Healthcare Projected To Cost Near $50 Trillion Over Next Ten Years

And if people refuse to pay the cost goes up.
No. They get no services.

But, doctor gets no patients.

Have you ever negotiated a single time in your entire life?


They already had the surgery and now won’t pay. So the surgeon charges those who will pay more to make up for it.

That's not entirely true.

Sometimes the hospital will eat the cost, and write it off as a tax deduction.

But usually the sell it to a debt collect to recoup the cost.

And other times, the people eventually pay. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got this nifty thing called "a bill". Then I paid the bill. I paid $50 to $100 a month over 3 years, and paid it all.

But this line of reasoning is always baffling to me.

You are complaining because some people who refuse to pay the bill, end up causing the hospital to charge everyone else more money.
That is the essenses of your complain.

How is that worse than national health care, where now absolutely NO ONE pays the their own bill, and the entire cost is poured out on the tax payers?

Why do you think that in every country with government-health care, that the middle class pays 50% in taxes? They are paying for everyone who doesn't pay their bill.

So which is worse, you paying your own health insurance premiums? Or 50% in taxes?

You really think people are paying $25,000 a year in health insurance premiums? I don't think so. Average health insurance premiums yearly, is just about $3,000 a year.

5% of the median wage is $2,500. Sanders dishonestly proposed a 6% tax increase on the middle class. That wouldn't cover it.

One of the big universal care groups proposed an estimated 12% tax to cover universal health care in the US.
That would be $6,000 a year in taxes, which is double what health insurance currently costs.

But in reality, that wouldn't be enough to cover it either. Again, we know this from Europe. 5-year-survival rates are lower in Europe, and yet they have much higher taxes to cover health care expenses than we do.

That is the reality.
Every single payer system I have seen is much lower cost than ours.

No, it isn't. You obviously are not seeing their taxes. Look at France.


Go tell those people, they should be happy with their higher taxes, and lower living standards... because according to you, it's cheaper.
Trump is offering NOTHING.
What about the rest of the Republitards for the last 8 motherfucking years?

They need to be honest with the American people.

"We cannot have a single payer system because all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have been sucking at the tit of our mammoth defense spending, and we cannot afford it unless those countries pay us for our protection.

"You can have single payer when these countries pay for our defense systems that you have been funding for the last 70 years."

Then, we go to war.


Well that's a fact. If they had put that money into defense, which is what would be required if the US wasn't there.... then they obviously would not be able to afford the health care system they have.

What aspect of that correct statement, do you not understand?

'Tis true. All the things that these other countries like to congratulate themselves on their "superiority" for exist only because they have attached themselves like remora fish to the United States.

You have it backwards. America is the wealthiest country in the world because American mega corporations have been allowed to expand world wide into markets protected by the American military, are shipping the wealth of other nations back to the USA. How many billions of dollars have American corporations repatriated over the past year? Hundreds of billions of dollars earned in foreign countries.

Without the protection the American military, keeping overseas markets protects from communist aggression in Europe and Asia, there would be no markets for Coke, McDonald's, Walmart, and Standard Oil to exploit. The USA is in the Middle East to protect cheap oil, and American owned refineries located there. Every time you hear that the US military is protecting "American Interests", that should be read as American owned businesses located in those countries, and markets that are essential to American corporate success. But those who benefit most - the multi-national corporations and their shareholders, aren't paying for the protection provided by the American military. You the taxpayers are footing that bill too.

Nobody forced the United States to keep troops stationed in Europe to protect against the communist threat. AMERICANS wanted to keep communism from expanding outside of the Iron Curtain in the West, and the Chinese sphere of influence in the East. Americans wanted to protect these markets for American goods and services, because American corporations were being shut of out Iron Curtain countries, as well as communist Chinese countries.

Now Trump is trying to claim that those of us who refuse to spend out nations' treasure on the military are somehow taking advantage of the USA. Of course Trump is pedalling these fictions to you, and like the fools you are, you're lapping it up with a fork and spoon. It's not YOUR fault that YOUR country spends more on their military than the next 10 countries combined, 9 of which are your allies. It's the fault of countries like Norway, Findland, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and New Zealand, who haven't been attacked for foreign powers in centuries have no need to defend themselves against foreign adversaries.
And if people refuse to pay the cost goes up.
No. They get no services.

But, doctor gets no patients.

Have you ever negotiated a single time in your entire life?


They already had the surgery and now won’t pay. So the surgeon charges those who will pay more to make up for it.

That's not entirely true.

Sometimes the hospital will eat the cost, and write it off as a tax deduction.

But usually the sell it to a debt collect to recoup the cost.

And other times, the people eventually pay. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got this nifty thing called "a bill". Then I paid the bill. I paid $50 to $100 a month over 3 years, and paid it all.

But this line of reasoning is always baffling to me.

You are complaining because some people who refuse to pay the bill, end up causing the hospital to charge everyone else more money.
That is the essenses of your complain.

How is that worse than national health care, where now absolutely NO ONE pays the their own bill, and the entire cost is poured out on the tax payers?

Why do you think that in every country with government-health care, that the middle class pays 50% in taxes? They are paying for everyone who doesn't pay their bill.

So which is worse, you paying your own health insurance premiums? Or 50% in taxes?

You really think people are paying $25,000 a year in health insurance premiums? I don't think so. Average health insurance premiums yearly, is just about $3,000 a year.

5% of the median wage is $2,500. Sanders dishonestly proposed a 6% tax increase on the middle class. That wouldn't cover it.

One of the big universal care groups proposed an estimated 12% tax to cover universal health care in the US.
That would be $6,000 a year in taxes, which is double what health insurance currently costs.

But in reality, that wouldn't be enough to cover it either. Again, we know this from Europe. 5-year-survival rates are lower in Europe, and yet they have much higher taxes to cover health care expenses than we do.

That is the reality.
Every single payer system I have seen is much lower cost than ours.

No, it isn't. You obviously are not seeing their taxes. Look at France.


Go tell those people, they should be happy with their higher taxes, and lower living standards... because according to you, it's cheaper.

Kind of looks like scenes of protest in America:

And if people refuse to pay the cost goes up.
No. They get no services.

But, doctor gets no patients.

Have you ever negotiated a single time in your entire life?


They already had the surgery and now won’t pay. So the surgeon charges those who will pay more to make up for it.

That's not entirely true.

Sometimes the hospital will eat the cost, and write it off as a tax deduction.

But usually the sell it to a debt collect to recoup the cost.

And other times, the people eventually pay. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got this nifty thing called "a bill". Then I paid the bill. I paid $50 to $100 a month over 3 years, and paid it all.

But this line of reasoning is always baffling to me.

You are complaining because some people who refuse to pay the bill, end up causing the hospital to charge everyone else more money.
That is the essenses of your complain.

How is that worse than national health care, where now absolutely NO ONE pays the their own bill, and the entire cost is poured out on the tax payers?

Why do you think that in every country with government-health care, that the middle class pays 50% in taxes? They are paying for everyone who doesn't pay their bill.

So which is worse, you paying your own health insurance premiums? Or 50% in taxes?

You really think people are paying $25,000 a year in health insurance premiums? I don't think so. Average health insurance premiums yearly, is just about $3,000 a year.

5% of the median wage is $2,500. Sanders dishonestly proposed a 6% tax increase on the middle class. That wouldn't cover it.

One of the big universal care groups proposed an estimated 12% tax to cover universal health care in the US.
That would be $6,000 a year in taxes, which is double what health insurance currently costs.

But in reality, that wouldn't be enough to cover it either. Again, we know this from Europe. 5-year-survival rates are lower in Europe, and yet they have much higher taxes to cover health care expenses than we do.

That is the reality.
Every single payer system I have seen is much lower cost than ours.

So I just gave you the math, and clearly the math... not your opinion.... but math suggests that it will be expensive.

There is no evidence of a single country anywhere on this planet, that had a reduction in health care costs, from moving to a socialized system.

There is plenty of evidence that they reduce the quality of care, to reduce cost. If you are ok with having a lower chance of survival, there are plenty of free-clinics in the US, to choose from. Or you can disappear from a VA waiting list, if you like. That always saves costs.

18 Veterans Died on Secret VA Waiting List

But hey... the VA is cheaper care, yes? That's the goal.
There are lots of countries with lower costs and higher ranked care than us.
And if people refuse to pay the cost goes up.
No. They get no services.

But, doctor gets no patients.

Have you ever negotiated a single time in your entire life?


They already had the surgery and now won’t pay. So the surgeon charges those who will pay more to make up for it.

That's not entirely true.

Sometimes the hospital will eat the cost, and write it off as a tax deduction.

But usually the sell it to a debt collect to recoup the cost.

And other times, the people eventually pay. I went to the hospital without insurance, and I got this nifty thing called "a bill". Then I paid the bill. I paid $50 to $100 a month over 3 years, and paid it all.

But this line of reasoning is always baffling to me.

You are complaining because some people who refuse to pay the bill, end up causing the hospital to charge everyone else more money.
That is the essenses of your complain.

How is that worse than national health care, where now absolutely NO ONE pays the their own bill, and the entire cost is poured out on the tax payers?

Why do you think that in every country with government-health care, that the middle class pays 50% in taxes? They are paying for everyone who doesn't pay their bill.

So which is worse, you paying your own health insurance premiums? Or 50% in taxes?

You really think people are paying $25,000 a year in health insurance premiums? I don't think so. Average health insurance premiums yearly, is just about $3,000 a year.

5% of the median wage is $2,500. Sanders dishonestly proposed a 6% tax increase on the middle class. That wouldn't cover it.

One of the big universal care groups proposed an estimated 12% tax to cover universal health care in the US.
That would be $6,000 a year in taxes, which is double what health insurance currently costs.

But in reality, that wouldn't be enough to cover it either. Again, we know this from Europe. 5-year-survival rates are lower in Europe, and yet they have much higher taxes to cover health care expenses than we do.

That is the reality.
Every single payer system I have seen is much lower cost than ours.

LOL, why do you think this is? (psst, you'll have to do some thinking here)
It’s crazy how much is spent on healthcare but good to understand as it is a much needed service. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the cost estimations for Medicare for all an additional 35 trillion over 10 years on top of current costs?
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.
2 month long wait for heart surgery, here we come!
Hope you dilapidated old fucks can survive!


Fuck off.
"should be"

How long will I have to wait for surgery?
The length of time you'll have to wait to have a coronary artery bypass graft will vary from area to area.

Your GP or cardiac surgeon should be able to tell you what the waiting lists are like in your area or at the hospital you have chosen.

Ideally, you should be treated within 3 months of the decision to operate."

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
I've countered your every claim actually. Nice try though.
You have countered jack shit.

See how easy that is?

You are good at lying. But the facts remain. There are lots of single payer systems out there with lower costs than ours and ranked better. You have nothing backing your silly claims.
Then, why do you live here?

Was born here. And we will be changing soon since there seems to be no other option.
I've countered your every claim actually. Nice try though.
You have countered jack shit.

See how easy that is?

You are good at lying. But the facts remain. There are lots of single payer systems out there with lower costs than ours and ranked better. You have nothing backing your silly claims.
Then, why do you live here?

Was born here. And we will be changing soon since there seems to be no other option.

Trump is offering NOTHING.
What about the rest of the Republitards for the last 8 motherfucking years?

They need to be honest with the American people.

"We cannot have a single payer system because all of Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan have been sucking at the tit of our mammoth defense spending, and we cannot afford it unless those countries pay us for our protection.

"You can have single payer when these countries pay for our defense systems that you have been funding for the last 70 years."

Then, we go to war.


Well that's a fact. If they had put that money into defense, which is what would be required if the US wasn't there.... then they obviously would not be able to afford the health care system they have.

What aspect of that correct statement, do you not understand?

'Tis true. All the things that these other countries like to congratulate themselves on their "superiority" for exist only because they have attached themselves like remora fish to the United States.

You have it backwards. America is the wealthiest country in the world because American mega corporations have been allowed to expand world wide into markets protected by the American military, are shipping the wealth of other nations back to the USA. How many billions of dollars have American corporations repatriated over the past year? Hundreds of billions of dollars earned in foreign countries.

Without the protection the American military, keeping overseas markets protects from communist aggression in Europe and Asia, there would be no markets for Coke, McDonald's, Walmart, and Standard Oil to exploit. The USA is in the Middle East to protect cheap oil, and American owned refineries located there. Every time you hear that the US military is protecting "American Interests", that should be read as American owned businesses located in those countries, and markets that are essential to American corporate success. But those who benefit most - the multi-national corporations and their shareholders, aren't paying for the protection provided by the American military. You the taxpayers are footing that bill too.

Nobody forced the United States to keep troops stationed in Europe to protect against the communist threat. AMERICANS wanted to keep communism from expanding outside of the Iron Curtain in the West, and the Chinese sphere of influence in the East. Americans wanted to protect these markets for American goods and services, because American corporations were being shut of out Iron Curtain countries, as well as communist Chinese countries.

Now Trump is trying to claim that those of us who refuse to spend out nations' treasure on the military are somehow taking advantage of the USA. Of course Trump is pedalling these fictions to you, and like the fools you are, you're lapping it up with a fork and spoon. It's not YOUR fault that YOUR country spends more on their military than the next 10 countries combined, 9 of which are your allies. It's the fault of countries like Norway, Findland, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and New Zealand, who haven't been attacked for foreign powers in centuries have no need to defend themselves against foreign adversaries.

Gosh, I glad you spewed a long screed at me, filled with buzzwords, to "correct" me on how ACTUALLY the US pays for its military primarily for its own use.

Too bad for you that no one suggested otherwise.

Also, no one suggested that anyone FORCES us to protect your lazy, useless ass and those of your countrymen. To the contrary, I firmly believe that we do it out of the goodness of our own charitable hearts.

That doesn't change the fact that that your nebbishy, second-tier pack of nobodies benefits tremendously from proximity to the US in a variety of ways - not just military protection - and rather than acknowledging it, self-aggrandizing, ungrateful asshats like you want to come in here and lord it over us how "superior" your fucking country is over ours for not spending money on the things that WE PAY FOR ON YOUR BEHALF.

It's as if some fatass welfare queen with four kids by four different fathers came sashaying into my house and started trying to give me advice on how to manage my money better, because SHE doesn't have any trouble paying for what she wants WITH MY TAX DOLLARS.
Govt getting in healthcare caused a sky rocket in cost. Just like everything else the govt touches.
Why cant we get govt out of healthcare completely? Cash prices are cheap and would only get cheaper.
Orrr we could pass an amendment so the govt actually has the power for medicare for all.
I dont see either happening. You rubes love the govt abusing its power.
Cash only healthcare. Wow, you are soooooooooooo smart. I guess for have $250k for that heart surgery.

First off, without government health care, the cost of a heart surgery will be much cheaper.

Second, I would much rather have a $250,000 bill, than be dead because I was put on a waiting list like gov-care countries.

Third, before left-wingers screwed up our insurance, I had a $67 a month catastrophic insurance police, that easily covered a $250K heart surgery.

You keep looking at the prices of surgery here, as if these prices are cash prices. They are not.

The prices you are looking at today, are the prices caused by left-wing government regulation and interference in the market.

The dumbest of idiots, looks at a sickness caused by ingesting poison into their system, and thinks the solution is more poison.

Similarly, the dumbest of left-wingers looks at how screwed up the health care market is, because of left-wing ideology, and things the solution is even more left-wing ideology.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has. Never will.

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