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Joe, you're not somewhat liberal, you're pretty much very liberal on economic issues. Hey, be proud of what you belive in. And I say this because you attack corporations and capitalism ALOT. Somewhat liberal is you like the min wage, but you dont wanna tax the corporations into bankruptcy, as an example.

Um, guy, let's set a few things straight.

What we do in the United States no other advanced democracy does. They aer all "capitalist", but they haven't turned their economies into casinos for the wealthy.

I attack corporations because I think a lot of them are out of control. They no longer understand their place in the social contract.

Only Marxists use the phrase 'in the social contract.'

So we have less rich people than during Ike's time? you want people to pay 92%? how do you think jobs are created? And who would set the salaries, because I want to set my own, can I do that? IF you dont like your job, get a better one, if you have the tools you can, if you dont, then you're probably not worth the extra money.
I mean Microsoft, made ALOT of people rich, even the secretaries and such, is it bad? And if they make good money get a job there. Heck I would if I could, but I dont have the resumee, so I'm back in school since a BS degree is just that BS.

Jobs are created because there is consumer demand. So it's acutally in our better interest to have wealth redistribution, because that creates jobs.

70% of all economic activity is consumer demand. So it is vastly better to let everyone have a little more money than a few people have most of it. Just common sense, you know.
Only Marxists use the phrase 'in the social contract.'


The Social Contract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique) (1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is the book in which Rousseau theorized about the best way in which to set up a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society which he had already identified in his Discourse on Inequality (1754).

So amazingly, this Rousseau guy came up with this Marxist phrase before Karl Marx was even born.

Amazing. really.
So we have less rich people than during Ike's time? you want people to pay 92%? how do you think jobs are created? And who would set the salaries, because I want to set my own, can I do that? IF you dont like your job, get a better one, if you have the tools you can, if you dont, then you're probably not worth the extra money.
I mean Microsoft, made ALOT of people rich, even the secretaries and such, is it bad? And if they make good money get a job there. Heck I would if I could, but I dont have the resumee, so I'm back in school since a BS degree is just that BS.

Jobs are created because there is consumer demand. So it's acutally in our better interest to have wealth redistribution, because that creates jobs.

70% of all economic activity is consumer demand. So it is vastly better to let everyone have a little more money than a few people have most of it. Just common sense, you know.

So when are you moving to Canada?
So we have less rich people than during Ike's time? you want people to pay 92%? how do you think jobs are created? And who would set the salaries, because I want to set my own, can I do that? IF you dont like your job, get a better one, if you have the tools you can, if you dont, then you're probably not worth the extra money.
I mean Microsoft, made ALOT of people rich, even the secretaries and such, is it bad? And if they make good money get a job there. Heck I would if I could, but I dont have the resumee, so I'm back in school since a BS degree is just that BS.

Jobs are created because there is consumer demand. So it's acutally in our better interest to have wealth redistribution, because that creates jobs.

70% of all economic activity is consumer demand. So it is vastly better to let everyone have a little more money than a few people have most of it. Just common sense, you know.

So when are you moving to Canada?

Sooner the better. Since he's an Anti-Semite and a Mormon hater?

I suggest IRAN.
So we have less rich people than during Ike's time? you want people to pay 92%? how do you think jobs are created? And who would set the salaries, because I want to set my own, can I do that? IF you dont like your job, get a better one, if you have the tools you can, if you dont, then you're probably not worth the extra money.
I mean Microsoft, made ALOT of people rich, even the secretaries and such, is it bad? And if they make good money get a job there. Heck I would if I could, but I dont have the resumee, so I'm back in school since a BS degree is just that BS.

Jobs are created because there is consumer demand. So it's acutally in our better interest to have wealth redistribution, because that creates jobs.

70% of all economic activity is consumer demand. So it is vastly better to let everyone have a little more money than a few people have most of it. Just common sense, you know.

So when are you moving to Canada?

Why do that when we can fix this country.

The Republicans are going to either have to get with the program or go the way of the Whigs. They're pretty much over as a party after 2020, anyway.
Sooner the better. Since he's an Anti-Semite and a Mormon hater?

I suggest IRAN.

Guy, the Arabs are Semites.

The Jews are Semites.

Not picking one side over the other is hardly being "anti-Semitic" when I don't have a dog or a God in the fight.

I've known a lot of Jews and Muslims and most of them are nice people.

This fightnig over a shitty strip of land because a Magic Invisible Man in the Sky said so is just stupid.
Jobs are created because there is consumer demand. So it's acutally in our better interest to have wealth redistribution, because that creates jobs.

70% of all economic activity is consumer demand. So it is vastly better to let everyone have a little more money than a few people have most of it. Just common sense, you know.

So when are you moving to Canada?

Why do that when we can fix this country.

The Republicans are going to either have to get with the program or go the way of the Whigs. They're pretty much over as a party after 2020, anyway.

That's what you guys said in 08, then got your asses kicked in 10

That's what you guys said about Kennedy's seat, then lost it.

That's what you guys said about the Wisconsin legislative recall, then lost.

That's what you guys said about the Walker recall, then Walker won.

That's what you nuts say all the time, you've never been right though.

Go smoke another bowl, might ease the pain of REALITY
So when are you moving to Canada?

Why do that when we can fix this country.

The Republicans are going to either have to get with the program or go the way of the Whigs. They're pretty much over as a party after 2020, anyway.

That's what you guys said in 08, then got your asses kicked in 10

That's what you guys said about Kennedy's seat, then lost it.

That's what you guys said about the Wisconsin legislative recall, then lost.

That's what you guys said about the Walker recall, then Walker won.

That's what you nuts say all the time, you've never been right though.

Go smoke another bowl, might ease the pain of REALITY

Uh, guy, I'm not sure if anyone said anything of the sort. Everyone knew that after two successful cycles in 2006 and 2008, the Republicans were going to push back in 2010. The system is self-correcting in that way.

Long term, though, unless the GOP changes a lot of things, they are going to go the way of the Whigs.

By 2020, Hispanic growth in Arizona and Texas will push those states over into the blue column. After that, it becomes mathematically impossible for the GOP to take the presidency.
95% of you motherfuckers don't know the difference between left and right....

Sez the man with the upside down flag...

Do you not know the Meaning of Displaying the Flag Upside down? It's not meant as an Act of Disrespect. It has long been used as a signal of Distress. So in this Context Displaying the Flag Upside down is like saying the Country is in Distress. Pretty damn accurate if you ask me.
Charles_Main is correct. Flying the flag upside down is a sign of distress and is not a sign of disrespect.
I'm worrying more than I should about whether I'm "moderate" or "right".

Thanks Boop!

Based on your posting history my guess would be moderate.

Yeah, I kinda wish I had said "moderate" ... but then I remember the delight I get in calling Obama the Prevaricator-in-Chief etc. and figure "right" may still be more right than wrong.

I used to think I was a rightwing extremist until I started posting on the boards. Now I see how extreme I'm not but I still feel a sense of solidarity with my rightwing brethren when I think about Napolitano calling churchgoers and homeschoolers and pro-lifers and veterans potential terrorists.

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I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

Well, very simple.

I'm not.

I think that the liberal notion of government dependence is an awful idea.

But as I've stated many times, the government dependence and European Socialism you guys think is hiding in your closet is the end result of the economic policies you support.

My ideal world is that every able bodied person work a job with a renumerative salary, and get the satisfaction of working for his keep in the world. This is something conservatives used to truly believe in.

Then they went to bed next to a bag full of money, and suddenly, they are about making their plutocratic masters richer. Bust up that union, sign that free trade treaty that moves the good paying job overseas. because the rich are worthy of our worship and we wouldn't want them to pay their fair share of feel any sense of social obligation. Ever.
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

Gracious you are cranky on my behalf! I posted a poll, did I say something that leads you to believe I phrased it badly?!
Without definitions, it's all subjective anyway, but you went into this with a preconceived outcome and liberal supporters who have lied to support you. Moonglow for instance, placed himself as a moderate, but posted this yesterday:

hey u fucking low life I am a liberal and worked myself into a wheel chair. So gfy and your dumbass ideas about liberals.
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

Well, very simple.

I'm not.

I think that the liberal notion of government dependence is an awful idea.

But as I've stated many times, the government dependence and European Socialism you guys think is hiding in your closet is the end result of the economic policies you support.

My ideal world is that every able bodied person work a job with a renumerative salary, and get the satisfaction of working for his keep in the world. This is something conservatives used to truly believe in.

Then they went to bed next to a bag full of money, and suddenly, they are about making their plutocratic masters richer. Bust up that union, sign that free trade treaty that moves the good paying job overseas. because the rich are worthy of our worship and we wouldn't want them to pay their fair share of feel any sense of social obligation. Ever.

Ok Joe, so when did conservatives stop believing in that notion?
Ernie also forgets that this poll is only indicative of the group that has actually participated in the poll, which doesn't seem to be everybody.

But he continues to act like he's worried about the outcome. :thup:
I have to note that JoeB131, occupied and Plasmaball have all placed themselves in the none of the above column. Can you folks explain why you all don't consider yourselves Liberals? Or is it only so Boop ends up with her desired result?

I voted that way mostly because I do not believe in a one dimensional L-R political spectrum, it's useful only to pigeonhole people into simplistic political philosophies. I often call myself a liberal for the sake of simplicity but in truth it reeks of blind joining behavior. I am myself and I detest the political labels we all use out of a need for simplicity and now even the labels have different meanings depending on what label we have chosen for ourselves.

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