Head of Romani Nation - Indian Diaspora


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
He is actually a "real indian" not roma, his name is Mr Veerendra Rishi head of Roma Indian Diaspora, whose father implemented Indian Chakra in to the Romani flag in 1971 founded First World Roma Congress and International Romani Union.

The old man, the younger taller with flatcap man is Michael Daduc a Slovakian Roma located in Great Britain

I think Rishi the old man can pass without problems as Roma. I dont see a difference between the two men.


It’s important to say, that on upcoming 8 April we will mark our national day. It’s disrespectful from Non Profit organisations to claim ,,international “ Roma day. We are one Nation, with one race for which we have paid huge price during WWII and with one language rooted to Hindi. We are the Romani nation. - Michael Daduc The Roma Nation Movement

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