Head Count

I lean

  • Total voters
Ernie also forgets that this poll is only indicative of the group that has actually participated in the poll, which doesn't seem to be everybody.

But he continues to act like he's worried about the outcome. :thup:

Nothing to worry about we have ample evidence those on the left will say anything but to skew the results.
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

I voted that way mostly because I do not believe in a one dimensional L-R political spectrum, it's useful only to pigeonhole people into simplistic political philosophies. I often call myself a liberal for the sake of simplicity but in truth it reeks of blind joining behavior. I am myself and I detest the political labels we all use out of a need for simplicity and now even the labels have different meanings depending on what label we have chosen for ourselves.

Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

I voted that way mostly because I do not believe in a one dimensional L-R political spectrum, it's useful only to pigeonhole people into simplistic political philosophies. I often call myself a liberal for the sake of simplicity but in truth it reeks of blind joining behavior. I am myself and I detest the political labels we all use out of a need for simplicity and now even the labels have different meanings depending on what label we have chosen for ourselves.

Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

Where does a left libertarian fit into today's political spectrum? I share much of the libertarian social ideology but feel that the government should be primarily involved in preventing undue exploitation and the mitigation of misery.
I voted that way mostly because I do not believe in a one dimensional L-R political spectrum, it's useful only to pigeonhole people into simplistic political philosophies. I often call myself a liberal for the sake of simplicity but in truth it reeks of blind joining behavior. I am myself and I detest the political labels we all use out of a need for simplicity and now even the labels have different meanings depending on what label we have chosen for ourselves.

Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

Where does a left libertarian fit into today's political spectrum? I share much of the libertarian social ideology but feel that the government should be primarily involved in preventing undue exploitation and the mitigation of misery.

Ok what the hell is a left wing liberatarian? You are liberal on social policy and economic policy, so that would make you a liberal? or did I miss something?
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

Who cares, there are plenty of both. Trust me I've got a feud with about 4 liberals or self proclaimed "moderates". People worry over these kinds of numbers, it does like conservatives have a whopping advantage, because most of the liberals are Obama ass kissing yes men and those are easy to make look foolish.
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

Which would make sense, Considering there are twice as Many Conservatives as Liberals in the Country as a whole.
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

Which would make sense, Considering there are twice as Many Conservatives as Liberals in the Country as a whole.

yeah, because people are liberal when young (GENERALISATION ALERT) but as they get older and experience, they figure out things and find out liberalism is shit. I have a friend connert to the light side during college, and it was through a womens studies course, All the shit me and my friends gave him didnt register, until he took that course and saw we were correct. Too bad some people dont get it, but what can you do?
Or they forget their history and start to just hate and get bitter and angry and then just want lower taxes and get duped by the Pub Propaganda machine. LOL
Well I love political labels and yea there are more than 2, but people know what they are and how to fit it in the spectrum. I'm a far right winger that is also an anti-monarchist classical liberal. I'm pretty much hands off, except on abortion and dope.

Where does a left libertarian fit into today's political spectrum? I share much of the libertarian social ideology but feel that the government should be primarily involved in preventing undue exploitation and the mitigation of misery.

Ok what the hell is a left wing liberatarian? You are liberal on social policy and economic policy, so that would make you a liberal? or did I miss something?

I will explain, the people should be allowed to individually or collectively do anything they want as long as they are not hurting others, but that there should always be negative consequences to negative outcomes such as crashing an economy or starting a useless war. All powerful men must be held accountable to the society that allows them to live in such power and abundance. This is the difference between left and right libertarians, I feel nothing gives you the freedom to con/exploit people or to ruthlessly use the earth for a pit mine/garbage dump and not clean up your mess. Sure I'm a liberal but I am not one that would ever tell you that you could not smoke a cigarette or a joint, eat a big steak or drink a big soda.
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

a BIT skewed?

RDeany, Synth, TruthMatters, BFgrn, MarcATL, Lakhota, Dragon -- were they all told to lay low? I'd say -- not conclusive at all...

Sounds like the beginning of a legend and an excuse...

Besides -- if you add up the HARDS and the VERY HARDS -- it's pretty much an even fight....
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Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

a BIT skewed?

RDeany, Synth, TruthMatters, BFgrn, MarcATL, Lakhota, Dragon -- were they all told to lay low? I'd say -- not conclusive at all...

Sounds like the beginning of a legend and an excuse...

Besides -- if you add up the HARDS and the VERY HARDS -- it's pretty much an even fight....

Buuuut you're just going to leave off all the neocons that didn't weigh in? Classic. :eusa_hand:
Even if the numbers are a bit skewed? There is no way on God's green that there are as many liberals as conservatives here - and it is not even close.

a BIT skewed?

RDeany, Synth, TruthMatters, BFgrn, MarcATL, Lakhota, Dragon -- were they all told to lay low? I'd say -- not conclusive at all...

Sounds like the beginning of a legend and an excuse...

Besides -- if you add up the HARDS and the VERY HARDS -- it's pretty much an even fight....

Buuuut you're just going to leave off all the neocons that didn't weigh in? Classic. :eusa_hand:

No - not at all.. I saw a FEW of them missing as well. Like PolitiChick. Balances out Ravi I would guess.. Remember, I'm not picking a side here in your 2 sided box. I live somewhere else in this feud.

Best I can see, what you've proven is that Conservatives and "others" get to the polls more regularly than leftists... :razz:
Please, call me Mr. Dummy.

Nick, I'm well aware of what it means. I learned it in grade school.
You happen to be mis-using the image, even in it's intended purpose.

BTW I know you're a patriot.

Now calm the fuck down already.

This country is in obvious distress, and I believe these big ass spending progressives are to blame and I'm not flipping it right side up until these tyrants are booted.... Not only that but these race baiting mothuckers on Obamas wing, such as Holder, Van Jones, Shemale Jackson etc...

They're fucking destroying our economy while pitting neighbor against neighbor..... And people wonder why I fly this flag upside down??

I agree- wholeheartedly. I just don't care to see that in your sig line.
I don't think any less of you for it.
So keep on keepin' on and being Mr. Nick. :thup:

Run away, be nothing fix nothing.....

freedom is a Virtue - liberty is a right......
I said left, but the rest of the modern world thinks I'm centrist, our moderates are right, and the dupes are batshytte crazy lol.

Mao Tse Tung is more of a "centrist" than you are. He was a great advocate of democratic centralism.

Look it up.
Where does a left libertarian fit into today's political spectrum? I share much of the libertarian social ideology but feel that the government should be primarily involved in preventing undue exploitation and the mitigation of misery.

Ok what the hell is a left wing liberatarian? You are liberal on social policy and economic policy, so that would make you a liberal? or did I miss something?

I will explain, the people should be allowed to individually or collectively do anything they want as long as they are not hurting others, but that there should always be negative consequences to negative outcomes such as crashing an economy or starting a useless war. All powerful men must be held accountable to the society that allows them to live in such power and abundance. This is the difference between left and right libertarians, I feel nothing gives you the freedom to con/exploit people or to ruthlessly use the earth for a pit mine/garbage dump and not clean up your mess. Sure I'm a liberal but I am not one that would ever tell you that you could not smoke a cigarette or a joint, eat a big steak or drink a big soda.

In other words, a left libertarian is indistinguishable from any other kind of leftist.
I did a head count...
The good news is: I still have a head!

BTW, I am always right ;)
I do lean 'left' on the steering wheel if the green arrow so indicates ;)

*My sock is not a moderate as she claims. ;)

* I had to add some humor here, so sue me!

BDB- You know I 'get along' with a variety of posters on here, no matter what their political bent is. I attempt to find common ground with most everyone. Whatever someones political view is, I can find myself 'agreeing' with some of the things they have to say. If not agreeing, at least it does make me think.

There are a several+ exceptions however.

The best type of posters are the ones who, even though I don't politically agree with, are at least willing to comense a valid debate, rather then some threads that turn into insult fests. :(
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