Health Marketing


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
the thing i wanna know is...
if everyone is America is too fat , then why is everyone "lacking on vitamins"?

" see, you're over nutrition-ated, ...but you're not getting THE RIGHT KIND of nutrition!"

it doesn't work that way.
cultures have been surviving on limited diets since the beginning of time.
you either have sufficient nutrition or you don't
whatever negative effects are caused by a limited diet are minimal.
as a matter of fact, people cause most of their own health problems by eating too much.

for someone who doesn't work in sales ,i've been to a lot of sales classes, and i know that the biggest lesson in getting people to buy your product , is to create a NEED for it, you tell people whatever BS you need to , to make people think they can't live without it.

who created a better need for products than the "health experts" and the government?

back in the old days, everyone wanted Iceberg lettuce.
if you didn't sell Iceberg lettuce, you weren't going to sell lettuce, you may as well not even put that other crap on the shelf.

what happened?

well the "health experts" came out and said Iceberg lettuce has "no nutritional value" , and the selling agent, the media, made it well known.

now everyone puts weeds and other crap in their salad.
they probably had the other kinds of lettuce frozen since 1924 because they didn't know what to do with it.

"what the hell am i going to do with all this broccoli?"
"well , don't you know? that's the WONDER VEG!"

people think the days of crooks selling magic tonic are long gone.
it's not gone, its just gone national.

i was watching Shark Tank and one of the billionaires said on national TV the vitamin industry is a sham.
what ever they put of those pills, you pee out.

i used to listen to Dr. Drew on the radio.
he said "the temptation for a doctor to endorse a product is always there. It's always tempting to pay off your pool"

on the subject of taking potassium supplement, Dr. Drew also said , "If you were to actually change the potassium level in your body by a fraction of a percent, you would cause yourself all kinds of defects and other health issues."

the government wants to regulate energy drinks and vitamin supplements.
why? is it because they are worried about people's health?
NO! it's because these businesses are so large the government feels it needs a larger cut of the profits.
by regulation these industries, the government decides who can become rich by selling magic beans, and who can not.
....that's what our government is good for.
It is true that most of the vitamins people take are not readily absorbed and end up passing right through the system. The only supplement I take is fish oil which is easily absorbed by the body. Everything else I try to get by eating a varied and nutritious diet.

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