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I lean

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Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

Where does a left libertarian fit into today's political spectrum? I share much of the libertarian social ideology but feel that the government should be primarily involved in preventing undue exploitation and the mitigation of misery.

Ok what the hell is a left wing liberatarian? You are liberal on social policy and economic policy, so that would make you a liberal? or did I miss something?

The difference between "left-libertarians" and "right-libertarians" is, essentially, the circumstances wherein they choose to not follow libertarian ideals - i.e. when they are willing to let their desire to control others override the libertarian ideal of live and let live.

In the US, right wing libertarians tend to diverge from libertarian ideals when it comes to civil liberties issues, especially those perceived as social mores (abortion, recreational drug use, pornography, etc ...). They are interested in controlling their neighbors when they fear they may be engaging in 'unwholesome' activities.

Left wing libertarians are more adamant in protecting an individual's right to deviate from social norms - but differ from traditional (US) libertarians in their attitude toward property rights. This can be a rather huge exception, depending on extent. If the state controls your income and sustenance, rights to self-expression and individual choice become moot.
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By 2020, Hispanic growth in Arizona and Texas will push those states over into the blue column. After that, it becomes mathematically impossible for the GOP to take the presidency.

and they will also transform the Democratic party into what THEY want it to be.....and that will mean a lot of non Latinos will leave.....so what happens then?.....
Without definitions, it's all subjective anyway, but you went into this with a preconceived outcome and liberal supporters who have lied to support you. Moonglow for instance, placed himself as a moderate, but posted this yesterday:

hey u fucking low life I am a liberal and worked myself into a wheel chair. So gfy and your dumbass ideas about liberals.

and up by his Avi it says "Liberal Warrior"......:eusa_eh:
Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

i hear ya.....its hard to avoid people like Dean and Chris.....
Or they forget their history and start to just hate and get bitter and angry and then just want lower taxes and get duped by the Pub Propaganda machine. LOL

or they become like you Frankie.....and get Duped by the Dem propaganda.....wow what a choice......bitter and angry....or incoherent lunacy....
Funny how the one who was standing here waiting for a poll at the moment the thread was posted - didn't vote.

Funny how almost none of the board liberals are voting liberal or voting at all.

Yes.. you have extremists who do not claim to be or who go as far as to try and call themselves moderates..

I know I am on the conservative side... staunchly conservative on fiscal issues and with crime and punishment... moderate on social issues.. and I don't portray myself to be otherwise... and since I am like that, I average out the parts of me that are deeply conservative and the parts that are moderate and list myself as simply "right" in leaning
Without definitions, it's all subjective anyway, but you went into this with a preconceived outcome and liberal supporters who have lied to support you. Moonglow for instance, placed himself as a moderate, but posted this yesterday:

hey u fucking low life I am a liberal and worked myself into a wheel chair. So gfy and your dumbass ideas about liberals.

LOL. That's funny. Nice catch.
Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

i hear ya.....its hard to avoid people like Dean and Chris.....

It's twice as easy today.
Funny how the one who was standing here waiting for a poll at the moment the thread was posted - didn't vote.

Funny how almost none of the board liberals are voting liberal or voting at all.

Yes.. you have extremists who do not claim to be or who go as far as to try and call themselves moderates..

I know I am on the conservative side... staunchly conservative on fiscal issues and with crime and punishment... moderate on social issues.. and I don't portray myself to be otherwise... and since I am like that, I average out the parts of me that are deeply conservative and the parts that are moderate and list myself as simply "right" in leaning

Yep. Me too. I fully embrace the conservative libertarianism of our Founders though in those days, that was liberalism. I even hold a view or two that some might define as 'liberal' now though in the way I define conservatism, I wouldn't. But again, when we have so little agreement on what is liberal and what is conservative and what is moderate in modern day America, I chose the 'none of the above' as the safest option. :)
I did a head count...
The good news is: I still have a head!

BTW, I am always right ;)
I do lean 'left' on the steering wheel if the green arrow so indicates ;)

*My sock is not a moderate as she claims. ;)

* I had to add some humor here, so sue me!

BDB- You know I 'get along' with a variety of posters on here, no matter what their political bent is. I attempt to find common ground with most everyone. Whatever someones political view is, I can find myself 'agreeing' with some of the things they have to say. If not agreeing, at least it does make me think.

There are a several+ exceptions however.

The best type of posters are the ones who, even though I don't politically agree with, are at least willing to comense a valid debate, rather then some threads that turn into insult fests. :(

I would back you? But you never sent me that bag of Starburst Jellybeans you promised last time.

Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

i hear ya.....its hard to avoid people like Dean and Chris.....

It's twice as easy today.

Meister hard left?


I think he is just illustrating some of the absurdity with absurdity. :)

Actually I commend Boop for the thread and for her willingness to accommodate all the various views here. But seriously, without defining the terms, it really is a futile exercise to get an honest head count based on ideology alone. Most especially when those we see as totally brainwashed, fundamentally tunnel visioned, wingnut extremists on either side of the line see themselves as less extreme or even moderate.
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I had to vote "None of the above", also. I am fiscally conservative yet socially liberal. I think the government should be a whole lot smaller and it should mind it's own damned business when it comes to what I smoke or who I sleep with.
I had to vote "None of the above", also. I am fiscally conservative yet socially liberal. I think the government should be a whole lot smaller and it should mind it's own damned business when it comes to what I smoke or who I sleep with.

I'm with you a hundred percent so long as you agree that if there are negative consequences for what you smoke or who you sleep with, you don't expect the rest of us to accept the responsibility for and pay to fix that.
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