Health insurance and pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable for breaking laws, and for lobbying for a healthcare system that exists to..

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Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Hereā€™s a naked and sometimes uncomfortable truth about every single candidate emailing you for $5 to help them get elected: they want power.

Iā€™m not excluded from that statement. But what we should ask every single candidate, every day, is what they will do with that power.

Prior to Trump being elected, I never considered running for office. I didnā€™t work my way up to Congress or serve in student government. I was a law professor and consumer protection advocate who studied and saw how big corporations were cheating the rest of us. When I first ran for office in 2018, I was (and still am!) a single mom of three school age kids who drives a minivan.

Now, Iā€™m running for the U.S. Senate because I want the power to go after the corrupt special interests that are making it difficult for families to get ahead. Oil companies need to be held accountable for their messes. Health insurance and pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable for breaking laws, and for lobbying for a healthcare system that exists to serve their bottom lines. And corporations and the ultra-wealthy need to be held accountable when they cheat on their taxes.

Our current system is not good enough, and itā€™s not going to be ā€œgood enoughā€ to just go back to the way things were before Donald Trump. Iā€™ve never taken a dime from corporate PACs and I donā€™t take money from federal lobbyistsā€”you can always count on me to fight for working people and shake up the status quo.

My mentor and former law professor Elizabeth Warren taught me that nobody gets elected alone. Itā€™s true! I canā€™t do this without you.

K Porter
The way things were before Trump are largely the way they are after Trump.

Now where is your link to whoever it is you are quoting?
The healthcare system has been deregulated thus inflation is the order of the day. Deregulation has allowed the insurance industry to offer insufficient coverage plus deductibles and copays. 50% of bankruptcies are related to healthcare no matter that these victims had health insurance.

Bring on Health Insurance for all = best bang or the tax buck = never without coverage even if one relocates, gets old, becomes unemployed and no more bankruptcies related to healthcare.

NO IT"S NOT FREE nevertheless WE then have more expendable income to spend ourown way.
The healthcare system has been deregulated thus inflation is the order of the day. Deregulation has allowed the insurance industry to offer insufficient coverage plus deductibles and copays. 50% of bankruptcies are related to healthcare no matter that these victims had health insurance.

Bring on Health Insurance for all = best bang or the tax buck = never without coverage even if one relocates, gets old, becomes unemployed and no more bankruptcies related to healthcare.

NO IT"S NOT FREE nevertheless WE then have more expendable income to spend ourown way.

It still has to be paid for but that aside, I agree.
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