Head Transplants - Neurosurgeon thinks he can do this.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2015
The surgeon stated his case to his peers, and he has a volunteer who dying of something incurable. He wants Bill Gates to donate millions of dollars to this research. His peers would rather he focus on spinal injuries.
I just can't imagine the logistics that will be involved in this sort of surgery. Wouldn't the donor need to be alive? The brain would need to function, so brain dead donors would not work.
The worst thing would be (to me) leaving home looking like Charlie, and coming back looking like George, with George's memories rather than Charlie's.
Most of the article I read was centered around properly attaching the head so that the body would work. Nothing was said about intelligence levels, spiritual base, mental health issues.
What would the benefit be?
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Research Robert White. He was a true monster who tried head transplants on dogs and primates.

If there is a god, White is burning in hell.

BTW, a vivisector from Victorian times, if I remember right, he name was Claude Bernard, flunked out of med school so decided he would just up and become a "researcher". He would nail dogs to wooden boards and slice and dice without any anesthesia. He kept his victims in his basement and eventually went mad, having hallucinations that the poor dogs he had tortured were coming upstairs to get a little pay back. He also tortured horses and somewhere on line I found a description and the old original drawings of how the conscious and anesthetized horses were tied securely into stanchions so they could be cut up and couldn't move.

In modern times, Christian Barnard of heart transplant fame, did not anesthetize his baboons before cutting out their hearts. Even today, many animals are wide awake while tortured in the name of "science". And all have their vocal cords cut or removed because of course, the learned "scientists" wouldn't want to be bothered by what they refer to as "vocalizations.

Descartes said that animals did not feel pain but were like machines that needed to be greased.

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