklings like you, we see him for the pathetic coward he is. He couldn't even be bothered to travel 6 miles to go to the Arlington cemetery to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Once again I'll say it, he is a COWARD!
You can praise him all you want but the fact remains that he's a disgrace to this country and if you're too blind in your pathetic admiration to see it, that's your problem and not mine. For the final time, I'm done with you so please do not reply to me any longer.
And yet, not a single word about what he said about a General who served honorable in the military for decades. Something cowardly Cadet Bone Spurs never did. Support this coward and bull all you like but don't expect any real patriots to do it because unlike brainwashed weaklings like you, we see him for the pathetic coward he is. He couldn't even be bothered to travel 6 miles to go to the Arlington cemetery to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Once again I'll say it, he is a COWARD!
You can praise him all you want but the fact remains that he's a disgrace to this country and if you're too blind in your pathetic admiration to see it, that's your problem and not mine. For the final time, I'm done with you so please do not reply to me any longer.
Pres. Trump is an honorable man, and all patriotic American's should obey what he dictates for his loyal subjects to do because it's best for us. ... :cool:
And yet, not a single word about what he said about a General who served honorable in the military for decades. Something cowardly Cadet Bone Spurs never did. Support this coward and bull all you like but don't expect any real patriots to do it because unlike brainwashed weaklings like you, we see him for the pathetic coward he is. He couldn't even be bothered to travel 6 miles to go to the Arlington cemetery to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Once again I'll say it, he is a COWARD!
You can praise him all you want but the fact remains that he's a disgrace to this country and if you're too blind in your pathetic admiration to see it, that's your problem and not mine. For the final time, I'm done with you so please do not reply to me any longer.
Pres. Trump is an honorable man, and all patriotic American's should obey what he dictates for his loyal subjects to do because it's best for us. ... :cool:
Loyal subjects? For fucks's sake, he's NOT the king! JFC! Are you really that damn stupid? I think for my own sanity I'm going to have to ignore you.
Loyal subjects? For fucks's sake, he's NOT the king! JFC! Are you really that damn stupid? I think for my own sanity I'm going to have to ignore you.
I wish that we could vote to make Trump our emperor for life.

To bad he is not a much younger man. .... :cool:
Loyal subjects? For fucks's sake, he's NOT the king! JFC! Are you really that damn stupid? I think for my own sanity I'm going to have to ignore you.
I wish that we could vote to make Trump our emperor for life.

To bad he is not a much younger man. .... :cool:

Despite our differences I have to say that you really have a great sense of humor. You've made her dance to your tune and she is about to blow a fuse. Too funny.


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